View Full Version : Finally feeling good about my PM9

11-19-2011, 05:20 PM
I have only put about 850 rounds (700 FMJ, 150 HP) through my PM9 since I bought it new in April. I have had a few jams from nosedives, probably a dozen or less. Only 1 in the last 350 rds. It has been flawless with either +P Gold Dots or standard pressure GDs.

I have been hot & cold on the gun as my accuracy has ebbed and flowed. I nearly sold it last week. So now, one last effort.

I shot 100 rounds yesterday, 50 PMC 115 gr FMJ & 50 Rem Green and White UMC 124 gr FMJ. Totally flawless with 124 gr giving better results for accuracy and time to return on target. Today, another 50 124 gr UMC and 7 Gold Dot +P 124s. I finally figured out where to actually press the trigger, For me the very tip worked much better. No flinch, no slapping. I've gone from being passable at SD distance, to showing some marksmanship as I do with larger guns, and, strangely enough, with my .380 Sig P238.

I guess its a keeper. It could be my 'go to' for Summer carry. Still liking my .45 Sig 1911 for now.

11-19-2011, 05:29 PM
I never shot my PM9 good as the double action trigger and I just never flowed good together. That being said at 7 yards I feel very good about hitting the target "somewhere". It takes time to master the kahr trigger but it is not different that a double action revolver IMO. If it aint on ur body it can't protect u and I would bet it will be on ur person far more than ur 45 sig will ever be... Keep in mind ur sig is single action, it damn well better be more accurate than the double action trigger..:blah::blah:

POA shoting seems to work very good with my PM9, not gong to be a bottle cap buster but again the kahrs are close up personal weapons, not really meant to be in the target shooting class... Perfect practice makes perfect:blah:

Bill K
11-19-2011, 06:42 PM
I'm happy to read that it is working out for you.

Something like 7 yards and in and not behind a barrier I'm clearing, drawing, pointing and shooting. Probably get several shoots off before the gun enters my peripheral vision let alone have a sight picture. My hats off to those who will be able to stand and deliver.

11-19-2011, 09:05 PM

If you were giving a lesson on Point Shooting, what would you say as to technique? Are there arm positions or specific ways to position the gun...opposite to this, parallel to that kinds of stuff? Point me in the right direction. I assume it's more than a spray and pray approach. Anyone else?

11-20-2011, 09:12 AM
Well for real close, say 3 yards and under, elbow hits your side, point it at what you want to shoot and pull the trigger. Should only take 1 magazine to get that down. Further out, move the gun out alittle more so you can see it,not the sights, just the gun. Try to line it up with the center of your body and point at the target like you were pointing your finger with your elbow to wrist straight.. I can do this out to 7 yards into a silhoette target. Not bullseye shooting by any stretch of the imagination but I can hit center of mass. Any further out and thats what sights are for.

11-21-2011, 05:00 PM
On the point shooting question from Jocko, Wayne100 broke it down for you pretty well. My department instructors stress having the front sight on target in the 7 yard range. Don't worry about aligning it with the rear sights. Like Wayne100 posted.... at 3 yards just unholster, bring your elbow into your side , point at your target, and fire. Goes without saying that you should start moving to cover, as quickly as YOU can do it without affecting your accuracy, so that you don't present your adversary a stationary target.

11-21-2011, 05:23 PM
one will find if he points the front sight that the rear sight will follow. The front sight is always ur friend.. One does not really aim a shot gun but merely points where ones eyes is looking kand all thi9ngs seem to fall into place. again with a shotgun u see the end of the barrel ...It is not rocket science point shooting, u do it every day when u see a bird flying and point towards it.:7:

11-21-2011, 09:48 PM
That's why I put one of those miniature red strobe lights on my front sight!

Flashing in Light:

Flashing in dark:

// Just Kidding - it doesn't actually flash \\ :)