View Full Version : Help solve a murder, check Glock get $5000

12-09-2011, 05:29 PM
This is copied from Sigforum:

If you have a Glock 22 40 cal S/N EKG 463 US, it is worth a $5,000 reward from the OBI in a murder investigation in Oklahoma. It is believed to have been sold in a Tulsa gun show.

Just wanted to put this out in hopes of helping the OBI convect the killer of two young girls 3 years ago.



12-09-2011, 06:15 PM
Good news guys they have arrested/charged the person which killed the to girls, he was already in jail in unrelated charges.

Thanks for passing on the information though

mr surveyor
12-09-2011, 07:56 PM
dang it.... and I was all ready to borrow a wheelbarrow full of money and start buying up all the Glock 20's I could find in hopes of winning the lottery:D

on a serious note, I hope they did in fact ID the actual scumbag that did that nasty deed...and fry his arse soon

12-09-2011, 08:29 PM
This needs to be posted on GT.

12-09-2011, 09:17 PM
Jeezus, what kind of scumbag could murder two little girls. I mean what in the hell is going thru their mind? I can't even kill an animal if I'm not going to eat it, and that's becoming few and far between. It just shows me that EVIL is a living thing and resides among us. I hope he gets locked up in the general population of the jail for awhile. I know as bad as they are, they really hate child abusers, and can come up with some creative ways to take it out on him.

I hate to joke on such a serious matter, but it must have been those damned "assault clips" that made him do it.

12-09-2011, 09:31 PM
Well, I imagine that they still want that gun for evidence. So, I'll bet the reward is still being offered for it's recovery. After all, if they knew the serial number of the gun and where it was sold, they already knew who the guy is. But they want the gun to seal the conviction.

Longitude Zero
12-09-2011, 09:55 PM
Fortunately he confessed to the crime. He is in a nearby county jail on an unrelated homicide. The killings occurred 3 1/2 years ago.

12-10-2011, 01:02 PM
Jeezus, what kind of scumbag could murder two little girls. I mean what in the hell is going thru their mind? I can't even kill an animal if I'm not going to eat it, and that's becoming few and far between. It just shows me that EVIL is a living thing and resides among us. I hope he gets locked up in the general population of the jail for awhile. I know as bad as they are, they really hate child abusers, and can come up with some creative ways to take it out on him.

I hate to joke on such a serious matter, but it must have been those damned "assault clips" that made him do it.

I feel the same way about animals which is one reason I don't hunt. I have a super soft spot for all of them. Human predators, not so much.