View Full Version : Wild Fantasies?

12-04-2011, 09:09 AM
For those of you expecting something like late-night HBO or Showtime, that's NOT what I'm referring to! lol.

I find myself playing out bad scenarios in my head all the time(Obviously they don't stay bad, I always win). Imagining "what if" situations and then planning my recourse. Am I crazy? Or do we all share this type of daydreaming?

12-04-2011, 09:13 AM
Not sure if you are crazy or not, but visualization is used by all sorts of people, including elite athletes, so I see no problem with it.

12-04-2011, 09:24 AM
Playing the "What if" game is a good method for staying sharp. It keeps your mind active and aware.
If you're crazy, then you have lots of company.;)

12-04-2011, 09:58 AM
:80: You might be......:crazy: :80:

12-04-2011, 10:28 AM
Weeeh, kind of a relief. Maybe I'm not ready for the Men's Warehouse jacket where the sleeves tie together.

MW surveyor
12-04-2011, 10:29 AM
MO Soldier

If you are crazy, then I am also. I do this all of the time in my work if we have not conducted a proper risk analysis. Just one way of making sure that all of the bases are covered.

BTW - Did you give your own post a thumbs down?:19:

12-04-2011, 10:37 AM
For those of you expecting something like late-night HBO or Showtime, that's NOT what I'm referring to! lol.

I find myself playing out bad scenarios in my head all the time(Obviously they don't stay bad, I always win). Imagining "what if" situations and then planning my recourse. Am I crazy? Or do we all share this type of daydreaming?

than I should when riding today on my Harley. At my age, Idon't seem as alert as a 25 year old, so when I see cars at intersections,or trucks next to me I try to visualize the worst. NOt sure that is a good thing to be doing either, but I seem to do it more since my last motorcycle wreck...

12-04-2011, 10:38 AM
Weeeh, kind of a relief. Maybe I'm not ready for the Men's Warehouse jacket where the sleeves tie together.

yes, ur READY my friend!:banplease:

12-04-2011, 11:02 AM
I imagine various scenarios and how what would be the best course of action. I think that's more "precautionary" than paranoid or crazy. I like to try and think like a criminal and imagine what they would do to gain entry. When I get back in the farmhouse am definately going to replace some doors, although if someone wants in there are plenty of windows they can smash and walk on in.

Like Jocko, I do the same things on my bike when I ride. I take it a step farther and just pretend I'm invisible and no one can see me, so I expect cars to pull out in front of me or change lanes on me (although with my pipes I don't know how they can't hear me). I had one guy, I could swear we made eye contact, but he pulled on out and I had to hit the brake hard, fortunately I was already off the gas and ready to hit the brakes hard. He got the one finger salute for sure, although I'm sure he couldn't see it.

12-04-2011, 11:21 AM
For those of you expecting something like late-night HBO or Showtime, that's NOT what I'm referring to! lol.

I find myself playing out bad scenarios in my head all the time(Obviously they don't stay bad, I always win). Imagining "what if" situations and then planning my recourse. Am I crazy? Or do we all share this type of daydreaming?

Hmmmmm......I always lose - what am I doing wrong. :)

12-04-2011, 11:29 AM
I did that for a while and was okay as long as a BG did what I wanted him to. I went to the Scenarios section of DefensiveCarry.com (http://www.defensivecarry.com/forum/carry-defensive-scenarios/) and studied - seriously studied - their actual scenarios wher folks gave their "what I would have done" replies. Most replies were serious and thought out and others pointed out the flaws, mostly kindly. I did that until I started getting them right before reading replies.

I consider that a terrific classroom complete with feedback. It does wonders for your education and confidence. Playing out scenarios in your mind doesn't mean your choices are correct, so this give a more complete picture. Always remember this: "Practice doesn't make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect."

12-04-2011, 11:43 AM
than I should when riding today on my Harley. At my age, Idon't seem as alert as a 25 year old, so when I see cars at intersections,or trucks next to me I try to visualize the worst. NOt sure that is a good thing to be doing either, but I seem to do it more since my last motorcycle wreck...

I think all riders do that almost without thinking about it. I know I always slow down and cover the brake when passing shopping centers, side streets, etc. And of course, there's always the threat of left turner in front of you. It also transfers to our car driving. Bike riders are more defensive when driving anything.

12-04-2011, 02:09 PM
than I should when riding today on my Harley. At my age, Idon't seem as alert as a 25 year old, so when I see cars at intersections,or trucks next to me I try to visualize the worst. NOt sure that is a good thing to be doing either, but I seem to do it more since my last motorcycle wreck...

I did the same thing all the time when I had a bike and rode. You gotta watch out for those cars because they don't always watch out for you.

12-04-2011, 02:26 PM
I did the same thing all the time when I had a bike and rode. You gotta watch out for those cars because they don't always watch out for you.

Sometimes, they see ya and don't give a sh!t. Back in the 70s, my older brother rode a motorcycle. He was going up a hill on a tree lined city street when a man pulled right out in front of him. He had to lay the bike down and run himself to a stop (he had incredibly strong legs). He said he could see the old man looking right at him at the end of his long driveway that approached the road almost at a parallel, but he pulled out anyway. When he asked the retired police officer why he had done that, the old man said "I don't stop for no g** damn motorcycles!"

12-04-2011, 02:53 PM
Oh I did some of these mind scenarios with guns to until about 30+ years ago in my gun business when two guys came in and one put a revolver at my head and the other held a pump shotgun on me. Now in this true scenario, I had not dreamed about pissing my pants. Trust me the best laid plans go haywire when the above scenario really happens. Nice to think about it but IMO in reality, probalby never happens that way. U see the BG's didnt read the same book!!!

Back 30+ years ago they merely wanted money, today they will want ur money but will still shoot u, just because that is the thing to do and I persnally believe that if your packing a weapon in plain view when this all happens, u can kiss ur ass good bye.

12-04-2011, 03:51 PM
I don't do the senario thing so to speak,but as a harley rider you must have an awarness something like a 6th sense going on all the time if you do not plan on becoming road kill. I'm sure you bikers know what I'm talking about. For me I think that has away of transfering over into other aspects of my life. If something doesn't feel right to me then it probably isn't. That's when I flip the awareness button up a notch.

Oh and listening to those little voices in your head can be helpful at times.:D
(pease tell me you hear them too)

12-04-2011, 04:03 PM
good point, when I was young and foolish years ago (not so young today) I tended to not worry about most of the things that today I do seem to worry about. I certainly tend to worry more about waking up in the morning today than I did 40 years ago. Forty years ago, I though it u were age 40, u were on ur last leg to. I think Popeye understands where I am coming from on that...

12-04-2011, 05:57 PM
For those of you expecting something like late-night HBO or Showtime, that's NOT what I'm referring to! lol.

I find myself playing out bad scenarios in my head all the time(Obviously they don't stay bad, I always win). Imagining "what if" situations and then planning my recourse. Am I crazy? Or do we all share this type of daydreaming?You have me worried when you say "all the time". Surely you spend time daydreaming about new guns and women.

There's a member on a gun forum, can't remember which, who has a signature line something like this:

"Be polite to everyone, but have a plan to kill them just in case" :)

12-04-2011, 05:58 PM
For those of you expecting something like late-night HBO or Showtime, that's NOT what I'm referring to! lol.

I find myself playing out bad scenarios in my head all the time(Obviously they don't stay bad, I always win). Imagining "what if" situations and then planning my recourse. Am I crazy? Or do we all share this type of daydreaming?

Certainly not after a reality trip or three. At least not in my case.

12-04-2011, 06:01 PM
You have me worried when you say "all the time". Surely you spend time daydreaming about new guns and women.

There's a member on a gun forum, can't remember which, who has a signature line something like this:

"Be polite to everyone, but have a plan to kill them just in case" :)

I like that one. I'm stealing it. Puts simple coherence to my personal philosophy.

12-04-2011, 06:04 PM
good point, when I was young and foolish years ago (not so young today) I tended to not worry about most of the things that today I do seem to worry about. I certainly tend to worry more about waking up in the morning today than I did 40 years ago. Forty years ago, I though it u were age 40, u were on ur last leg to. I think Popeye understands where I am coming from on that...

Ha, ha, ha....I worry a lot less about waking up in the morning than I did 40 years ago.

12-04-2011, 06:24 PM
Imagining "what if" situations and then planning my recourse. Am I crazy? Or do we all share this type of daydreaming?

If I have that daydream again about Faith Hill breaking into my house and wanting to talk about Sunday Night football........I'm still not sure exactly how I would handle that scenario. lol


12-04-2011, 06:46 PM
I can sure see where that would be a nice dilemma unless her hubby Tim has any inkling of where she is.

12-04-2011, 06:50 PM
Who is Faith Hill? What is Sunday Night Football? Who is Bawanna? Where the hell am I?

12-04-2011, 08:27 PM
"Don't adjust your dial. Your set is functioning properly. You are in the Twilight Zone."

12-04-2011, 09:07 PM
Who is Faith Hill? What is Sunday Night Football? Who is Bawanna? Where the hell am I?

Damn comma!

12-05-2011, 07:26 AM
[QUOTE=ltxi;113679]Who is Faith Hill? What is Sunday Night Football? Who is Bawanna? Where the hell am I?[/QUOTE

I don't know? I was in Penna. the last time I checked, but now I find myself wondering that the heck this green thing standing next to me and WTF is that thing that looked like a giant dust bunny that just rolled in front of me?http://harleytechtalk.org/htt/Smileys/classic/gene.gif I'm more confused at the moment than a breast fead baby in a topless biker bar.

12-05-2011, 05:29 PM
I think one of those two was prolly that guy who called me a commie..

12-05-2011, 05:42 PM
I think one of those two was prolly that guy who called me a commie..

It comma! and wheres this topless biker bar at exactly?

12-05-2011, 06:42 PM
It comma! and wheres this topless biker bar at exactly?
Go to any Bike week and you can't help but run into one sooner or later.:D

12-05-2011, 07:24 PM
Go to any Bike week and you can't help but run into one sooner or later.:D

But.....but....but....what if I"m afraid?

I took my kids to a bike show they had local when they were little and one asked me if you had to have long hair a beard and tattoos to be a biker, I told him I didnt think it was required but it was a pretty good start.

12-05-2011, 07:46 PM
But.....but....but....what if I"m afraid?

I took my kids to a bike show they had local when they were little and one asked me if you had to have long hair a beard and tattoos to be a biker, I told him I didnt think it was required but it was a pretty good start.

Yep, pretty much the deal back in the day when I was riding. Excellent general description of my third ex-wife....third or fourth generation New Jersey Italian.

12-05-2011, 08:02 PM
But.....but....but....what if I"m afraid?

I took my kids to a bike show they had local when they were little and one asked me if you had to have long hair a beard and tattoos to be a biker, I told him I didnt think it was required but it was a pretty good start.

No not really.I do have a couple tattoos from my military days and a short gray beard and gray hair.(Wife calls it silver, god bless her heart) Funny thing is once you get to know those guys you'll find there really good people with big hearts for the most part. There just not pretty boys.

12-05-2011, 08:11 PM
Actually when we took my daughter to school in Cody Wyoming there were about 500 or more motorcycles lined up down the main drag. My first thought was the Hell's Angels were in town. Turns out they were HOG members. Full mix of description. Rolling around town we ran into many of them. All very pleasant, open doors, helped get up curbs etc many times.
The manager of the motel said the Hell's Angels were there the week before and the town loves them. They always pay, never trash the rooms and good for local business. Just not all pretty like ya say.

12-05-2011, 08:30 PM
Bawanna I'm not suprised a bit with what your saying. Most bikers will never bother anyone. Just don't bother them or mess with there bikes. Most are very hard working people with families like everyone else. When it comes to opening up there hearts and wallets to children in need knowone does it better. There just people who dance to there own drummer.

12-05-2011, 08:34 PM
Bikers of today are NOT THE BIKERS OF YESTERDAY. A lot of todays bikers like wearing the "look". Also a lot have no clue how to even change there own oil. Trailer bike to event, trailer it to dealer for oil change, put maybe 500 miles a year on if lucky. But they usually spend a lot of money when they go to event/ride.
I am not knocking them, just a different breed.
Think of Tim Allen and the WILD HAWGS.:cheer2:

12-05-2011, 08:43 PM
OMG!!! It's the White Knight!

12-05-2011, 09:45 PM
Jeepster your right there are weekend dressup pirates In the biker cummunity.Not everyone has the knowhow to work on there own bikes nor the time. Like I said they have families and jobs. It's not mandatory to be a dirt bag to be a biker. I do the work on my own bike, ride it 12 months a year when most including the so called real bikers have them put up for the winter. I have no club afiliation nor do I want any, and ride 8 to 10 K a year and live in Pa. My fantasy/Dream was to work 30 years as a union carpenter,put my daughter through college then retire and buy a Harley so the wife and I could ride this great country. I did that, and the wife and I are still doing it. I don't much care about this, he's a biker and he's just a poser. It juvinile Blah,blah BS. I just ride.

12-05-2011, 09:55 PM
Whew! Talk about a rabbit's trail...

Anyway, in response to the Original Post (remember that?), I've played out many different scenarios, too. Some, of which, I don't take the correct course of action and hurt the innocent accidentally. Really hate that scenario, and it scares me to death! Guess that's the healthy kind of fear that should direct me and train me to make the right responses.

Glad I'm not a psycho....or, maybe I'm just in good company?

12-05-2011, 11:14 PM
bikers are just like alot of gun owners. When I had my gun business I had a few guys who like to show off carrying openly, they were wannabe's of something.Hell I never knew. They never caused any problems, they spent money in my business. Bikers are no different, The hard core is not what makes up the biker world today . They are there but it is the JOHN Q. CITIZEN who worked his ass off for 30 years and always wanted a motorcycle and he got it and now wants to ride it like he stole it. I have seen so many used 6 year old bikes with 3K miles on them that It makes me cry. WHY buy it if u not gonna ride it, but as we know that is the way it is with many. Certainly in my book does not make them a bad person either. That same person will trailor/ride or whatever to sturgis for a week and spend easily a grand in a motel, food gas, biker toys etc. Now some of the hard hard core will sleep up in the hills behind a big rock, bring their own food, spend no money other than beer, certainly buy no toys etc. Thats OK to. They both seem toget along.

I am one who like popeye rides 365 days a year, if only 50 miles a day for coffee but I ride cause I love it. I ask for nothhing when riding than other to keep myself off some fokking guys front bumper of his vehicle. I have people ride by me in the dead of winter in their cars and just shake their heads at me to.Colder than a witchs tit, but for me nothing like it. I am not hard core, just devoted to what I love to do. I am particular who I ride with but I recognize all bikers on the road to. To me each his own. The greatest thing in life for me is being lucky to have a super wife who rides her own Harley Davidson Streetglide right along side of me. Life just does't get any better than that. And trust me she can ride it like she stole it to

For me a relazing day is going to Sturgis for a week and sitting on a trash barrel on down town main street in Sturgis and watching all the bikes, people go buy. Now convince me that life is not good!!1

Hell people don't change oil or service their vehicles, why would one think they will do that with their bikes either. I grew up with wrenches in my hands, so it was a no brainer but again that is where alot of these little off the wall bike shops make a good living to.

Hell the new harleys today aer 20K on the tranny fluid and 5K on the oil change ,,, trust me for some riders that could be a lifetime of riding. I am sure the other brands are the same way. Sealed batterys,damn near maintenance free today compared to 20 years ago...Fuel injection for any altitude riding..

I was lucky last year to go to Mountain Fest in Morgantown. W. Va. over 40K bikers swarmed into that town, the town laid out the red carpet,no motel jacked up prices and these bikers spent the bucks there to. One of the best rally/events I had been to in years. I will go back. Anytime I can hear Ted Nugent and Montgomery Gentry in concert at this event for a mere $25 total has to be the bargain of the year. let alone some great mountain back road riding--yes life is good.. I know why they call it Mountain fest to...Nice country..

12-05-2011, 11:31 PM
Yep, pretty much the deal back in the day when I was riding. Excellent general description of my third ex-wife....third or fourth generation New Jersey Italian.

she shave under her arms then she ain't no Italian!!:mad:

12-06-2011, 03:27 AM
Whew! Talk about a rabbit's trail...

It happens quite often on the net:w00t: Did I mention I see ghosts and listen to the voices in my head.:o

12-06-2011, 04:52 AM
...waking up... someone mention biker bar? The Last Resort, south of Daytona....

12-06-2011, 05:31 AM
probably more fireamrs on people in the LAST RESORT than in afganista:Dn

12-06-2011, 10:56 AM
Yep, pretty much the deal back in the day when I was riding. Excellent general description of my third ex-wife....third or fourth generation New Jersey Italian.

she shave under her arms then she ain't no Italian!!:mad:

I'm more alarmed by the beard! :eek: He said the description matched his ex-wife, and that description included tattoos and a beard!

12-06-2011, 11:10 AM
It happens quite often on the net:w00t: Did I mention I see ghosts and listen to the voices in my head.:o

I'm not sure whats best voices or "Little People". Maybe the same thing?

12-06-2011, 12:10 PM
I'm not sure whats best voices or "Little People". Maybe the same thing?

I don't know Bawanna but they sound like there on my shoulders and half are democrates and other half repubicans cause there always disagreeing.:(

12-06-2011, 01:49 PM
I don't know Bawanna but they sound like there on my shoulders and half are democrates and other half repubicans cause there always disagreeing.:(

Aww man! Your cursed. Ain't no democrats on my shoulders, thank goodness. There was a ghost of Rosie and Oprah once but I threw myself in the hot tub for a exorcism and drowned em.

12-06-2011, 02:30 PM
WOW, There's two heavy weights, that are no strangers to a knife and fork.

12-06-2011, 02:46 PM
WOW, There's two heavy weights, that are no strangers to a knife and fork.

Yeah let me tell ya about it. Overflowed the dang hot tub, with water displacement, while I held em under breathing through a hollow reed. Had to add a 100 gallons of water and took 2 days to get back up to temp.
We're talking extreme whale watching.:eek:

12-06-2011, 03:33 PM
It happens quite often on the net:w00t: Did I mention I see ghosts and listen to the voices in my head.:o

Ha! That's what I'm learning about this forum. Going from one topic to the next and never returning to the origination makes you feel like you're all around the same dining table, shooting the breeze after a great meal.

Did you see that squirrel?

12-06-2011, 03:41 PM
Ha! That's what I'm learning about this forum. Going from one topic to the next and never returning to the origination makes you feel like you're all around the same dining table, shooting the breeze after a great meal.

Did you see that squirrel?

Missed it but the next new rig you see me in is gonna be a Chevrolet. That's ok kid, I can't mitzubiti.
Personally I could do without a few great meals, I'm not as lean but still as mean as I used to be.
What was the topic anyhow. OH it was popeye hooking up with Rosie and her new bride to be. Aww jeez! Anyone know how to get puke out of a keyboard?
Why do I do this to myself. Popeye, I apologize and hope your never within a 1000 miles of either one of em. Man this keyboard is toast.

12-06-2011, 03:41 PM
Ha! That's what I'm learning about this forum. Going from one topic to the next and never returning to the origination makes you feel like you're all around the same dining table, shooting the breeze after a great meal.

Did you see that squirrel?

You mean the one that was sitting on top of the moose. Yea I saw him. personally I think they were both a little drunk. I guess they drank to much Moosehead ale.

(Please tell me I didn't go there and this is all just an illusion.)

12-06-2011, 03:51 PM
Missed it but the next new rig you see me in is gonna be a Chevrolet. That's ok kid, I can't mitzubiti.
Personally I could do without a few great meals, I'm not as lean but still as mean as I used to be.
What was the topic anyhow. OH it was popeye hooking up with Rosie and her new bride to be. Aww jeez! Anyone know how to get puke out of a keyboard?
Why do I do this to myself. Popeye, I apologize and hope your never within a 1000 miles of either one of em. Man this keyboard is toast.

Well I've never actually tried it but I've heard Break Free an old tooth brush and a shop vac works pretty good.