View Full Version : another CW45

11-26-2011, 07:12 AM
It seams a lot of threads on here are about people's problems with their new gun. I thought I would post about one that ran great right out of the box. Picked up a CW45 last weekend. I finally got a chance to take her out yesterday. The gun ran great with a couple boxes of 230 gr FMJ. The two 1911 mags I modified even worked the first time out. One was a Mec Gar six round and the other a Checkmate seven round. Awesome write up and instructions by the way, couldnt have done it without the info.

11-26-2011, 09:00 AM
Welcome to the forum and good report! That CW45 is a great value, isn't it?

11-26-2011, 09:54 AM
Welcome to the forum and good report! That CW45 is a great value, isn't it?

Thanks and yes they are a great value. Its acutely my second. I traded the first one away for a 1911 and regretted it. Now i'm back in the game