View Full Version : Anthem flub

11-25-2011, 09:42 AM

too bad. she is cute and really can sing IMHO. maybe technical difficulty?

11-25-2011, 10:18 AM
I can't believe that people (news, media, etc) are actually making a big deal about this. I saw the headline and then viewed the clip earlier today. Give me a break! That was barely noticeable!

11-25-2011, 10:30 AM
It wasn't the first time, and it won't be the last. We have all seen seasoned perforformers blow it at one time or another.

11-25-2011, 11:09 AM
Sounded like technical problems to me.

11-25-2011, 11:41 AM
I learned the words to the National Anthem by the time I was eight years old. It's sung at almost every sporting event. She had to know in advance that she was going to sing our National Anthem on national television There is no excuse for blowing it. Most pop singers are more concerned about how they are going to embellish the song than they are about getting the words right. It's a damn shame.

11-25-2011, 12:54 PM
Sounded like technical problems to me.
+1 I thought the same thing.

11-25-2011, 01:15 PM
I thought she did a great job on the song, but others try to put their own unneccesary spin on it and it fails miserably. Just sing it how it was meant to be sung and stop pretending the mic is some sort of flute with you fingers. :)

11-25-2011, 03:40 PM
She said today that she blew it. They run into problems, because there is a delay from when they sing, until they hear it. It makes you loose your place. So I'm told. I'm guessing that she knows the words just like any red blooded American. She just got confused..

11-25-2011, 04:54 PM
I don't hold that against here, probalby more pressure on hger than we imagine, she just get it right. I must admit that if I had to sing the national anthem, I would probably mess it up, as I certainly don't have it memorized as good as I think I do either. I am very good at joining in on the Naitonal Anthem but I also think I tend to be a millisecond behind the actual words with my words to and as age starts to take it toll on ol jocko, words don;'t come forward as correctly as 10 years ago. Not an excuse per say but a fact with me. I would give her a pass on this miscue. At least she didn't try to come off with some off the wall personal style of singing the National Anthem, that so many "important" singer try to do instead of singing the sone for the words that are in it they try to come across with their verswion that makesw most "sic" to their stomach.

11-25-2011, 05:08 PM
The average person gets physically ill speaking in front of a dozen strangers, I can't imagine trying to sing at a gathering that size.
She's a brave girl. There are many that can do that but I'm not one myself. I do sing a killer version of Moon River but folks rarely want to hear it.

11-25-2011, 05:19 PM
yes I heard instead of the death penalty being used today, that you sing Moon River and they die a slow but boring death.

11-25-2011, 05:42 PM
yes I heard instead of the death penalty being used today, that you sing Moon River and they die a slow but boring death.

Might be better than a slow painful death by nagging but it would probably be a pretty close thing.

11-25-2011, 05:44 PM
u got that right. I can't add to much to that comment either. My first xwife was a NAG..

11-26-2011, 09:01 AM
She didn't do a Rosanne Barr so she did fine.

11-26-2011, 11:22 AM
I agree. There is a huge difference between screwing up, and throwing it in your face. Roseanne is a commie...

11-26-2011, 11:55 AM
She didn't do a Rosanne Barr so she did fine.

abot that filty bit-h. they would in any other country shot her on the spot, What a sleeze bag:crazy:

I didn't want to get carried away here to much, so I backed off on what I really wanted to say.

11-26-2011, 12:05 PM
Ironically I had an obviously different take on the Roseanne Barr episode. She is a comedian and they will do anything for a laugh. It was distasteful and poor timeing and disrespectful but she was going for a laugh at any expense. Unfortunately she blew it but she did apologize like so many before and since. Just sing it like it was meant, cut out the drama and abuse of the musical scale and call it a day.
I blame the people who thought of her singing the anthem in the first place. She is not and was not ever a singer, she is a comedian so why ask her to sing in front of all those people. That was the even poorer choice.
Imagine her with a wardrobe malfunction!:eek: It could have had a disastrous effect on unborn generations to come.

11-26-2011, 12:40 PM
u make a good point, she is a comedian, the people who ask her should be shot then, "right after her". comedians don't get a pass with being distasteful with our national anthem.. have u seen her lately, wow talk about a hateful butt ugly woman. I kinda compare her to the butt ugly kahr 7 round extended magazine!!!

11-26-2011, 12:55 PM
u make a good point, she is a comedian, the people who ask her should be shot then, "right after her". comedians don't get a pass with being distasteful with our national anthem.. have u seen her lately, wow talk about a hateful butt ugly woman. I kinda compare her to the butt ugly kahr 7 round extended magazine!!!

Now that you mention it I haven't seen her in a long long time. That is pretty ugly though. Really ugly.

11-26-2011, 01:12 PM
abot that filty bit-h. they would in any other country shot her on the spot, What a sleeze bag:crazy:

I didn't want to get carried away here to much, so I backed off on what I really wanted to say.

Good you you, Jocko. It's good to show a little restraint. Mine usually comes in the form of a white jacket. :)

11-27-2011, 01:50 PM
If memory serves me right we had this conversation back when Christina Aguilera blew it, my opinon remains the same. The national anthem is not meant to be a comedy bit or a circus of voice acrobatics, it is what it is no need to embelish that wich is already great.

11-27-2011, 02:13 PM
The last couple of times I followed a link to "flubbed national anthem" videos, I couldn't even stand to sit through the un-flubbed portion to hear what all the kerfuffle was about.

She has a good voice and was not, in my opinion, over-doing the embellishments. As for the mistake, it sounded to me like nerves/losing her place, not like she forgot the words. Whatever the cause, she picked it back up and kept running with it, for which I applaud her.

During a school assembly thing in the third grade, I sang the wrong verse once, in front of about 300 people. I sang the one that the kid before me had just finished. When I got to the end, I realized what I had done, ran off the stage and hid somewhere. They found me and convinced me to come back and sing the right one, which I did. But I have never sung publicly since.