View Full Version : Impluse buying

11-17-2011, 09:09 PM
Was out and about yesterday andwent to a lgs. to look around. They had a lot of stuff. Nothing reached out and touched me. So I bought some 9mm snap caps and gold dots. Left there and was heading home. On the way home I go past another smaller lgs. that is mostly geared toward western and black powder type stuff. Thought wth I'll stop in and look around. They had some interesting things to look at and I spotted a S&W model 13. 3'' barrel. I started to leave and stopped and went back and asked to see the S&W. Found out they were guns used by probation officers. They got some in on consignment. Any way I brought it home with me. Gave $225.00 for it.
Had it setting on the kitchen island when the wife got home from work. She picked it up and looked it over and said. Did you buy this for me? Now I guess if I want one I'll have to go back and get another. :2rolleyes:

11-17-2011, 09:13 PM
Don't ya just hate it when that happens.

11-17-2011, 09:54 PM
Man!!! Your wife is devious. What a great way of taking away any quilt about buying one gun and then going back out for another. Can she call my wife?;)

11-18-2011, 12:11 AM
Thats not a bad price at all, I'd pick up 2 at that price, and be thankful I had a wife that was interested in self defense. I fear for my ex, she lives in a land of fairies and unicorns where nothing can harm her. I dread the day she gets her eyes opened. When we seperated I left her a 20 guage youth model and a .22 semi auto pistol. I took em back when I had to spend a half hour digging them out of where she had placed them, no way she could have got to them in time to do any good if she needed them. She thinks my BB gun is all the weapon she'll ever need. I guess I should take part of the blame for not insisting on her going to the range with me. She always had something she'd rather do than go shooting. I did leave her a .22 rifle in the gun rack but I doubt she'd ever use it. I guess I should follow my own advice I gave to rainman and set up some bb gun games to play with her and get her interested in shooting, then move up to .22 at some point, then possibly a 38 revolver. Oh well, not really my concern now, except my daughters still live with her.

11-18-2011, 04:13 AM
Sounds like my experience with my M&P 9C. Picked one up to compliment my 40C. It's now the wife's EDC.

11-18-2011, 06:37 AM
Something similar happened to me. I was looking for a CCW for the wife and was beginning to get frustrated because she didn't like anything I was showing her. She then said.... "can I check out your Ruger SP101?" I said that gun is too heavy, you will not like it. She picked it up and said... "This is the one!" I took her to the range and she sarted hitting the bullseye doing "point and shoot" drills at 7 yards. I have never been able to do that. I lost that gun for many years until I recently got smart and bought another one.

It was bad enough that she took my gun but then to outshoot me with it....??? aaarrrgggghhh.. :eek:

11-18-2011, 11:07 AM
I went to a lgs to pick up another $279.00 Ruger LCP to replace one I traded for something else but he said sorry we already sold it but take a look at this and put a slightly used but perfect DLC PM40 with night sights on the counter and said how about this one for $350.00 out the door...I said I'll be going to the ATM now and thats how my baby came home to live with me...

11-18-2011, 11:10 AM
You scored a major coup on that PM40. That's borderline a gift.

11-18-2011, 12:31 PM

11-18-2011, 12:33 PM

11-18-2011, 12:36 PM
Thought I'd put up a couple of pics. so you'd know it really happened.
I called the shop today to see if any were left. The guy said they were all gone. Sold 8 yesterday.

11-18-2011, 01:16 PM
My last gun S&W 640-1 was a total impulse buy.
I wanted one for a long time but gave up on finding one for a good price.
And snatched up the next thing that caught my eye (An EXO G27/40 Glock
for $649). Seemed like a better SD gun anyway. And the Fail Zero finish
intrigued me. Plus I have never owned a Glock. And then when I saw a
video of the gun with optic orange Ameriglo I-Dot Pro sights, I lost it and went on a mission.

I already have a J-frame too (342 ti).
So getting a second just didn't make sense.
I usually try to get something different, bigger/smaller/lighter...
to fill some gap in my collection.

But at a gun show recently there she was.
That shinny perfect 640-1 calling my name.
I've come to terms with just having something because I want it.
And I wanted it.

So I have it!
Woo Hoo!

11-18-2011, 01:20 PM
Also that sounds like a great price for a classic.
I'd think about grabbing a second.
Maybe throwing some sort of finish on it... LOL!