View Full Version : New sub-forum question?

01-16-2010, 09:53 AM

Would members like to have some sub-forums for other hobby related discussion? I would not want to add dozens of them as I feel some forums have gotten overly complex due to this. I was thinking perhaps an area for other firearms discussion, and some common hobby sections: hunting, cooking, motor sports, etc. Please let me know what you think.

Thank you!


01-16-2010, 10:03 AM
Please, no. I've seen other "specific topic" forums grow to the point they are too unwieldy to navigate. The Seecamp forum is a good example. There are simply too many topics. If people want to talk about dogs and cars then I'm sure there are plenty of forums available.

Right now this forum seems to cover all things Kahr, not much omitted, and I like it that way, so... please, no.

Zippo Guy
01-16-2010, 10:08 AM
I would rather keep this to Kahr pistols specifically and other related CCW guns and subjects. One that I would really like to hear from others about is the knife they carry on a daily basis. There are plenty of forums out there for the other subjects for those that are interested in those subjects.

01-16-2010, 12:11 PM
I vote for just keeping this forum to only firearms related, I like it the way it is.

mr surveyor
01-16-2010, 01:44 PM
it may be good to have a seperate "Other Guns" forum so that firearms of other manufacturers can be discussed more openly, without fear of starting arguments that would make KahrTalk look like nothing but a "fanboy club". Most of us own (or probably will sooner or later) firearms from several (or many) manufacturers, from the very low end products to the custom made. Having a forum set up for constructive discussions about Glock, Sig, Kimber, Jiminez, Rohm, Bersa, Wilson Combat...etc.... as well as long guns would be beneficial, in my opinion. Having the discussions of other guns seperated from the Kahr specific topics would help avoid unnecessary friction, and keep the Kahr specific topics more easily archived for future searches for needed information.

As for the hobbies topics, that could end up covering a lot of territory. No doubt there would be folks attracted to a nascar type section, professional or college sports section, or many of the other favorite passtime hobbies. I probably wouldn't spend much time in the other hobbies type section, although I do have other non firearms related hobbies. The reason I follow most of the gun related sites on my list, is for product specific knowledge, and use their "other guns" forums for a more non-biased source of information related to non-site specific firearms. I also enjoy the "lounge forums" of most gun sites where most general topics can be tossed around, within the standards of decency and climate required by the site admin.

Given where we are now, I would only like to add two other forums:

Other Handguns

Long Guns (Rifles/Shotguns)

And, I think a forum dedicated to Knife discussions would be appropriate.

Just my opinions.


01-16-2010, 02:00 PM
I think that this site should stay with Kahr related weapons and CCW. We have the other lines related to Kahr -- Auto-Ordnance products, already, and a "Historical" section, AND a free discussion, etc., area. It's hard enough to keep up with the topics related to that here. I'm bad about getting long-winded, especially about our "freedoms" and government intrusion into our daily lives.:blah: This is my favorite site and there is a lot going on most of the time, while the P380 can be dead for days.
If you want to get into private discussions about other weapons that you own and are interested in, the present conditions seem fine as long as we don't wind up with a burgeoning subset of KimberTalk, GlockTalk, or ____ (fill in the blank) Talk. If you really want to get carried away talking about these other weapons, there are many other forums covering these topics. JMHO :o
We really could use a sub-forum or high-lighted area where we can list and share deals on ammo, holsters, etc., like the Cabela's $20 rebate that I gave a lot of notice about. If there were an area like that we could post the latest "finds" and go look there to find them. Now, unless you go into each subforum, you are going to miss a lot of interesting stuff... that I might have posted! :rolleyes:
I once tried to use that KahrTalk News
Forum for posting news of interest to members. And, I couldn't put a notice in there about the N/S model P380's were finally shipping. "Private"? What the heck is it for?? :confused:
Okay, maybe ONE sub-forum open to Other Weapons, though, segregated -- separate, but not equal.:D

mr surveyor
01-16-2010, 02:26 PM
that's what I'm suggesting.... a single sub-forum titled "Other Guns" to be all inclusive of any firearm one wishes to discuss. I too don't like having a half dozen or more product specific sub-forums... just a single one that can segregate the Kimber, Colt, S&W discussions from the Kahr related discussions. In my limited experience with several other forums, some as a mod/admin, I've found that keeping a seperate area for discussing all other firearms in general tends to work pretty well. And, by keeping the non-site specific firearms discussions in their own sub-forum, away from the "general discussions" (that tend to wander all over the spectrum), users can enjoy all types of firearms discussions. Just from my observations of sites that originate as product specific forums, limiting discussion to a single brand name can result in decreased participation. Once every question that can be asked about Model XXX HAS been asked about "Model XXX", the responses become a terse "why don't you use the search function and find the answer that's been posted a zillion times". At that point, unless there's other firearms related discussions, the site tends to wither away, until the manufacturer releases some major new product that may give new life to the product specific discussions.

Firearms discussions are very much like political or religion related discussions: humans are passionate about their personal choices, and if left unchecked will cause a discussion forum to become either a "fanboy club" or a bashing party of the single brand.

But... I ramble too much:)


01-16-2010, 03:10 PM
Tell me about this rambling... what is that? :confused:
I see this as a community comprised of many people with many different interests and Kahrs are a subset of the gun topic. I don't think the topics should be limited and too tightly related to Kahrs alone. That's why, so far, things have been pretty much what we came here to talk about, but if you couldn't mention any other guns, this site would dry up. It's interesting for members to share some of their other interests casually. We get to learn something about our fellow members and broaden our view a bit on things. We can even find other interests this way.
Sometimes, okay many times, I feel like I'm intruding on a private conversation and sometimes I want to make a quick light-hearted comment... like when JohnH, I believe, said something about doing something to his guns under a hairdryer, I "bit my tongue" and kept my "witty-to-me" comment to myself. While I feel like part of the group most of the time, I sometimes feel like an interloper... but I love to yack :blah: and it's too hard to resist sometimes. I do try to restrain myself... I'm thinking of a Wynn's Soapbox thread... :rolleyes:
Anyhow, I spend way too much time here and part of it is trying to find answers, replies, or reactions to posts I've made. I have to go look at my recent posts.
I'll shut up for now. It's after 4Pm and I need to go to the commissary... and I'm wearing shorts with my PM9 for the first time. Our Cold snap is temporarily over.:)

01-16-2010, 03:27 PM
I would not be opposed to a sub-forum related to other firearms related topics.

Any Kahr specific subject, it would appear, from here on out is simply going to be a repeat of one previously discussed.

It seems to me that it could all be covered in one sub-forum giving the forum user the choice of using it or not.

01-16-2010, 03:55 PM
I vote for just keeping this forum to only firearms related, I like it the way it is.

01-16-2010, 06:45 PM
One "Other Guns" sub-forum seems to be a popular choice, and easy to do. If it gets a lot of traffic I could break it out into "Other handguns", "Other longguns" or something similar. Rignt now the "No" option is winning though.



01-16-2010, 07:46 PM
Ditto .... ditto ...
Same.... same ..... !

Firearms related ... Primary: Kahr ... :)
Black rifles: ARs ...:33:
AKs, SKSs ... :53:
Bolts ... ie: Target ...:84:

SOOOooooooo much of tha' same out there, BUT a little dash... here, wouldn't hurt ! ... :hungry:




01-18-2010, 11:08 AM
An "Other Weapons" section could be of interest, covering knives, lethal and non-lethal defense stuff like stun guns, chemicals, and thrown "exotica".
<Really, I just wanted to bump that "Kahr ... sucks" from the top of the page.>

01-18-2010, 11:25 AM
Lets make sure we keep it simple so it doesnt turn into a forum cf. My vote is for 1 sub: "Edge Weapons" or "Other Weapons".

mr surveyor
01-18-2010, 06:30 PM
I just figured that the "General Discussions" sub-forum was pretty well suited for all non-firearms related topics (within the standards of decency), and that it really wasn't a good place for topics about other firearms. When interesting gun topics get buried in a mass of "non-gun" topics and it's a chore to sort through all the stuff to get to the gun talk. This is a manufacturer specific site, and we have an excellent arrangement of subforums for all things Kahr related, but we are also (most of us) firearms enthusiasts in general. That was my thoughts on the "Other Guns" sub-forum. I also agree that the idea of "Other Weapons" to include knives, pepper spray, spears, rocks, etc., would also be a great addition,

With the current configuration of the board, adding those two sub-forums should help with the house cleaning chores immensely, as well as making it easier for users to find the topics they may be interested in.


01-25-2010, 03:05 AM
A lot of the members here reload their ammo and I, for one,would like to see a subforum devoted to it sometime in the future.I also feel that discussion of other firearms is good for this forum.It`s nice to hear what others own,like and dislike.Quite obviously we all like Kahrs,that`s why we`re here but practically all of us own other brands as well and as firearms enthusiasts we enjoy talking about them.:)

01-25-2010, 02:38 PM
Hmm..."no" had a slight edge. I could just alter Ammunition to cover reloading. I am sure plenty of us do that. Other Weapons is quite doable.

Thanks gang!
