View Full Version : 7 Round Mag Curiosity?

11-21-2011, 05:01 PM
When loading my new seven round mag I noticed something curious. The first three rounds in the mag sat parallel to the rear angle of the follower. With the insertion of the forth round the first three rounds nose dived and sat at the same angle as the forward angle of the follower. The nose dive continued with each subsequent cartridge installed with only the last cartridge in the mag sitting at the proper angle.

Upon inserting the magazine into the gun and releasing the slide the first round fed properly, but the second round was pushed forward in the magazine, because the rim of the first round caught in the groove of the second round as the first round was being chambered. I'm wondering if that could be the cause of the second round nose dive problem with some of the CM9 pistols.

I haven't fired the gun with the new 7 round mag, so I don't know if my gun will experience the nose dive problem. The same thing happens with my six round mag, but it feeds reliably. The things that make you want to go hmmmmm.

11-21-2011, 05:16 PM
make sure the mag spring is in correctly. we have had some come to owners in backwards. That will change the follower direction/aNGLE. Now the best thing is to not worryt about what it looks like but shoot the gun, that willgive u the results u need to look at. Moswt of the second round nose dive issue is the follower gettgin caught by the magazine release button and slowing the feeding of the round. U can check that out easily with your 7 round mag and ur 6 round mag. PROPPER PREPPING OF UR NEW KAHR addresses this to see if ur magazine is susceptable to this. Most are not and work fine, takes 5 minuts to check out and 5 minutes to correct if needed.

11-21-2011, 08:29 PM
I did check the springs in both mags and they are installed correctly. I haven't had a nose dive problem with the six round mag and don't expect to have one with the seven. I just find it odd that installing the fourth round in the mag causes the first three to cant downward by the nose and that all but the top round cant downward by the nose when the mag is full. The rim of the top round catching the groove of the second round and causing the second round to move forward in the mag can't be a good thing. I'd say that a redesign of the follower may be in order. I'm not an engineer, but I play one on this forum. :)