View Full Version : P45 and PM45 ?'s

11-19-2011, 02:15 PM
Considering getting one but I have a few ?s before I can really decide
& I hope there are some people here with both the P45 and PM45

1) Is the PM45 too big for pocket carry in jeans (I suspect it is but it never hurts to ask)

2) Why would you get one over the other?

I was really thinking about getting the PM45 but I think its too big to carry in jeans (sure probably
fine for dress pants, cargo etc)

So, if the PM is too big for jeans pockets can anyone give me a reason to get the PM over the P?

This is being bought for a backup gun and off duty carry. I am not buying this as a range toy
so a little extra recoil etc is not going to scare me away.

I look forward to everyones help and opinions

11-19-2011, 02:21 PM
don't own either but my 2 cents. Both are to big for pocket carry BUT the PM will do betteri n ones pocket than the P, but again, IMO not a pocket gun. SO if it is waist band carry why not go with the P series. One more round, a few ounces heavier, certainly should be a nicer gun to handle. BUT if ur looking for a comfortable pocket gun, drop down to the PM9 and u will love it. lighter, smaller, and as a back up gun--why not. it would be very easily pocketable, or ankle carry..

Bill K
11-19-2011, 02:29 PM
The shorter grip of the PM9 will likely help in concealment. The short grip might also mean pinky under which I consider a plus but you might consider a negative.

11-19-2011, 02:33 PM
Thanks for all the replies so far!
I went to my local Fun Shop and they did not have the PM45
I am going to have to try another shop as I really want a side
by side of the two....
If I can't fit the PM45 in my pocket (which I did not think I would be able to)
I may just get a P45 and carry IWB.

11-19-2011, 02:36 PM
I never had a P45, but I did have a CW45 and traded it for a PM after three months. The CW and P are almost the same size and pretty big, I think, for a Kahr. No, the PM45 won't fit well in a jeans front pocket, but will usually fit quite well in an inside Jacket pocket. That's were I carried mine a good deal of the time. It solved the problem of removing your jacket and exposing a holster. BTW, I don't do IWB holsters - I've tried them all and never found one I liked except, maybe, the Remora.

11-19-2011, 02:38 PM
I agree with IWB till I found the Remora....


I have soooo many expensive holsters and the Remora wins!

Bill K
11-19-2011, 02:43 PM
I can carry my Glock 26 in the slash pockets of my cargo pants. The PM9 should also work in cargo pants. Get a good gun belt and cargo pants pocket carry with the PM9 might just be the ticket for you. I'm certain it'd work better than with the bigger and heavier Glock 26.

11-19-2011, 03:26 PM
I have NO interest in the PM9, hence why I did not include it in this

If I want a 9 mm pocket pistol I will carry my Rohrbaugh.

Our Dept will not allow us to qualify or carry 9 mm as primary or backup on or off duty.

We can carry .40 (don't suggest the PM40 as I HATE .40), 45 acp and .357 Sig

11-19-2011, 03:56 PM
I would think u would be happy with the pM45, about as small as they can get... I think any suggestions to the 9mm was merely SUGGESTIONS.

11-19-2011, 06:21 PM
Pocket carry is subjective. How big are your pockets, anyway?

Before I chickened out on my Kahr purchase, I was going to buy the PM45 and a spare 7 round mag, to make it hold even more than the P45 if I wanted it to. Best of both worlds, like two guns in one.

11-19-2011, 06:33 PM
I just spoke to my chief and am getting a letter
to just order the PM45 and P45...

I figure I can get them and play with them both
if I do not like I am sure someone else on the force
will want it.

11-19-2011, 06:41 PM
can u get a police price on kahrs...

11-19-2011, 06:50 PM
Well if you get them both you have the best solution of all. My wife is real good at they when she brings home 6 pair of shoes with a "I couldn't decide" explanation as is I'm silly for even asking.

11-19-2011, 07:28 PM
Sadly (for my financial health) my usually approach to "I can't decide" has been to get both (or all). Maybe it's been my feminine side speaking up. :ohmy: Actually, I have been happy with this policy over the years on almost everything because it has solved many problems and resulted in many toys.

11-19-2011, 07:53 PM
can u get a police price on kahrs...

Luckily yes, Kahr is one of the many companies who help out LE
on pricing and luckily I have a GREAT chief who will write me

11-20-2011, 06:34 AM
Have both P45 & PM45.....regular carry is PM 45 in front pocket, jeans included. Now that's regular wranglers, not skinny jeans. The P with bigger handle is friendlier to shoot, but, with practice, and, locking little fingers together and placing them under the mag bottom, is extremely accurate and comfortable to shoot. It being a little larger, and heavier than the PM 40 predecessor. BTW use old military mags with a little dressing to the top of the locking latch hole as spare carry mag. Works without flaws.