View Full Version : New Carry Rotation - CM9 - Input needed

12-11-2011, 08:55 AM
I am not sure if others have gone through this delimma or not for CCW.

I have had several CCW pistols the last few years and think I have finally come up with what I believe is a good solution.

I have become a big fan of the 45 caliber, and wanted a reliable USA made carry solution with good capacity that would fit the role of HD and IWB CCW.

I chose the SW M&P 45 Compact which goes well with the supertuck from Crossbreed.

I love this solution.

However, I still wanted a small reliable very light 9mm pistol that I could jog with and toss in a pocket for those days where M&P wouldnt fit.

Something I would carry 20-30% of the time.

After being happy with a K9, which I sold to fund another weapon purchase, I chose the CM9, which I bought from Buds last night.

I would ask the boards this.

1) I am getting ready to place an order for a CT for the CM9.
How tough is it to attach to the CM9, and sight in?

2) What are some pocket holster options for the CM9 that would accomadate the CM9 with the CT?

And..... where is the best place to buy the CT version.... (most of the 'regular' places have the version listed without the CT.

When the pistol arrives I plan on following the lube charts on the boards


12-11-2011, 09:02 AM
1. Based on my experience with the LCP, almost impossible if you shoot at an outdoor range. I don't have the luxury of a nearby indoor range so I could never see the dot to make sure it was accurate. All I was able to do is adjust the dot so that it met my sight picture on the iron sights. Ended up selling the whole works.

2. I think Desantis is a good choise, check out the Superfly - conceals very well. Thicker, but you can remove the outer 'flap' if need be.

Enjoy that baby, nice choice!

12-11-2011, 09:25 AM
Let me recommend a horsehide pocket holster by James Dean Gunleather (http://www.facebook.com/jamesdeangunleather). Also can be contacted at info@jamesdeangunleather.com and as jlaudio29 here on Kahrtalk. This picture is for a snub nose, but he can make one for your CM9 with CT or not.


12-11-2011, 10:30 AM
The CT laserguard is easy to install on your CM9. It is held on with 2 screws. They sight it in for u at I think 50', but I always adjust to 18', and have a mark on my garage floor and a target on the wall for adjustment. I check it every time I clean the Gun.
Thunder71 is right, u will have trouble seeing the red dot in bright sunlight, and should also train with iron sites as well.
I feel the CT laser is perfect for me because my primary use is home protection. The red dot is very bright indoors, day or night.

12-11-2011, 10:31 AM
For what its worth, I chose a DeSantis Superfly that is to be used with a Kahr PM9/CM9 with the Crimson Trace LG-437 laser on the pistol. It fits the firearm well and I use it with the removable flap attached.

The CT laser is very easy to attach and my fit to the pistol is great. I agree that an indoor range to get things properly sighted in makes things a lot easier. When you get it set up, dry firing around the house is a big plus to work on trigger control.

Allin all, I like the Kahr/CT/DeSantis combination and am quite happy with the results.

12-11-2011, 11:05 AM
+1 on the De Santis Superfly. If you want a leather pocket holster, try Pocketholsters.com. I have one of theirs, and I like it a lot, although is a little bulkier than the Superfly.

12-11-2011, 03:58 PM
That superfly looks very nice. I pocket carry my cm9 in a remora. I don't have the ct, but my girlfriend got a remora for her keltek .380 sized for no ct, but it fits hers with ct just great. If you contact them, I'm sure they have one that will fit, if the regular one for cm9 won't.

12-11-2011, 04:09 PM
I am not sure if others have gone through this delimma or not for CCW.

I have had several CCW pistols the last few years and think I have finally come up with what I believe is a good solution.

I have become a big fan of the 45 caliber, and wanted a reliable USA made carry solution with good capacity that would fit the role of HD and IWB CCW.

I chose the SW M&P 45 Compact which goes well with the supertuck from Crossbreed.

I love this solution.

However, I still wanted a small reliable very light 9mm pistol that I could jog with and toss in a pocket for those days where M&P wouldnt fit.

Something I would carry 20-30% of the time.

After being happy with a K9, which I sold to fund another weapon purchase, I chose the CM9, which I bought from Buds last night.

I would ask the boards this.

1) I am getting ready to place an order for a CT for the CM9.
How tough is it to attach to the CM9, and sight in?

2) What are some pocket holster options for the CM9 that would accomadate the CM9 with the CT?

And..... where is the best place to buy the CT version.... (most of the 'regular' places have the version listed without the CT.

When the pistol arrives I plan on following the lube charts on the boards

Thoughts?I like the easy reholstering of kydex. It comes up often enough even for civilians that its important. I also like an adjustable holster (ride height and cant). I like the option to be tuckable. Suggest Tommy Theiss for value or COMP-TAC Minotaur for nicer finish.

I have no love for laser other than training or assessing faults in technique.

12-11-2011, 08:51 PM
When I got my CM9 I was almost out the door on my way to the gunshop to buy a holster for it, when I discovered that it fit just fine in my Master's leather OWB made for a 3" 1911 (Kimber Ultra Carry II), except for the fact that the trigger guard on a CM9 is about 1/2"longer than a 1911 trigger guard. End result is that although the trigger itself is well covered, the end of the barrel is not quite flush with the end of the holster. Big deal. Saved me the price of a new holster.

12-11-2011, 09:07 PM
I like the easy reholstering of kydex. It comes up often enough even for civilians that its important. I also like an adjustable holster (ride height and cant). I like the option to be tuckable. Suggest Tommy Theiss for value or COMP-TAC Minotaur for nicer finish.

I have no love for laser other than training or assessing faults in technique.

Tommy Theis holster here for my CM9. Horse hide. I love it. Very comfortable and fits great. He can make one with the CT laser.

Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk

12-11-2011, 09:40 PM
I think your small light 9mm might be the PM45 instead. I've not yet found jeans that it doesn't slip into the front pocket of.

At some point.... the same gun in your pocket daily... hourly... every moment, under your pillow at night.... becomes so second nature its a bit scary. Forgetting when "NOT" to carry (like at work, at a tavern... etc) becomes the chore.

12-11-2011, 10:06 PM
the remora holster for cm9 with crimson trace can be used in pocket or iwb. love crimson trace on mine.

12-12-2011, 07:00 AM
I actually looked at the PM45, but tried a CM9 at a GS in a pocket holster

The CM9 is a bit slow to draw because its size from a holster.
usable, but going bigger would seem to make it even slower