View Full Version : 2012 Perspective

12-02-2011, 09:10 PM
I'm one of the first to complain about anything.... I'm ex-military, it comes with the territory. But, things in the gun world have been pretty good lately.

Compact autos.... we can choose from so many quality made handgun maufacturers that make excellent products.

Rifles and Carbines... How many companies make AR style rifles? How many of them are of exceptional craftsmanship? It's hard to choose.

Shotguns... So simple, yet so sophisticated. Today's scatter-gun is a wonder to behold.

Custom Firearms.... Oh my..... I'm at a lose for words for what is being produced in the custom shops. They are truly amazing.

Yes, we have a wonderful selection of firearms out there. Prices are in line with inflation, manufacturing is at an all-time peak and quality is higher than ever.

Are we spoiled or what?:D

mr surveyor
12-02-2011, 09:56 PM
spoiled???? not yet.... but if I can ever get over the last 3 years of economic doom and gloom I'll danged sure give it a try:D

12-02-2011, 10:00 PM
spoiled???? not yet.... but if I can ever get over the last 3 years of economic doom and gloom I'll danged sure give it a try:D

The next election should take care of your gloomy outlook.;)

12-03-2011, 07:26 AM
Yes, we have a wonderful selection of firearms out there. Prices are in line with inflation, manufacturing is at an all-time peak and quality is higher than ever.

True enough, yet I still find myself being frustrated by the fact that a number of my objects of desire are difficult or impossible to find for sale, at least where I shop. Colt products in particular. On the bright side (at least for me), this lack of availability has helped keep my spending somewhat under control.

Bill K
12-03-2011, 07:43 AM
For those like me who find it 'necessary' to analyze every purchase to death having so large a selection turns out to be a negative. For those of you not having my affliction I think it is great.

12-06-2011, 07:01 AM
True enough, yet I still find myself being frustrated by the fact that a number of my objects of desire are difficult or impossible to find for sale, at least where I shop. Colt products in particular. On the bright side (at least for me), this lack of availability has helped keep my spending somewhat under control.

It's only money, Max and you can't take it with you when you die. Life is short. Enjoy.