View Full Version : Kahr fails drop test - shoots Toilet

01-16-2010, 08:54 AM
Does this sound plausible to you?

Man hurt when gun blasts toilet | Deseret News (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/1,5143,705277512,00.html)

I thought the Kahr firing pin isn't activated until the trigger is pulled.

01-16-2010, 08:57 AM
I vote no. I was not there, so will not criticize the story the man told the police.



01-16-2010, 09:05 AM
Sounds to me like someone was careless, playing with their gun. This story has been widely discussed for months now.

01-16-2010, 09:28 AM
Does this sound plausible to you?

Man hurt when gun blasts toilet | Deseret News (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/1,5143,705277512,00.html)

I thought the Kahr firing pin isn't activated until the trigger is pulled.

I have no doubt that the gun fired accidentally. I also have no doubt that his finger... or some appendage... was on the trigger when it "accidentally" discharged. We see stuff like this all of the time -- miltary and LE, too. The "victim" has to come up with some kind of reason for the discharge, certainly not his own negligent stupidity.
It's entertaining to read the comments after the article on the 'Net. There are some really stupid people with whacky ideas of how guns should be carried... if at all.
I saw this article discussed somewhere a few months ago and I don't remember the details, but I think that it was concluded that he was "fooling" around with the gun. I don't know if he was seated or standing, but surely the cops could tell from the toilet fragmentation pattern wherther the round went into the toilet from above or below. I copied the image and zoomed it, but can't really tell. It would seem, though, if he were seated, some very private portions of his anatomy would be wounded from the flying upwards fragments -- Ouch!

mr surveyor
01-16-2010, 10:48 AM
I may be wrong, which wouldn't be unusual (ask Ms surv), but didn't the "victim" in this case turn out to be LEO, and finally admitted to something other than the original account printed in the above article?

Yeah, this one has been beat to death, and even most of the rabid Kahr detractors on other forums have tossed this one aside.

It also seems kind of odd that this same article turns up again, exactly one year to date.... If I hadn't gone back and checked the date on the article and seen January 15, 2009, I may have left with the feeling of "Oh no, not again".


01-16-2010, 11:14 AM
I may be wrong, which wouldn't be unusual (ask Ms surv), but didn't the "victim" in this case turn out to be LEO, and finally admitted to something other than the original account printed in the above article?

Yeah, this one has been beat to death, and even most of the rabid Kahr detractors on other forums have tossed this one aside.

It also seems kind of odd that this same article turns up again, exactly one year to date.... If I hadn't gone back and checked the date on the article and seen January 15, 2009, I may have left with the feeling of "Oh no, not again".


That's exactly what I was saying. I saw the date, too. When I get any kind of rumor email or whatever online, I certainly don't fall for it hook, line, and sinker. There are too many people with agendas out there, who for many different reasons, propagate stuff like that... ie. that gun bill that will require us to list our firearms on our tax forms. That is one of the popular ones that gets dug up, freshened a bit and thrown out there with much glee at least yearly. The NRA debunks those things. You have to go to their site, but they list those rumors and the truth or falsehoods behind them... as does Snopes.
There are a lot of lazy people who won't use the best research tool ever -- Google and the Internet. You still need to use some smarts and consider the source. It's a tool and you have to use it properly, whether researching philosophy or the best buy on ammo.
Neil Boortz is fond of saying "Don't believe a word I say." Check it out for yourself... or something like that.
Be extra careful online. If you enter something incorrectly, you may not notice it, but you'll wind up somewhere, usually, and there will be something there to mislead you or even try to steal your credit card info, etc. Look at that little url box up there and see where the heck you are. You could be in Russia or Nigeria dealing with the most unscrupulous of people who are trying to steal your identity, you money, or upload some nasty stuff to turn your computer into a doorstop, or use it for nefarious purposes. Wow! There's a word that I don't see often -- nefarious! :D


01-16-2010, 12:07 PM
Oopps, I completely read past the '09 year and thought it was new when I posted it here. I have never seen it before today. I found it this morning on another gun forum (calccw) and I wanted to post it here so I had some authoritative opinions backing up my own that a Kahr would not fire from being dropped. Now worries, they don't believe it over there either. A bugger hook had to be involved:)