View Full Version : Concealed Carry Handguns "False Advertising?"

11-28-2011, 10:44 PM
I'm always intrigued by the flashy, fantastic covers of magazines, and the cover of the latest edition of "Concealed Carry Handguns" was no exception. Bigger than Dallas, there was a full-color picture of my Kahr PM9 along with three other top contenders in the concealed world: HK UPS Compact .40; Kimber Solo Carry 9mm; Taurus Judge.

I quickly scooped up the last copy of the magazine, hurried through the checkout, and went straight home to enjoy reading what the editors of this fine magazine had to say about my PM9.:D

Much to my surprise and disappointment, I didn't find one word about a PM9. Instead, the editors included an article about the Kahr K9. I enjoyed reading about the K9, and was very pleased to note they called it a "Cadillac" in the compact pistol realm (p. 95).

So...why include a PM9 on the cover, yet say nothing about it? All other guns pictured on the cover were featured in very complimentary articles. To say the least, I'm a bit miffed. I feel like I was misled by the picture, though it's all my fault for not thumbing through the magazine more thoroughly before purchasing it.

But, I hate to be one of those thumbers and store readers, don't you?

Bill K
11-29-2011, 05:12 AM
Well if you must lump thumber and reader together then I would not condone the behavior. I'm assuming that when you say reading you don't really mean skimming. However, thumbing /skimming through a magazine before purchasing is in my opinion perfectly acceptable.

11-29-2011, 06:44 AM
But, I hate to be one of those thumbers and store readers, don't you?

At the newstand prices, :eek: at the least, I peruse the index to see if there's enough to justify buying the magazine.

11-29-2011, 07:07 AM
How do you thumb through without removing the plastic cover?

Oops, ummm... wrong magazine, sorry.

Good to hear about the K9, I do wonder if perhaps there's a mention somewhere else in the magazine?

11-29-2011, 10:19 AM
I like to read gun magazines but have found only 2 that are really worth buying.."American Handgunner" and "Combat Handguns" seem IMHO better written and presented than the others...I have seen old articles reprinted with different pictures and other cheap tricks like that in some of the others and I have never read a report in any magazine on any gun test that said this thing is a total POS and I wouldn't recommend it to my worst enemy because gun magazines make most of their money from advertisments from the gun manufacturers and can't really say what the real deal is...

Another thing that ticks me off is no matter what pistol they are testing even something with no sights like a LCP the writer is always able to print 2 inch groups with ease from 25 yards, Yea right but what could they really say, "This thing is doing good to hit the end of the barrel" so I just take everything said with a large grain of salt and look at the pretty pictures while on the man throne...:D

11-29-2011, 11:18 AM
They use a Ransom Rest for those 2" groups at 25 yards. I've read about some guns that only shoot 3 or 4 inch groups from the rest. Inexpensive 1911's seem to have the largest groups at around 4 inches. That's been a few years ago when I used to read Guns and Ammo quite a bit. I gun mags anymore. I have on rare occasion in the past seen something like "this gun needs to go back to the drawing board" and have something or another fixed, and they wouldn't buy one until this was done, but you don't seem to see that anymore as getsome points out.

11-29-2011, 12:00 PM
Gun Test is a pretty good read if your pondering a new gun. I got it for a long time and finally realized it just wasn't good for me and my addiction.
Some even complained that it's too subjective. They don't accept advertising which is why the mag is so expensive. They buy off the rack like everyone else so they say and they don't hold back on any complaints.

I still see one from time to time and like the comparisons. Just not good for my bank account or lack thereof.

11-29-2011, 01:08 PM
I like to read gun magazines but have found only 2 that are really worth buying.."American Handgunner" and "Combat Handguns" seem IMHO better written and presented than the others...I have seen old articles reprinted with different pictures and other cheap tricks like that in some of the others and I have never read a report in any magazine on any gun test that said this thing is a total POS and I wouldn't recommend it to my worst enemy because gun magazines make most of their money from advertisments from the gun manufacturers and can't really say what the real deal is...

Another thing that ticks me off is no matter what pistol they are testing even something with no sights like a LCP the writer is always able to print 2 inch groups with ease from 25 yards, Yea right but what could they really say, "This thing is doing good to hit the end of the barrel" so I just take everything said with a large grain of salt and look at the pretty pictures while on the man throne...:D

good friend that was an outdoor wirter, mostly in the fishinbg area. His home was literaly full of fishing sh-t, u name it, lures, fish finder more rods and reels than gander mt even. HE NEVER WROTE A BAD THING ABOUT ANY PRODUCT SENT TO HIM FOR EVUALATION. He told me #1, when they sent him that product to evaluate and write about at the end of their letter was , don't bother to send the product back after testing ity, just keep it. Now he said, do u think I am going to knock one of those big companies products and loose this free gift sh-t let alone when word gets around that I callum like I see um then all will boycott me and go elsewhere for their write up. I seriously doubt if the gun rags "testers" are any different, let alone if that company advertises in their gun rag. So yes like someone stated, take their articfles with a slight grain of salt. Maybe those gun rags that call it like it is and take no advertisng can say we don't take advertisng for the truth be known no gun maker would even think of advertisng with a company that knocks their product. Quid quo pro...

just my two cents.

I have never limped my G19 but seen a video awhile back where a fella could limp the gun every time. Now if a gun rag wirter had a real ***** on for Glocks, he could duplicate that same crapola and therefore call it a POS.

TRUST BUT VERIFY. Humm I think some past president once said that!!

11-29-2011, 01:25 PM
Today I bought the December issue of Gun World that has a Taurus PT638 on the cover. I'm not a Taurus semi fan (their wheelguns are nice though), but upon closer inspection noticed articles on the Ruger SR40c, the Kahr P40, and the new Kel-tec 14+1 semi-auto 12 Ga. shotgun........all of which are interesting to me.

11-29-2011, 01:47 PM
Today I bought the December issue of Gun World that has a Taurus PT638 on the cover. I'm not a Taurus semi fan (their wheelguns are nice though), but upon closer inspection noticed articles on the Ruger SR40c, the Kahr P40, and the new Kel-tec 14+1 semi-auto 12 Ga. shotgun........all of which are interesting to me.

what did they have to say about the P40?

11-29-2011, 04:52 PM
Good to hear about the K9, I do wonder if perhaps there's a mention somewhere else in the magazine?

Nope. After paying over $10 for it, I decided to read it cover to cover. No mention of the PM9, but it was good reading (for me). Very nice write-up on the Kimber Solo (sweet gun!) and the HK. In fact, very few negatives to say about ANY gun they reviewed.

Earlier posts pretty much say no gun review can really be trusted 100%. Tend to agree somewhat, but I still like the pictures and the warm feeling I get when something in print brags on one of my guns. Isn't that what sells, anyway?:eek:

11-29-2011, 05:57 PM
I like to read gun magazines but have found only 2 that are really worth buying.."American Handgunner" and "Combat Handguns" seem IMHO better written and presented than the others...I have seen old articles reprinted with different pictures and other cheap tricks like that in some of the others and I have never read a report in any magazine on any gun test that said this thing is a total POS and I wouldn't recommend it to my worst enemy because gun magazines make most of their money from advertisments from the gun manufacturers and can't really say what the real deal is...

Another thing that ticks me off is no matter what pistol they are testing even something with no sights like a LCP the writer is always able to print 2 inch groups with ease from 25 yards, Yea right but what could they really say, "This thing is doing good to hit the end of the barrel" so I just take everything said with a large grain of salt and look at the pretty pictures while on the man throne...:D

I was getting 1 inch groups at 25 yards with my LCP.....oh wait, that was the 45 carbine. :D

11-29-2011, 08:14 PM
what did they have to say about the P40?

Said it was a nice quality pistol with reasonable recoil & good accuracy.

However, he did say there were several FTFs in his testing session, but didn't give any numbers.

11-29-2011, 08:31 PM
"Top contenders in the concealed carry world"
"Kimber Solo... Taurus Judge"


11-30-2011, 05:55 PM
So...why include a PM9 on the cover, yet say nothing about it?

Actually, it is surprising this type of thing doesn't happen more often. Could be due to any number of reasons. Most likely that the magazine was on a tight deadline, author said "get me a picture of a Kahr K9", admin or picture editor (who typically is not skilled in the author's subject) couldn't find one so found one that was "close enough." Nobody had time to check or bothered to check.

Given the complexity of things these days, the rush everyone is in, and the fact that most people just don't care - I think it is unusual when things actually do work correctly.

11-30-2011, 08:59 PM
"Cadillac" is a nice description of the K9. I know they don't mean it in the "bankrupt company that makes crap" sense of the word, but in the classical sense of "high quality standard to which other things are compared." (That's for the young whippersnapers 'round here who don't remember when "Cadillac" meant something.) :)

11-30-2011, 09:05 PM
Nothin can be lackin when your cadillacin.

11-30-2011, 10:57 PM
Actually, it is surprising this type of thing doesn't happen more often. Could be due to any number of reasons. Most likely that the magazine was on a tight deadline, author said "get me a picture of a Kahr K9", admin or picture editor (who typically is not skilled in the author's subject) couldn't find one so found one that was "close enough." Nobody had time to check or bothered to check.

Given the complexity of things these days, the rush everyone is in, and the fact that most people just don't care - I think it is unusual when things actually do work correctly.

Possible scenario...but right beside the PM9 was a label that actually listed it as a PM9, not a K9. The index listed the article as that of a Kahr K9, but not a PM9, so my guess is that they definitely goofed on the cover.

11-30-2011, 11:06 PM
Gun magazines exist to sell guns, and sell more gun magazines. Always consider that viewpoint.

12-01-2011, 07:29 AM
Gun magazines exist to sell guns, and sell more gun magazines. Always consider that viewpoint.
Plus, the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about (Oscar Wilde).

12-01-2011, 07:51 AM
[QUOTE=getsome;112186]I like to read gun magazines but have found only 2 that are really worth buying.."American Handgunner" and "Combat Handguns" seem IMHO better written and presented than the others...I have seen old articles reprinted with different pictures and other cheap tricks like that in some of the others and I have never read a report in any magazine on any gun test that said this thing is a total POS and I wouldn't recommend it to my worst enemy because gun magazines make most of their money from advertisments from the gun manufacturers and can't really say what the real deal is...

Another thing that ticks me off is no matter what pistol they are testing even something with no sights like a LCP the writer is always able to print 2 inch groups with ease from 25 yards, Yea right but what could they really say, "This thing is doing good to hit the end of the barrel" so I just take everything said with a large grain of salt and look at the pretty pictures while on the man throne...:D[/QUOTE
I agree with your choice of magazines,plus both have articles from MAS Ayoob

Longitude Zero
12-01-2011, 09:03 AM
Like you jocko I feel the majority of what is written in the gun press is wishful thinking if not downright malarkey. At the Tulsa gun show several years ago many of the top writers for the gun press were in attendance. Names we all know. I asked them why we never see negative reports. There reply mirrors what jocko was told, "If we do not write glowing reviews how long do you think we will keep getting free products of how long our publications will remain in business?"

Gun mag articles ae nothing more than advertisements for their products. Never take what they say as the gospel truth. There is a grey headed old coot, with a rat-tail haircut that has his own website. IMHO I consider everything he posts to be a fabrication if not an outright LIE!!!

12-01-2011, 09:29 AM
How in the world did the Taurus Judge get on that list? Mine is a little big even with a 2" barrel to hide real well unless under a coat.


12-01-2011, 10:54 AM
How in the world did the Taurus Judge get on that list? Mine is a little big even with a 2" barrel to hide real well unless under a coat.


Well, weren't they meant to be hidden under a black robe? :rolleyes:

12-01-2011, 12:37 PM
Gun mag articles ae nothing more than advertisements for their products. Never take what they say as the gospel truth. There is a grey headed old coot, with a rat-tail haircut that has his own website. IMHO I consider everything he posts to be a fabrication if not an outright LIE!!!

One of these days you'll be able to express how you REALLY feel, but this is certainly progress.:rolleyes:

Longitude Zero
12-01-2011, 02:15 PM
I have lived 50+ years expressing my thoughts, I have no belief I will change. How others perceive me is their issue not mine.

12-01-2011, 02:28 PM
Like you jocko I feel the majority of what is written in the gun press is wishful thinking if not downright malarkey. At the Tulsa gun show several years ago many of the top writers for the gun press were in attendance. Names we all know. I asked them why we never see negative reports. There reply mirrors what jocko was told, "If we do not write glowing reviews how long do you think we will keep getting free products of how long our publications will remain in business?"

Gun mag articles ae nothing more than advertisements for their products. Never take what they say as the gospel truth. There is a grey headed old coot, with a rat-tail haircut that has his own website. IMHO I consider everything he posts to be a fabrication if not an outright LIE!!!

the same way auto tests are done. Maybe they don't get to keep the\ vehicle but maybe they just got a 62"big screen tv delivered the day before the test write up was done to. I use them as a guide to what I want to pursue, Alot of gun tests do show the internals and some of the parts that otherwise I would never see unless I owned it as most gun shops don't allow complete take down. My outdoor writer friend told me that once ur name gets around in the writers guild as a real pric-,u might as well hang up ur pen for ur done.. Do we think Kahr would continue to advertise if their writers hammered the piss out of kahrs every chance they got. I can make every gun test fail,if that is mydesire to do so.:der:


12-01-2011, 02:29 PM
I find myself wondering what a rat tail haircut looks like. I got a picture in my small mind and it ain't pretty.

I've spent about that long expressing my own opinions too. No changing now. How I've survived this long in city government is a mystery to me.

Longitude Zero
12-01-2011, 04:30 PM
Do we think Kahr would continue to advertise if their writers hammered the piss out of kahrs every chance they got. I can make every gun test fail,if that is mydesire to do so.:der:


Agreed but Kahr like S&W, Colt, Springfield Armory turns out top quality products from the start and has VERY VERY FEW klangers. Unlike many of those cheapo potmetal gunmakers in Florida like say the one tht Kahr is suing.

12-01-2011, 04:47 PM
Every article I have ever read about any DB pistol said they were fantastic shooters with zero issues and very accurate...I will stand on my original point...Read the articles but take anything the writer says with a tablespoon of salt...Personally I enjoy looking at the Dillon reloading girls in their ads....Now I will believe anything any of them says without question!!!...:cool:

12-01-2011, 05:01 PM
yes I now have 15 dillon presses based on what those gals have told me that I REALLY NEED. I trust their juggs, I mean judgement emmensely.

12-01-2011, 06:42 PM
I find myself wondering what a rat tail haircut looks like. I got a picture in my small mind and it ain't pretty.

No, he is talking about the rat tail BEARD on Jeff Quinn over at Gunblast.

12-01-2011, 11:56 PM
I have lived 50+ years expressing my thoughts, I have no belief I will change. How others perceive me is their issue not mine.

I passed that 50 marker a few years ago, too, so I can fully identify with what you're saying. My earlier comment was intended to be complimentary to you, thus the smiley face. Hope you didn't perceive my post in any other way.

No need to change, except in the 2012 election, that is. (Did I type that?)