View Full Version : New guy/new CM9/1st range report

12-01-2011, 12:19 PM
Howdy, all. Matt here, 46 year shooter, first Kahr firearm.

Just picked up this little beauty the other day, first trip to my outdoor shooting area this morning. Blustery and cold/spitting snow, so I was in a hurry....just wanted to get the 200 or so break in rounds done, anyway.

Spent all day yesterday doing the "Proper Prep of a New Kahr, although I did cycle the slide at least 1000-1500 times or so, just because I had nothing better to do. Good leather gloves were helpful! Also, if I wasn't cycling the slide, it was locked OPEN for most of those first 24 hours....taming that recoil spring a little bit.

100 rds. Wallyworld Federal 115 FMJ/100 rds. Blazer Aluminum 115 FMJ/25 rds. Remington Golden Saber and 25 rds. Winchester Ranger 147gr. were fired.

First round in first magazine took a nose dive, using the slingshot method I've been trained to employ. (use the slide stop to release the slide on this little guy, dummy....I told myself).

First round in second magazine took a nose dive, using the slide "release".

End of problems.

Then rapidly fired all 250 rounds with no failures of any sort. No failures to fire, extract, eject or chamber, zero. After a bit, I thought "hmmm....little Kahr, you're going to challenge me, eh?". The last 150 rounds were all fired using weak hand, limpwrist, sideways hold (chamber up or down) and even a couple of magazines with the little gun totally upside down (just 'cause I'd never tried it). ZERO failures. I held it as loosely as I could in either hand, without dropping it, and it still functioned 100%. I couldn't make it fail.

It got so hot at times, the end of the slide was very hard to touch, the barrel would have blistered my finger.

So, 250 rounds fired, with just a two round feeding bobble early on, in exactly 33 minutes. Told you, it was COLD!

Took her home and gave her a good cleaning, this little pistol will replace my trusty J-frame as my EDC, either as a backup or primary.

I'm sold!

12-01-2011, 12:23 PM
Literally shot it like you stole it lol, great report! Glad you're enjoying that CM9, sounds like you got yourself a shooter there.

I can relate to the weather as I'm in Minnesota myself...

Welcome to KahrTalk!

12-01-2011, 01:16 PM
Welcome to the forum - I think you'll like it here in spite of the fact that I show up often, but then so does Jocko and Bawanna.

I sounds like you have a keeper like most of us. [5 Kahrs - no problems for me] Now that you have some rounds through it and loosened up the pistol, you should be able to sling-shot the slide now or pretty soon, anyway. I've never had a issue with it.

12-01-2011, 01:17 PM
Welcome to the forum xrmattaz. Sounds like you got you a good little pistol there. My CW40 gave me all kinds of fits when I limp wristed it. It was my first polymer frame gun and he told me they can be a little picky about how they are held. Since then it's been totally reliable, except for one time that the primer didn't go off. Not sure if it was the primer or what, it had a nice dent in it, so I just ejected the round and fired a few more mags to see if it happened again, and it never did. Must have been a hard primer, I didn't try it again, just threw it away. Probably should have tried firing it again, probably would have fired. But I took the chance to do a tap and rack drill.

12-01-2011, 01:31 PM
lucky guy, wish i could of had the same experience as you did.

Bill K
12-01-2011, 01:43 PM
Welcome to KahrTalk.

So to me it sounds like it took 7 rounds to polish the feed ramp. :)

12-01-2011, 02:06 PM
XRMATTZZ; pretty damn nice first report. I another hundred or 200 rounds you will think ur shooting a different gun. These kahrs to me seem to smooth out so so nice, that one is wasting money if he thinks an action job is good for his kahr.

We have some pretty knbowledeagle people here than can help u if you have any questions. in the mean time have u visited the kahr tech section and hit on two nice threads.

#1 kahr lube chart

#2 propper prepping of ur new kahr.

enjoy and welcome aboard to.

12-01-2011, 02:10 PM
Welcome to the forum. You got a good one just like I did.

FYI, go ahead and start looking at what you want your next Kahr to be. You'll want another one too.

12-01-2011, 02:25 PM
Great report. Always nice to hear a good one..Shoot the snot out of it. It will only get better. Mike

12-01-2011, 03:47 PM
Forgot to mention how stinking accurate this little gem was for me! I cannot remember a new/out of the box firearm shooting so well for me, in a long long time.

Aimed shooting, point shooting, one hand or two didn't seem to matter.

12-01-2011, 04:03 PM

12-01-2011, 05:17 PM
Welcome to the forum.

You didn't melt the front sight did you. lol

I read a report in a gun review where they did.

FWIW at the range I have mostly shot WallyWorld Federal 115 FMJ and have yet to have an issue it. As far as the nose dives go, using the slide stop to knock the first round home will work. If you hit the back end of that brass hard enough it surely will take the path of least resistance.

If you want to be less brutal about driving that first round home, you can tweak the mag and follower easily enough and that first round will chamber smoothly whether you hand rack it or use the slide stop. Plenty of info in this forum to address any issues that may come up.

And yes, this is one accurate firearm and a pleasure to shoot which can't be said for many CCWs.

12-01-2011, 06:55 PM
Welcome to KahrTalk, Xrmattaz! Congrats on the CM9. Im a fellow CM9'er myself. And thanks for the range report. You were shooting like your hair was on fire! I've had equally good results with my CM9. The more you shoot it, the better it seems to get.

12-01-2011, 07:42 PM
Awesome report!! Sounds like you had alotta fun!!

12-15-2011, 03:34 PM
Another 200 rounds fired, without a hitch. Still quite pleased with this little pistol.