View Full Version : CM9 almost at 450 rds and............

11-22-2011, 02:04 PM
Im now LOVING IT!!!!!!!

I had alot of issues at first which i fleshed out on here (much to the dislike and chagrin of other owners) which i typically do when I complain. But, I can say that after all the probs i've had I think they're all gone now. Im at 450rds and voila! total reliability! and man! is it fun to shoot!!!! Now im wanting either a mk9/40 or an K9/40 or T9. I bet that T9 shoots like a mercedes drives! Anyway i just thought id tell all who are having probs that if u can wait to fix them ( and if not i understand totally!) and see it thru, you WILL not regret it! These R fun pistols and reliable as a locomotive when tweaked right.

Mine now slingshots the first round every time and i only tweaked the area of the frame right next to the slide feed ramp to make it work. all rounds feed perfectly. i rounded that plastic area that acts as a secondary type assistant tot he feed ramp area i surmise. this area i noticed is where the round always seem to get wedged against due to the lack of a transition between the shape of the flat edge of the right side of the feed ramp and this right angle that abuts up next to the ramp in the frame. When rounded it helps to guide the round onto the feed ramp and then into the breech for shooting. It worked for me.

If someone can tell me how to post pics i will. Is there any free picture posting sites? keep shooting! jeffe007

11-22-2011, 02:16 PM
Photo bucket (http://photobucket.com/) is a popular free site that makes the whole thing easy. If your pics come out big you can resize them there to 640 so they fit well here.

11-22-2011, 02:27 PM

Way better than photobucket! Upload your photos and then click on the image, copy the link with " " tags and post it on here :)

11-22-2011, 02:33 PM
ice work jeffe. u also really got to know ur kahr alot better from all of this and how things interact with each other. again very nice job.

11-22-2011, 02:41 PM
I have made my CM9 my carry gun with 100% confidence it will perform when/if it is needed. I have 2 holsters I use depending on the need. #1 = Garretts Silent Thunder Slim II and an Old ElPaso pocket holster. Both serve a different purpose.

11-22-2011, 03:05 PM
well thank you guys. i do appreciate it! ill go sign up and post the pics! now back to more time listening to Supreme Court arguments! yay fun!! its what happens when u spend 4 yrs in law school!!!! and are studying for the stupid state bar! its a fascinating topic of separation of powers in recognising a foreign government(s). yum!!! :)

11-22-2011, 03:12 PM
Wow, that sounds like a 'blast'. :)

11-22-2011, 03:47 PM
i also smoothed this part too to make it easier to slingshot the first round(s) into the breech. "http://i.imgur.com/NqQQc.jpg"


11-22-2011, 04:10 PM
i tried to edit the photos to show an arrow where i sanded and smoothed the part but alas it wouldnt ever save it no matter how many times i tried to click save and apply. oh well. anyway, the round section in the middle is where i sanded the part smooth. the nasty stuff that looks like blood is just gun butter.

11-22-2011, 04:17 PM
You sanded down the pin itself?

Or that little half-moon looking nub?

11-22-2011, 04:25 PM
the half moon thing

11-23-2011, 10:45 AM
anyway, sanding down the half moon looking thingy is what enabled about a 75% increase in reliability in feeding of ammo. Apparently it sticks out too far (on mine anyways)and causes the cartridge to not only shift to the right (and out of alignment with the feed ramp) but to kick downward too. Once I rounded it it all but stopped it.
i wish Kahr would redesign the part and not even use a lock back device. this pistols so small that i wouldnt mind a systems similar to that which that new company called Diamondback uses-no lockback at all.

anyway, the second fix for my pistol was to round a portion of the frame that acts as an assist for the feed ramp. once smoothed out, almost all the issues ceased. Now, it seems as tho the feeding issues are a geometry issue and differ from pistol to pistol. I think that if Kahr used another magazine manufacturer allot of the issues would be better off. that, and a slight smoothing of edges in and around the feed ramp. Anyway, good luck all!

11-23-2011, 10:58 AM
ur slide lock lefver is just out of spec. 99% work perfectly. You should still call kahr as see if they will send u a new one to have around. If u didn't file/sand down to much it will still lock open OK, some tend to file off to much to get bullet clearance than it fails to lock open. I had to have 3 slide stops replaced on my Para Carry 9 before it got right. slide locking back is a good thing-when it does what it is designed to do, which again most all do..