View Full Version : Documentary Fox News Friday @ 5:00PM EST

01-19-2010, 01:19 AM
I'm not sure if this is anything like what Dietrich was talking about last week, but Glenn Beck will have a documentary on Friday, 22 January, at 5:00PM EST on Fox News: Revolutionary Holocaust. Glenn says that this will be his first documentary. Maybe a future one will cover the great teleprompter reader and "community organizer" who wants to fundamentally change our country into one of those failed Marxist utopias. JMHO.
Maybe there will be some good news by then and the Libs won't have rammed through a disastrous, mandatory "national healthcare plan" with big concessions to big labor unions and his supporters. They are certainly going to try because it looks like they'll lose the Massachusetts Senatorial race and lose their lock against filibuster. Again, JMHO. No one has to watch the program if they don't want to, of course. :rolleyes:
Wynn :)

01-19-2010, 04:53 AM
This sounds like a must-watch. Especially should be watched by my friends in the communist state of Massachusetts.

01-19-2010, 10:24 AM
This sounds like a must-watch. Especially should be watched by my friends in the communist state of Massachusetts.

Yeah, and I hope that they elect Brown today and stop that damn health care mess they are trying to shove down our collective (hey, that's an appropriate word!) throats. I'm guessing that they'll lie, cheat and steal to get something rammed through before the left loses its filibuster-blocking vote majority, though. They''ll definitely delay certifying the election results as usual, but the rules are real flexible in Mass., they do whatever the heck they want.

01-19-2010, 11:22 AM
I heard this morning that Brown had a slight lead in the polls....Wander what ACORN will try and do about that...Never in a million years did I think a Republican could win a senate in the state of comuchusetts.......Maybe there is hope for us yet!!! By the way, how many more Kennedy's are there...GEEEZ!!!! Enough already....

01-19-2010, 01:19 PM
It's shaping up to be an interesting race according to the polls. He's got quite the battle ahead. Please, I get the dry heaves when I hear the name "Kennedy's".

01-22-2010, 02:28 AM
I'm not sure if this is anything like what Dietrich was talking about last week, but Glenn Beck will have a documentary on Friday, 22 January, at 5:00PM EST on Fox News: Revolutionary Holocaust. Glenn says that this will be his first documentary. Maybe a future one will cover the great teleprompter reader and "community organizer" who wants to fundamentally change our country into one of those failed Marxist utopias. JMHO.
Maybe there will be some good news by then and the Libs won't have rammed through a disastrous, mandatory "national healthcare plan" with big concessions to big labor unions and his supporters. They are certainly going to try because it looks like they'll lose the Massachusetts Senatorial race and lose their lock against filibuster. Again, JMHO. No one has to watch the program if they don't want to, of course. :rolleyes:
Wynn :)

Documentary Fox News Friday @ 5:00PM EST:

The Revolutionary Holocaust -- Live Free or Die...

This is about the true, unseen history of Marxism, Progressivism, and Communism. You will see actual footage and testimony hidden from us by the Marxists, Progressives, and Communists. This is Glenn's first step in documenting this. DVR it and don't watch it with your kids, he warns.

You doubters take heed. "After you watch this you will spit the Kool-Aid out", Glenn says. The truth will set you free. Pay attention, Jocko.:)
Remember how (many times) Obama proudly states his Progressive plans and talks about his Progressive friends. Hillary Clinton proudly proclaims to be a "Modern Progressive"! Find out what Progressives are, where they got their start and their dogma.
You won't see any of this on the "mainstream media" channels. The Progressives and other lesser extremists have hijacked the Democratic Party. If some of you die-hard "my-daddy-was-a-Democrat" types would pull your head out of the sand and look around the "tent" occupied by the "Democratic Party" you will see a lot of people who don't reflect your values. This "tent" is filled with a giant amalgamation of disparate groups who band together at the drop of a hat to support each other in many extremist causes like giving animals the same rights as people, U.S. unilateral nuclear disarmament, "One-World government by the U.N. or another "world" organization, abolition of the death penalty (a la European Union membership requirement), "environmental advocacy groups"(one of the last refuges of the Communist Party), World Peace movements(instrumented by what's left of the Communist Party), and many, many more extremist or what most of us would consider "whacko groups"... AND the ANTI-Gun fanatics! They want the U.S.A. to be diminished and no longer be the super power defending and protecting the freedoms of many other countries. What country would YOU rather be the strongest and leader of the free world instead of the U.S.A.??
Do you really want a nanny state where you work for the collective and a bunch of elites(they think) sit on top and decide who gets what and who lives and dies. This is what the progressives want -- destruction of capitalism and redistribution of wealth to appease the masses until they, the Progressive elites, are firmly in power and control everything. Then they can "take care" of all of us. They'll make the decisions who lives where, who gets what medical care, who gets fed, and who is no longer an asset to the collective... and merits no further support by the collective... who lives!.
You'll notice I use the word collective a lot. Obama and the Progressives are trying to fundamentally change our way of government -- his words -- he doesn't believe in the Individual and or our Constitutionally protected "freedoms and rights". They want a Marxist or Communist "Utopia" that has been tried many times in the history of the world... always failing and causing the oppression and deaths of many millions of people. Dictator Stalin of the old Soviet Union killed tens of millions of his own people, as did Mao, and the "Great Leaders" of North Korea, and Cuba's Castro and his chief executioner and terrorist Che Guevara, perhaps, to a lesser degree.
How will they do this? As they are doing now. Collapse our government by overburdening it with entitlements -- welfare and such -- and destroying the wealth-producing capability (Capitalism) of our society. Then with this "good crisis to take advantage of" the Progressives will set up a new enlightened government to rescue and take care of the poor people. But who will provide jobs, services, consumer goods and necessities when the "evil rich" are pulled down and punished... and Capitalism is finally destroyed. The government sure doesn't create anything. They take, with the power of the gun, from the producers and give to their supporters -- the wealth-envying and non-productive, dependent, welfare masses.
At some point, confiscation of private weapons becomes necessary and mandatory, for how can they control a populace that is largely armed? It won't be all at once. It will be by degrees using laws like the N0-ASSAULT WEAPONS, which they'll eventually define as being able to fire more than ONE shot without reloading... and no handguns... like England and more drastically Australia... where gun crime rose... only the bad guys and cops are armed.
The Second Amendment is the only protection left for for all of the other rights and when that basic right of defense is gone, the people will truly be "sheeple" to be cared for as sheep are by their "shepherds", and not all sheep are treated equally.... While a candidate, Obama said "we" must create a national police force equal to the military... what the hell for, but control of the rest of us, for at some point the military can no longer ignore the attacks on the U.S. Constitution that they swore to defend... and necessarily rebel... if they haven't allowed their forces to be too weakened and scattered as to be ineffectual.
The future of our country depends on you recognizing who will be the best leaders for our country, not just your needs or desires... or the promises of stuff taken from other people who worked for it, especially when it comes to elections.
Anyhow, this ought to be an eye-opener -- The Revolutionary Holocaust -- Friday night at 5PM EST on Fox News. Check it out. :blah::typing:
Hey, I get passionate about this stuff!:w00t:


01-22-2010, 04:08 AM
I do not often post my views, at least on the open internet, but I will let a little slip this morning.
It is good to see the people of MA willing too and sending a message. Unfortunately, as I see matters, we are very far down the "rathole" politically there are no answers left, just sides of the same coin. What we desperately need, to live as truly free people is so much greater than a republican senator form Massachusetts.

01-22-2010, 05:09 AM
I do not often post my views, at least on the open internet, but I will let a little slip this morning.
It is good to see the people of MA willing too and sending a message. Unfortunately, as I see matters, we are very far down the "rathole" politically there are no answers left, just sides of the same coin. What we desperately need, to live as truly free people is so much greater than a republican senator form Massachusetts.

Well said. Neither party is interested in our rights, only their right to exist and control us.

01-22-2010, 04:46 PM
Well, after tonight's show, I can't wait for the rest. That was a very interesting comparison between Hitler and Nazism with Stalin and Communism -- unbelievable what the libs will try to spin as "extreme right". That G.B. Shaw was a weird, creepy guy -- Nobel Laureate and Academy Award winner!
There were definitely a few things you won't see elsewhere. It seems like the "history" taught these days is very different from what I experienced in the 50's and early 60's. I did learn some American history and about our U.S. Constitution and our form of government. I remember about a decade ago some teacher was listing the Bill of Rights and left out the Second Amendment because she didn't believe in it. That's probably pretty mild with all of the leftist, progressive, Marxist socialists teaching in college -- a little redundancy? I did leave off "liberal" since that's pretty weak compared to the other adjectives. I'm glad that I got a decent education and missed most of the propaganda, but then I couldn't afford an Ivy League "prestigious" (expensive) school. I used the whopping $105 a month from my G.I. Bill and worked my way through three years or so of school to get a Math degree from the University of Southern Mississippi in 1972.
if you missed the program, it will be rebroadcast several times. Check the schedule.

01-22-2010, 05:10 PM
I was tie up at work this afternoon so I missed the broadcast does anyone know when it is schedule for rebroadcast? :mad:

mr surveyor
01-22-2010, 05:39 PM
in my neck of the woods the GB show is rebroadcast at 0100 (Central)

I miss a lot of sleep, and am late getting out in my office several days a week. I end up staying up til 0200 many nights to watch Beck.... and why don't I record it???? Too much crap already hooked up to the tv just to get the "upper channels" on the cable. Wonderful technology we have.

Chief Joseph
01-24-2010, 02:06 PM
I just tried to find a rebroadcast of the episode and the last 2 I tried were different. Anyone know when this specific one is going back up?

01-24-2010, 02:27 PM
I just tried to find a rebroadcast of the episode and the last 2 I tried were different. Anyone know when this specific one is going back up?
Again, your best friend for info can be Google --

The Revolutionary Holocaust: Live Free or Die
Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Prepare: The Revolutionary Holocaust (http://www.glennbeck.com/content/articles/article/198/34922/)

OR, the best place:
Look for all of the parts on YouTube. This isn't necessarily the best First part, though, but all of the almost one-hour program (with commercials) is in video clips here:
YouTube - Part 1| Glenn Beck Documentary: "The Revolutionary Holocaust: Live Free...Or Die" - 01/22/10 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDK1ND9f0KM&feature=related)


01-27-2010, 01:36 PM
Don't forget to watch, or set your VCRs and or DVRs for the next part of the Revolutionary Holocast -- Fox News Channel Friday 5:00PM EST or later rebroadcast... or later on YouTube. "Democrats" need to learn that the Progressives have hijacked their party -- it ain't your Daddy's or Granddaddy's party anymore. While the Republicans suck, too, they aren't trying to turn our country into a Marxist/Socialist collective with the "elites" in control of every aspect of your life... REALLY, EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE. I/we don't want the FAR right imposing their religious views on everyone, either. But, I would like to have control of my own life as long as I don't bother anyone else. I believe in the Golden Rule where you do unto others as you would have them do unto you... OR in some cases (as Cole Younger said, I believe) do unto others before they do unto you... defensively speaking, of course. The best defense IS a good offense... not rolling over and being a "SHEEPLE"! If the guy next door doesn't like you and is constructing a big cannon pointed at your house, are you going to wait until he has finished building it!?:eek:
For too long the far left has been calling the shots with education of our children, preparing them to be good little "progressives" and sheeple for the strong central government they seek to impose on the whole country. Look at how far they have come in just a year! They would have accomplished a lot more if the supportive mainstream media were the only outlet for information. Many of these Obama worker-bees talk openly about their philosophical beliefs and turning to the likes of Marx and Mao for inspiration -- the mis-understood mass-murderers of their own people! You won't see any of these clips or quotes on the "mainstream media", though.
With your head in the sand, you won't see it coming, but you might as well drop your drawers and brace yourself, because they'll get to you sooner or later if this big progressive push of Obama and crowd, along with their "useful idiots" <look that one up> isn't stopped soon. People wanted "change", but if you're ignorant of history -- the true facts, not the re-writes by apologists and "progressives" -- you are truly doomed to repeat the horrendous attempts by the Marxists, Socialists, "Progressives", Communists, and yes, the N*zis (often maligned as the far right). Yes, Hitler was trying to impose his own German nationalistic version of Communism or Socialism. Did you miss that part of the "Party" name -- National Socialist Party!?? He wanted the "Master Race" to impose their own brand of socialism and was kind of competing with "brother" communists. You won't find that in most history books, either, certainly not in "Government Schools" text books, where they have a vested interest in growing citizen sheeple for the use of the ever-growing and corrupted central government.
Wake up before it's too late and educate yourself with the real facts. That big Democratic Party "tent" has become the refuge for just about every radical and extremist group, who have hijacked the party and are using it to advance their own agendas... and they aren't trying to establish a democracy in our REPUBLIC, either. Did you ever notice that all of the Communist countries try to hide behind labels like "The Democratic People's Republic" of whatever hellhole they are running into the ground! Think about that! Not JMHO! Sorry to burst your bubble :9: You need to wake up and become part of the solution to saving our Republic and not surrendering it to Obama and his cronies who want to throw out the Constitution and impose their "new" version of a socialist "utopia" where they have absolute control of everything and you have no "RIGHTS" as they govern through the barrels of their guns... yours being confiscated, of course... can't have armed sheep.. and if a few (or more) sheeple have to be slaughtered for the common good... so much the better. Look at history. This has happened many times... and still does today... look at The "Democratic Peoples' Republics" of China, North Korea, Cuba, and soon... Venezuela... and eventually the good ol' U.S. of A. as we become a part of of that "New World Order" or one world government, as we cede more and more of our sovereignty to the U.N. and the majority of nations that would like to pick our bones. What a future for our country and the world, where the U.S. is no longer the strongest and the greatest defender of the FREE world. What country would you rather be the strongest? China is certainly trying to overtake us and Russia's Putin seems to want to rebuild the glory of the old USSR.
Just do nothing and let them take your only means of resistance and learn to say "Baaaa"... like good little sheeple. Yep, you can say "My daddy was a Democrat, and I was, too", but somewhere along the way, I must have not been paying attention when the old U.S. of A. became the "People's Republic of America" -- just another part of the global socialist society whose wonderful, more intelligent-than-anyone-else elitists benevolently allow us to exist as long as we can contribute to the greater good, as determined by the likes of Obama and his Progressive Party, whose time has come, and they have risen from hiding to take their rightful place in history.:(
I hope that this doesn't come to pass, but hoping won't help much. Let's see -- hope and blind faith in one hand and guns in the other... socialist dogma: ruling through the barrel of a gun. Who do you think will win out?
Wynn :typing::blah: :banplease:

01-27-2010, 01:43 PM
I think they are going to instruct us on where to line up to turn our guns in and inform us that each one has a hidden gps chip that can easily be tracked if you dont:D

No wait wrong channel let me rephrase that!

I think they are going to tell us that Obama is going to instruct us on where to line up to turn our guns in and inform us that each one has a hidden gps chip that can easily be tracked if you dont:D

01-27-2010, 02:49 PM
Believe me, there are people who would do that. Several states have been looking into putting GPSs in every car to keep up with how many miles you travel, and tax you accordingly. Of course, they say that won't be used for anything else... like checking the alibi of suspects, whether you speed a lot, or frequent "bad" places. Then there are the surveillance cameras... seems like a good idea... as long as you think it doesn't concern you, since you're law-abiding... or is it the so-called "slippery slope" where it's okay if they monitor the bad guys... or the neighbor you didn't like anyway... until finally, one day they get around to you, waiting for you to do something remotely "wrong".:eek::behindsofa:

Remember, you're not paranoid if they are really out to get you!:ohmy:

01-27-2010, 06:03 PM
They already have a box that records data in a car like seat belts buckled, speed and if you hit the brakes before you hit the car.

01-29-2010, 01:29 AM
Tonight on Fox News -- Part 2 of the Revolutionary Holocaust -- Glenn Beck at 5:00 PM EST -- Check your area and rebroadcasts. Set VCRs and DVRs, or later online -- YouTube, etc.:popcorn:
Quiz Saturday!

01-29-2010, 06:11 AM
Thanks for the Beck show times.
Monitoring the BG’s is indeed a slippery slope wyntrout. We already have GPS-like electronics in cell phones and as PETE14 pointed out, our on-board car computer chip records an incredible amount of data. We can’t give an inch when it comes to our freedoms. History has much to teach us about how governments initiate change under the guise of it being better for the people! It’s only better for them.

01-29-2010, 07:02 AM
Them is us!

01-29-2010, 09:13 AM
This pretty much sums it up: "When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny." Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
One of the first things that happens in "fundamentally changing the government" of a nation is the confiscation of the people's weapons for their own good -- can't have them hurting each other... or resisting their benevolent new leader or government. Stalin did it and people died by the millions. Hitler did it and was applauded by the Europeans who thought him an enlightened leader... at first. We had to ask our citizens to donate weapons and send them to Britain because they had indulged in the insanity of disarming their populace prior to WWII... and they've done it again! They will fail from within from the immigrant invasion and eventually succumb to calls for separate laws (Sharia) for the Muslims -- this has already been suggested by idiots in their own government. "Why can't we all just get along?":(