View Full Version : i found the kahr genuises

12-05-2011, 11:08 PM
several yrs ago I bought a cute pistol to add to my collection and also to possibly become my edc. It was as I now find out a old style PM9 with plastic slide lock and weak slide lock spring. I could never get it to feed reliably and the mag kept coming loose. I put it in the safe and said I am going to give them another chance so I bought a PM40 that I now know is new style. It took a very long time to break in but I did get it to the point that I could trust it using hornady and corbon ammo. Could not run dpx my favorite round. Made pm40 my carry gun over the kimber crimson ultra 45 that I had been carrying. I liked the PM40 enough that I bought a PM45 P380 and recently CW9.they were fair but the only one trusted was the forty.
Then I messed up and found out about you guys strickly by accident. I have read every post in the pm9 section all 81 pages and my head hurts.
1 Polished pm9 replaced slide lock and spring installed wolf 20 recoil spring 5 # striker spring, heavy mag spring. 100 ww white box perfect. 1 and ½ boxes (30) rounds corbon DPX perfect.
2 pm40 polished 100 ww white box 1 ½ box corbon dpx perfect
3 cw9 polished 100ww white box 2 boxes hornady 115 criot defence perfect
Have not yet done anything with p380
The pm45 just plugs along does allright but it needs polish and lube
I am surprised that when some of you post advice that the typing doesn’t glow. For truly you must be gods. I can kind of prove it because one of you has 2 Harleys running at the same time. Only a god could cause a miricle like that.
Thank you very much Kahrnut1:)

12-05-2011, 11:18 PM
In many ways, I can second that emotion, Kahrnut1. For me, I can't call these Kahrtalkers gods" (my personal faith won't allow me to go that far), but I do know they're the best I've found so far! These guys (and gals) on this forum ROCK, as you already know. They've been a tremendous help to this Newbie, and I continue to learn something new everyday. I make a visit to Kahrtalk a part of my daily diet.

12-05-2011, 11:47 PM
kahrmut1: PlaSTIC SLIDE LOCK. NO !!! I know u meant plastic magazine release button which my PM9 had also back then, actually mine never gave an issue but when kahr made the metal magazine release button, I got one anyway and installed it. If u looked at that polymer button of yours u would have noticed a metal insert in the mag button that actualy engaged the magazine, not actually the polymer part of the mag button. If u have read here alot, u will also know that I favor the old style (what u have ) PM9 over the new style longer slide model.

These guys do rock on this forum, they are here to help if possable. NO ego's on this forum just good guys who enjoy kahrs . Harleys like kahrs if properly prepped will run like a duracell battery to. Course what do I know, I have only been ridng them for the past 50 years!!

welcome aboard... kinda hard to beat the corbon DPX round IMO.

12-06-2011, 12:56 AM
Glad you found the Forum, and welcome Kahrnut1. Glad the folks were able to help you get your pistols running so well, there is a pretty fair amount of knowledge in these folks heads. Glad to hear you got your favorite ammo to run right. I hate it when something I really like won't work in a gun.

12-06-2011, 07:22 AM
jocko yhou are right it was the mag lock. goldwing riders sign a pledge when they buy their bike that they will never admit in public that hds are dependable. the leader of our bike group rides one and my brother has 4. thanks kahrnut1

12-06-2011, 07:25 AM
u have a smart brother!!!

Bill K
12-06-2011, 08:48 AM
I don't know nothing about "god" and Harleys but the Prince of Darkness would often visit my 750 Triumph Bonniville. :)

12-06-2011, 09:22 AM
bwanna is a god, and jocko is a god, but most of the rest of us are just little angels.

12-06-2011, 09:38 AM
jocko yhou are right it was the mag lock. goldwing riders sign a pledge when they buy their bike that they will never admit in public that hds are dependable. the leader of our bike group rides one and my brother has 4. thanks kahrnut1

Us Harley owners also have a creed. It's o.k. to know or ride with someone with a Honda, just don't tell anyone about it or them.. Welcome to the forum, Kahrnut1..Mike

12-06-2011, 10:06 AM
I don't know nothing about "god" and Harleys but the Prince of Darkness would often visit my 750 Triumph Bonniville. :)

that was sure one nice bike back then, My friend downt he road had one. Fast bike to.

12-06-2011, 10:08 AM
bwanna is a god, and jocko is a god, but most of the rest of us are just little angels.

one god, and that is Bawanna, We serve him:)

12-06-2011, 10:27 AM
Yeah, consider the lesser gods to Bawanna Pharaohs. They sit on thrones made of stone and are old as the pyramids.

12-06-2011, 10:38 AM
Oh you guys are confused. I'm the guy that makes the stones to build the thrones.

I put my britches on two legs at a time, ah, can you guys do that, might be something.

12-06-2011, 12:43 PM
it still was a bad ass bike in those days.

The link is cool Tucson MTB..

12-06-2011, 02:51 PM
Yes, the quality of Lucas Electrics is indeed legendary. Check this link for more (http://www.mez.co.uk/lucas.html). ;)

Never had an English bike, but plenty of TR-3's, TR-4's, MG's, Healey's, and two Lotuses. Even the lotus wasn't immune. I blew the fuse that controlled my heater blower and wipers in my Elan one rainy and snowy night at 2:00 AM in the middle of Kentucky. There probably wasn't an auto parts store open within 500 miles or more. When I sold the car a year later, the aluminum foil was still wrapped around the fuse.

12-06-2011, 04:12 PM
Then I messed up and found out about you guys strickly by accident.

The pm45 just plugs along does allright but it needs polish and lube

For truly you must be gods. I can kind of prove it because one of you has 2 Harleys running at the same time.

A. A happy accident no doubt.

B. No on the polish, yes on the lube, see the sticky someplace here - polish is optional, as they're already smooth enough, but nickel plated that adds a little "frosted" appearance. Other than looks, the polish is doing nothing as the machine marks are not excessive.

C. Hey, I've got a 94 1200 Sportster and an 04 Wide Glide... both run fine. I also am chief caregiver for an '02 Sportster 883 and it runs fine too. Thats 25k, 42k and 18k miles respectively, with only routine oil, brake pads, and tires and batteries. Regular stuff to maintain when you're riding 'em and keeping them for so a good number of years.


joe d
12-06-2011, 05:51 PM
bwanna is a god, and jocko is a god, but most of the rest of us are just little angels.

Bawanna y Jocko es muy macho !

12-06-2011, 06:16 PM
Si, Si, Si!!! The learned sages on this Forum do, indeed, rock! My CM9 works flawlessly and much of the credit for that is due to the accumulated wisdom enscribed on the stone tablets that Bawanna and Jocko brought down from Mount KahrTalk. As to the parallel thread running thru this post (i.e. motorcycles) does it count if I had a Honda 50 back in the 60's? No, I didnt think so.

12-06-2011, 06:21 PM
If you all keep putting more motorcycle pictures in this thread my ammo budget will be busted because I will have to pay for a new bike. :D

12-06-2011, 06:55 PM
Is that a (red) pickup-tricycle on the road in the background on the bottom pic in the CJP #17 post?... Cool...

12-06-2011, 10:53 PM
Sure is... he was puttin' around Leesburg Bikefest in 2010 with that. Didn't see him this year tho, but with so many bikes, its hard to say if he was there or not. Its not a pickup, but rather a 50's car style "trunk" back there - complete with 50's style "fins" and all. Its cool. AND... look at that engine! Lot of homeschool engineering went into that baby.

12-07-2011, 01:57 AM
Ahhh... Fins... yeah... Jeesh, it's BIG!

12-07-2011, 07:01 AM
Is that a (red) pickup-tricycle on the road in the background on the bottom pic in the CJP #17 post?... Cool...

The Big Red Trike in the background is made by a Company called BOSS HOSS they are very common and can be seen at most of the bigger bike events. Some have 502 cu In chevys in them. They come in all style rear sectons from Pick up's to corrvette's. They also come in a two wheel version. The two wheel version is a load to handle because of there weight. The transmission if that's what you'd like to call it is a varible speed type of set up that is automatic. They are as you would think fast as hell and great for the open road but for the average rider the two wheel version is not very practical. There was a guy in the local Hog chapter that had one for a year or two and it was cool and allot of people noticed it, and want to talk to him about it,but like he said it gets old after a while people wanted to talk to you about motorcycles and your in a hurry to go somewhere but you don't want to come off as some rude SOB.
That and he said the weight can get to be a PITA. He ended up going back to a bagger.(Ultra)
If anyone is interested in knowing more

12-07-2011, 08:23 AM
Thanks for the link... 445 HP V8's... Sheeesh!... Interesting...

12-07-2011, 09:11 AM
Lol Yea it's sure not one of those bikes where you want to blip the throttle sitting at a traffic light, with the crankshaft being in line with the frame and the wheels. The torque of the motor would want to lay the bike over and throw you into the next county if you blipped it for to long or hard. The two wheel version is a handful and certainly not a bike I'd want to try to ride the Sky line Drive/ Blue Ridge Parkway or the Tail Of The Dragon on. Heck just getting your legs on each side of the tank is a problem. My RoadKing weighs in at a little over 700lbs and that thing make it feel like a toy.

12-07-2011, 11:06 AM
Just for fun, here's an ancient pic (taken @ 1956 or so) of me on the back of my Dad's Harley which was already "old" then... I'm 63 now...

12-07-2011, 11:12 AM
Wow! What a priceless picture that is. Be nice to have that sitting in the garage huh? Be even nicer if dad was sitting on it. I gotta invent a time machine. Pictures are treasures but a time machine, how cool would that be.

12-07-2011, 11:37 AM
Yep... The guys on my Little League team were always kinda' impressed when we'd ride into the ballpark on the Harley... Especially considering that he supervised the building of our dugouts...

He liked his 12-ga. double for pheasants... Bought me a 20-ga. double... and of course a bolt action .22... We had a great tracker/pointer dog too.

12-07-2011, 11:46 AM
That is a great picture. You should send a copy of that picture to Harley if it has any significance in your life, with a little description of what that Harley meant to you and your dad. Really is a great old picture,and like every picture there's a thousand word story that needs telling.:D

12-07-2011, 12:31 PM
Lol Yea it's sure not one of those bikes where you want to blip the throttle sitting at a traffic light, with the crankshaft being in line with the frame and the wheels. The torque of the motor would want to lay the bike over and throw you into the next county if you blipped it for to long or hard. The two wheel version is a handful and certainly not a bike I'd want to try to ride the Sky line Drive/ Blue Ridge Parkway or the Tail Of The Dragon on. Heck just getting your legs on each side of the tank is a problem. My RoadKing weighs in at a little over 700lbs and that thing make it feel like a toy.

also the gigantic 4 barrel caruburetor is directly under the tank or your crotch area of the Boss Hog bikes. kinda sexually exciting if u get my drift.

Seen quite a few of them a few years back but I think they have went the way of most other "different" bikes. Made in Dyersburg, Tn, well made by the way. all crate factory GM or Chrysler or Ford engines. . I would think epa regs have caused alot of production problems.

12-07-2011, 12:33 PM
Harley would like that photo and the story behind it to. Probalby would kend up in the HOG tales magazines. ..

12-07-2011, 12:40 PM
That is a great picture. I love stuff like that..

12-07-2011, 12:42 PM
Sure is... he was puttin' around Leesburg Bikefest in 2010 with that. Didn't see him this year tho, but with so many bikes, its hard to say if he was there or not. Its not a pickup, but rather a 50's car style "trunk" back there - complete with 50's style "fins" and all. Its cool. AND... look at that engine! Lot of homeschool engineering went into that baby.

like fatboy front wheel and fender..

12-07-2011, 12:49 PM
My Harley dealer has a 1941 Red with 56 miles ,NEVER BEEN TITLED. It washis dads who bought it as a dealer with HD and his son took over the business after his mom and dad both got killed one evening doing what they did best. Riding their Harley/sidecar for supper. car pulled out in front of thejm ad killed um both..