View Full Version : MK9 / PM9 Any reason to keep both?

11-25-2011, 05:25 PM
Can't believe I'm asking this on a gun forum, but here goes.

With the recent acquisition of an MK9 I feel as though the PM9 will unfortunately be resting quietly in the safe after providing me around 700 trouble-free rounds.

I just absolutely love my the feel of my first steel Kahr, not that I ever had any second thoughts about the polymer PM9. It's just that after feeling the difference between the two I prefer the MK9.

My carry methods are primarily Smartcarry and OWB with an occasional IWB.

You know what... I think I'll just keep both. :32:

I can see some advantage to having a primary and backup that are the same layout and use the same magazines, etc.

So, thanks for listening and helping me make up my mind.

Till next time. :cool:

11-25-2011, 05:31 PM
Good choice. Glad I was able to help out.:o

11-25-2011, 05:49 PM
Was going to just discard the thread but figured the fine members here could still provide valuable input that I hadn't thought of yet. :)

11-25-2011, 06:00 PM
I think you'll find a use for both if nothing but variety and who would think of discarding a perfectly good thread.

I can envision the steel on the hip, the tupperware on your ankle and you behind the wheel of a yellow cab

11-25-2011, 06:06 PM
Have to admit I've been thinking the same thing. Those MK9's are sweet.
I'd do it in a ninute if the PM9 was giving me any problems but it's just been so reliable and it's my EDC and if I did get and MK the PM would have to go.

11-25-2011, 06:07 PM
You wouldn't want me behind the wheel of a cab, I don't care for people that much - or traffic, see where I'm going here? :)

I'll have to try an ankle holster one day, for now it'll be riding shotgun in a Smartcarry me thinks.

Is it just me, or do guns become family after a point? I feel like I'd be letting go a good family member.

I need to quit becoming attached to my firearms... My XDM for example, I won't sell it because it was my first handgun, has never failed, and well, I do enjoy it. But I never shoot it, it just sits in the bedside safe because I won't sell it.

I think if I started over again I'd just get a couple MK9's, 2 Silent Thunder STX's (one left hand and one right hand) and be done with it. :p

11-25-2011, 06:07 PM
I have both, and a K9. Just the opposite for me. I prefer the PM9 for its purpose...concealed carry. The MK9 lives in my home office desk drawer. Nice gun, but I consider it superfluous. I suppose if I didn't have the K9 I might feel differently but as it is I wouldn't feel bad about selling it.

11-25-2011, 06:09 PM
You came to the right place my friend.

Reasons to keep the PM9
1) When you can't belt carry and need a deep cover pocket gun.
2A) There's a little something called the NY reload.
sometimes it's faster to draw and fire a second weapon than reload the first
2B) Backup Weapon (Plan B)
In a potential high threat environment, carrying two guns is an appropriate response.

I'm watching The Losers and don't have time to write more - LOL!

11-25-2011, 06:13 PM
All valid reasons, and further backs up my non-initial thoughts lol.

I've definitely used up my gun budget for the next 5 years though....eesh. Not looking forward to this credit card bill, but hey, groceries and electricity are overrated... right?

11-25-2011, 06:31 PM
STOP IT NOW........I am starting to think I need an MK9:hungry:

11-25-2011, 06:33 PM
STOP IT NOW........I am starting to think I need an MK9:hungry:

Of course you do! (insert evil grin here)

11-25-2011, 06:42 PM
Bawanna, ROTFLOL, I like your thinking!

11-25-2011, 06:58 PM
Thunder, you blew it! I was reaching for my wallet as soon as I clicked to open your post. Guess which one I was going to buy from you?

11-25-2011, 07:20 PM
Hahaha, well my mind changes constantly - stay alert!

11-25-2011, 09:05 PM
You could get a vehicle safe and keep the PM9 in your vehicle, so that you don't get halfway where you're going and remember you forgot your weapon. I do that once in awhile, even though I try to remember never leave the apartment unarmed. I'd like to do that in my little pissmobile Hyundai, but cant find room to put it except in the trunk. I suppose that would be better than nothing. I'd probably oil up my Charter Arms .44 special real well then leave it in the vehicle safe. With the temperature extremes in the winter in Kansas, I imagine it would probably get quite a bit of condensation. so I'd really want to lube it up well.

11-25-2011, 09:08 PM
I do that with my 642 J-Frame and throw in one of those packets to keep it dry.

11-26-2011, 06:11 AM
I have both MK and PM 9 and love them both. Can't sell the PM as I pocket carry ... can't sell the MK because it shoots so damn sweet. Both are completely reliable. The MK stays in the car or goes to the nightstand in the evening.

My answer is to sell something else and look for a K9 or a T9 ....:D

11-26-2011, 06:20 AM
I have both MK and PM 9 and love them both. Can't sell the PM as I pocket carry ... can't sell the MK because it shoots so damn sweet. Both are completely reliable. The MK stays in the car or goes to the nightstand in the evening.

My answer is to sell something else and look for a K9 or a T9 ....:D

My MK40 Elite is my belt gun (when I'm not carrying my G27).
Although I shoot the MK better than the G27.

Pocket pistol is my 342 ti.
14.0 oz loaded with 135 gr +P short barrel GDHPs, it's sweet.
But I have been thinking PM9/CM9 would be an upgrade...

11-30-2011, 06:36 PM
Keep them both. You should have two of each type of your carry guns, ammo and magazine compatability. It's like carrying a spare tire.

12-01-2011, 04:33 PM
I have both MK and PM 9 and love them both. Can't sell the PM as I pocket carry ... can't sell the MK because it shoots so damn sweet. Both are completely reliable. The MK stays in the car or goes to the nightstand in the evening.

My answer is to sell something else and look for a K9 or a T9 ....:D


I have both...carry the PM9 and the MK9 is my nightstand gun (actually trades that position back and forth with a Colt Combat Commander).

Can't get rid of either of them.


12-01-2011, 07:14 PM
Some great points there guys, thanks!

I haven't even seriously considered selling it as of yet, so I guess that's a good sign. :)

... course, if my wife knew. :eek::86:

12-01-2011, 08:01 PM
Hey Thunder,

You know, we're Americans. Americans have at least 2 cars in the garage. Your MK9 is the Cadillac and your PM9 is the Chevy that you drive every day.

12-01-2011, 08:03 PM
Makes some sense, maybe that's why the wood grips are on their way. :)

12-01-2011, 10:30 PM
Some great points there guys, thanks!

I haven't even seriously considered selling it as of yet, so I guess that's a good sign. :)

... course, if my wife knew. :eek::86:

I've had my Beretta 92 Inox on the "Oh baby, I'm gonna sell it. Just be patient" list for more than a year. I think she has forgot now. Hold off as long as you can.;)