View Full Version : Question on first round fired from my P380.

11-17-2011, 10:09 PM
I went out to the range today and fired 50 more rounds through my P380. All went well except for one stovepipe. I was shooting monarch ammo and it may just be that the ammo was weak. I do have a question on the first round fired though. With one in the chamber and a full mag, the gun always shoots low on the first round. This happens when aiming or not. Again this is only on the first shot fired. I can be aiming for the bulls eye and shoot way off but all of the following rounds are right on target.

I also tried this on a quick draw from my holster at 7 yards firing a double tap. The first round never hit the paper but the second one would. What do you guys thing the problem is?

11-17-2011, 10:54 PM
First round is a blank?

11-18-2011, 06:49 AM
First round is a blank?


11-18-2011, 07:59 AM
First round is a blank?


11-18-2011, 10:15 AM
"First round fliers" are a known phenomenon in some (individual) auto loading weapons. You also see it some in bolt action rifles. With the bolt guns, it's usually attributed to a cold or oily barrel. With semiautos, the thought is that besides the cold/oily barrel thing, how the first round is chambered causes the difference.
Try different ammo.
A new gun that does it, might cease to or do it less wildly as it breaks in.
If it shoots consistently to the same spot with the first round, compensate/use Kentucky windage for that shot.
Something that works with rimfires (haven't needed to try it on a centerfire) is to chamber the first round from a closed bolt. That is, insert the magazine with the bolt closed (slide forward), then work the bolt/slide to chamber the round. This might be difficult to do using a full magazine in the P380, but should work from a downloaded one.

11-18-2011, 11:10 AM
I haven't notices any first round difference with my p380 - Especially anything big. Mine (with me shooting it) will group about 2" to the left (all shots 10 yds) but I'm too lazy to adjust the sights for so small a distance. My groups run about 6" at 10yds but most of that is me double tapping rather than being careful. If I try hard I can keep all rounds on a shilouette at 25 yards but I'm shooting so slow and deliberately to do this that it would be useless in the real workld use of a pocket pistol.

11-18-2011, 12:52 PM
Is there a difference between first round full mag with one in chamber, and first round of a full mag without first loading one in the chamber? I would think you should go the 200 round break-in as Kahr suggests, then try it again. Also, be sure to read the stickys on prep and lube. Will make a world of difference in performance.