View Full Version : CW 45 Back from Kahr, still issues

11-21-2011, 04:01 PM
Sure am seeing a lot of "gun just back from Kahr" posts. I sent mine back initially after slide pin would back out during initial range trip.

Back from Kahr first time and the next issue is ejection related. Upon cycling, the case would rotate to the right and get caught in the slide, crushing the case and causing a stoppage.. Joe at Kahr was really pleasant and explained they couldn't duplicate the issue after their test firing 85 rounds and deduced it must be ammunitation related. The ammo was Blazer Brass FMJ.

Got the gun back and went to range today. Fired new federal FMJ and after 50 rounds or so, started the same exact thing again. I fired the Blazer Brass thru a Glock 30 and a Taurus Millineum Pro .45 with no issues or stoppages. I was careful with grip, no limp wristing to my knowledge. I'm an ex leo and know how to shoot.

My CM9 is perfect and I have a K40 Covert that has a few feed issues, but it's a 10 year old gun and I have a new recoil spring ordered for that one.

Thoughts? I've lost faith and the solution is to get rid of the gun unless someone has a better idea..

Thank you.

11-21-2011, 04:07 PM
Jamming on ejection or on feeding?

I would probably try a new ejector or ejector spring before I called it quits.

11-21-2011, 04:11 PM
It jams after firing, it's as if the round spins right and is caught by the slide. When I look at the weapon, I see the open end of the empty case looking at me pinched in the slide ejection port. It really disfigures the casing, almost looks like a "W" it's squashed so badly.

11-21-2011, 04:42 PM
If this gun is new or nearly new or has a new recoil spring try this. Instead of using the regular target type loads find something thas has at least 850 or 900 FPS velosity (or higher velosity). Shoot some of that to see if problem goes away. The gun worked OK for 50 rounds as per your post. It probably just got dirty enough that it put more strain on pulling the case out of the chamber. Using this information you could do 2 things: 1) Shoot normal target loads until the first FTE and then switch to the high velosity ammo to see if it starts again or works OK. OR 2) Shoot the target ammo until the first FTE, then clean the gun, paying special attention to the barrel and chamber. After cleaning shoot the regular target ammo again and see if the problem has gone away. I think the gun is just too tight of a fit until everything gets broken in good. The reason I say this is because my 9mm when new would not run on low velosity without FTE's. I am a reloader, so I increased the vel of my loads and the gun ran perfectly and still is running perfectly.

11-21-2011, 05:28 PM
Good suggestion. I just cleaned the gun and found a metal tiny ding next to the extractor and a ding on the ejection port high up at the top (probably marks from the stoppages). It also showed the rounds are feeding a little right of center on the ramp and maybe half way up the ramp.(witness marks in the smoke residue)

I left a message for Joe at Kahr. I'd like to keep the gun as a carry piece, but need to trust it. It probably has 4 to 500 round count now.

11-21-2011, 08:45 PM
Good suggestion. I just cleaned the gun and found a metal tiny ding next to the extractor and a ding on the ejection port high up at the top (probably marks from the stoppages). It also showed the rounds are feeding a little right of center on the ramp and maybe half way up the ramp.(witness marks in the smoke residue)

I left a message for Joe at Kahr. I'd like to keep the gun as a carry piece, but need to trust it. It probably has 4 to 500 round count now.
It wouldn't hurt to ask them to send you a new extractor as a possible fix.
I had a similar issue with my CW45. In my case, the stoppage always occurred on the last round. Modifying my magazines fixed the issue:http://kahrtalk.com/showpost.php?p=15669&postcount=3

11-21-2011, 09:09 PM

Thank you for the link and the advice. What a great forum!

My little brother who passed away last year was Greg, good name and thanks again.

Kahr tried to give me the "cannot duplicate" comment that car dealers have used for as long as there have been service departments. They called it ammo related and told me they fired lots of ammo and even sent me spent casings. (I sent them the squished casings with the return)

The same ammo worked flawlessly in a Glock 30 and a Taurus Millenium .45( never thought I'd like a Taurus, but impressed ) As I see the magazine mods, maybe that's the issue on my new used K40 Covert that suffers nosedives, I thought recoil spring and ordered a wolf +10%. We will see on that one. One thing for sure is that these guns are accurate. The Glock had nothing on them.

11-23-2011, 01:43 AM
Spoke with Jason, one of the gunsmiths, who had me email photos of deformed brass and a metal strike/mark right behind extractor. I'll see what he says.

11-23-2011, 08:37 AM
I know I will catch hell for this but if a NEW gun is giving you a problem have the gun maker buy it back!! If everybody did this quality issues would disappear. There is no need to accept sub par equipment.

11-23-2011, 09:28 AM
I know you said that limp wristing is not an issue, but could it be possible that after shooting 50 rounds your hand may get a bit tired and absorb more recoil then normal?

I have had this happen to me shooting a 40 cal. It was bizzare, I put about 40 or 50 rounds through the gun then started having intermittent feeding/ejection problems. I then realized it was because my hand got tired and I was indeed limp wristing. I placed more focus on my grip and the problem went away. Just a thought.....

11-23-2011, 09:47 AM
Good observation, I wanted to rule that out, so I shot another 25 from a Glock 30 and the Taurus and then had my friend at the range, a 250lb armorer ex Marine fire with same results, his wrists are as big as my forearms.

12-05-2011, 06:54 PM
Returned back from Kahr. Jason, gunsmith was very personable and helpful. He replaced barrel and we will see after range trip!

Thanks, Jason.

Edit: Range day today, everything 100% very pleased with their customer service.

12-05-2011, 07:43 PM
I know you said that limp wristing is not an issue, but could it be possible that after shooting 50 rounds your hand may get a bit tired and absorb more recoil then normal?

I have had this happen to me shooting a 40 cal. It was bizzare, I put about 40 or 50 rounds through the gun then started having intermittent feeding/ejection problems. I then realized it was because my hand got tired and I was indeed limp wristing. I placed more focus on my grip and the problem went away. Just a thought.....

Ditto with me.. the op said he focused on grip though