12-12-2011, 06:58 AM
Today I start the move back into my farmhouse. Will be nice to get my reloading bench set back up, and fix up my little firing range inside the barn to shoot out the back door into the berm I set up. Not sure how this is going to work out, my wife said she'd be out today, and has all the utilities shut off today, I've got them switched back to my name so shouldn't be any interupption. She spent last nite there so I may have a roommate tonite, not sure, my youngest daughter will be living with me awhile until she gets her new bedroom fixed up proper. I have no water since the well ran dry during the drought this summer, and she didn't turn off the pump, so will have to pull that out and get the pump repaired, or may be cheaper to get a whole new submersible pump. That would probably be quicker. Oh well, you'all can rest easy, I'll be scarce for a 2 or 3 days, LOL, oh come on now, you don't have to be THAT happy about it. :D. Well I'm off to do laundry while am waiting on the moving crew to get here. Y'all have a great day.