View Full Version : Flawless First 2 trips with new CM9

11-29-2011, 02:46 PM
I finally got my new CM9 to the range this past week and I am very happy! :D

I took my little sister shooting on the Saturday after Thankgiving and we put about 50 rounds through the CM9. I was glad to see that it didn't malfunction even when she shot it (First time shooting for her, obviously limp wristing).

I just got back from the range today where I put 115 more rounds through it without even a hiccup. 50 115gr Federal FMJ,50 147gr AE FMJ, and 15 147gr GDHP's.

Color me pleased. Now I just need a couple of extra mags and a IWB holster before it becomes my EDC! :)

11-29-2011, 02:53 PM
Hi Kay, Great choice and first couple trips out! For the IWB holster, I'm a fan of the Silent Thunder as are several others here. You might want to take a look at:
Pics (http://s762.photobucket.com/albums/xx269/OldLincoln/Holsters/?albumview=slideshow)
ST Web page (http://garrettindustries.mybigcommerce.com/products/Silent-Thunder-IWB.html)

11-29-2011, 04:57 PM
Glad to hear that you are a happy camper,Kayl. They sure are fun to shoot. Is the trigger manageable for you? I know that you had some issues/concerns when you dry fired it.. Where do you shoot, buy the way? Mike

11-30-2011, 10:54 AM
Glad to hear that you are a happy camper,Kayl. They sure are fun to shoot. Is the trigger manageable for you? I know that you had some issues/concerns when you dry fired it.. Where do you shoot, buy the way? Mike

The trigger is growing on me- I noticed that when I dryfire it with a magazine inserted, the trigger breaks slightly further forward in the pull than it did without a magazine in. I was just expecting a trigger more similar to a Sig or j-frame DA pull.

I mainly shoot at Fletcher Arms in Waukesha, but sometimes run to Shooters in Racine. I hopefully will be getting a membership at an outdoor range sometime next year, wife allowing! :)

11-30-2011, 11:12 AM
Been to Fletcher's, but never shot there. I live south of Waukesha, and can shoot in my yard. I rarely/never go to an indoor facility..Mike

11-30-2011, 12:30 PM
I live south of Waukesha, and can shoot in my yard. I rarely/never go to an indoor facility..Mike

Lucky dog!

11-30-2011, 01:33 PM
Been to Fletcher's, but never shot there. I live south of Waukesha, and can shoot in my yard. I rarely/never go to an indoor facility..Mike
Yes, lucky man.
Personally hate all the unsolicited advice, Tactical Tommys, easily frazzled target shooters, rules, opinions on your ammo, choice of gun, etc etc.

kayl, Congrats on the flawless outings. Ur off to a good start with a great gun

12-01-2011, 08:33 PM
I finally got my new CM9 to the range this past week and I am very happy! :D

I took my little sister shooting on the Saturday after Thankgiving and we put about 50 rounds through the CM9. I was glad to see that it didn't malfunction even when she shot it (First time shooting for her, obviously limp wristing).

I just got back from the range today where I put 115 more rounds through it without even a hiccup. 50 115gr Federal FMJ,50 147gr AE FMJ, and 15 147gr GDHP's.

Color me pleased. Now I just need a couple of extra mags and a IWB holster before it becomes my EDC! :)

NICE!:) Its always a good feeling to get a good gun, one that works right out of the box.
Welcome to Kahrtalk.:D

12-01-2011, 08:45 PM
That's great news, sounds like a winner you've got there!

12-15-2011, 03:12 PM
150 more today through the CM9, 100 rounds of Gold Dot 147 gr and 50 rounds of 147gr FMJ. Ran like a champ.

I'll start carrying it tomorrow :) It's gotta get cleaned first :-p