View Full Version : New to me K40 back home (sorry, very long)

Bug Splat
12-12-2011, 06:28 PM
Finally have her back after many years. I sold my old K40 to fund another pistol and have regretted it ever since. Decided to spend my gun money on re-buying all the firearms I once sold but regret. After a long time searching I found one.

If you have not held a K9 or K40 it is spectacular. Its amazing how well it fits in the hand for such a small pistol. Handles like a full size but can fit in your pocket. No, the Poly models do not feel anywhere as nice. The fit and finish from the outside to the internal parts are amazing. I spent a lot of time studying this pistol part by part and am just blown away at the quality and design.

When I found her online she was a mess but the price was good and the model year I was looking for. Once out of jail I did a full inspection. Dead skin encrusted on the slide serrations, rusty grip screws and guide rod, powder grime just caked in every crack. The internal parts were a mess and I'm not sure it was every cleaned. Wear was not bad at all though aside from some obvious holster wear. Looked like the owner fired a few hundred rounds through her and slapped it on his waste and carried it for 15 years without another shot. Found a lovely surprise under the grips. Looked like the owner spilled soda on it and just wiped off what he could. Everything was gooey and sticky underneath. So sad.

First thing I did was clean her. Took apart every piece and soaked it in a pot of almost boiling water with Dawn soap for an hour. Grips were soaked in cold water. When when the water was cool enough to get my hands in I went to work with a toothbrush and cleaned ever part till there was no more grime. I had to use a toothpick to scrape of all the dead skin from the slide. NASTY! Each part was then moved to a rinse station and cleaned with running water part by part and toweled off. Then it was off to be oiled. Rubbed each piece with CLP working it into every crack. Let soak for about an hour. At this point the grime was so broken down that it was just wiping away with q-tips. I was amazed at the great condition the parts were in. Most looked brand new.

Being a used gun with obvious unknown and abusive history, I ordered all new springs from Kahr. $50 was a small price to pay for knowing all my springs were new and strong. There was no need to order new parts as they all looked new after the cleaning. Reassembled and checked the function. Meh, it felt like a new gun which is great but did not have that smooth broken in feel. Trigger was gritty and slide felt like it was riding on sandpaper. Also the sides were not polished like I had done on my original K40. This would not do.

First thing was to polish those sides. Glass pane with wet sandpaper does a great job. I used an "L" piece of steel as a guide to make sure my polish/brush lines were straight. Tape was used to protect all the areas I did not want polished. Started with 100gr and moved up to 1000gr polishing the slide and frame. Then it was off to the buffing wheel for a final shine. WOW it was mirror just as it was before...... I then I remembered something, I hated the mirror finish on my old K40. DAMN! Finger print smudges are the worst for me. Drive me nuts. Took it back to the 600gr sand paper. Better but still had a semi-glossy look so I hit it with a Scotch pad and bingo, I had my perfect amount of polish. It stood out from the matte parts enough but did not show prints.

Next was to go over all the little internal parts. If they rubbed metal to metal, they were polished to a high shine. This improved the trigger 100 fold. It was smooth as butter. Also polished the slide and mag release, grip screws and the whole barrel. The slide was still gritty so I spent a couple hours going over this part with a scotch pad. I did not want to take off any material but just smooth it out to retain that tight fit. Too much polish and it will not hold oil very well. Worked like a charm and slide pulled back smooth.

Ran into a couple things I did not like about the pistol, the slide release. For one, the serrations are very sharp and did a number on my thumbs while releasing the slide, two, the slide was so hard to release that I had to push with all my strength to send it home. This will not do for a carry pistol at all. I filed off the last shelf of the serrations and combined it with the second to last shelf. I then filed down the corners and buffed everything to a nice smooth polish. Ok, it felt better on my thumb but I still could not release the slide. After inspecting the mating surface of the release and slide and I could see they were laying in a way that just dug the two into each other. Pushing the release down was also pushing the slide back and the Kahr recoil spring is HEAVY. So I took the angle of both and filed them to about a 85 degrees so they were parallel. The angle was exactly perpendicular to the release arm. Picture a "T". Now pushing down was straight movement rather than each fighting their way apart. Areas were polished and the slide releases with little effort. I spent a lot of time testing to make sure a hard mag insertion didn't drop the slide. Had zero problems.

The pistol was now finished. I functioned tested the hell out of it and smoothed out areas that showed resistance. The mag followers were showing too much nose dive. The pistol cycled dummy rounds fine but it felt clunky. I change the angle of the tops of each follower to encourage nose rise. This made a huge difference in the feeding. I could ride the slide all the way down and it would chamber in one fluid motion. It was if there was no round in the mag.

I was done! It was as smooth as i could possibly make. I had worked over every part in some way to improve its operation. I took it to the range for the first time and was delighted beyond words. It fired every round which was 25rds of 180gr hydra-shocks and 100 rds of PMC 180gr FMJ. The pistol felt funny at first. It would fire but it felt odd like it was jamming on a round and not returning. I look and see that it indeed chambered a round. It was not until a few mags in that I realized what was happening. The pistol was not giving me that push forward after the slide returned. In ever pistol I have fired there was an obvious jump in the hand when the slide hit home. The difference was the incredibly smooth feeding of the Kahr. There is no resistance when the slide goes forward. The round is chambered while still in the back swing. There is no feeling of return in the slide. Each shot feels like the slide it still locked back. My old K40 was not like this at all but I also did not fine tune my old K40 like my new one. I'm still not used to the feeling yet but I'm sure it will grow on me :D

And now for the pics. I'd post pics of my target but the previous owner, Bubby, drifted the rear site to the left to suit his poor shooting skills. Idiot. I'll have to drift it back to center. Groups were in the 1 inch size at 10 yards. Pics are from my cell phone too, sorry.

The before pic. ....

And after....


K40 compaired to Bersa 380....




Bug Splat
12-12-2011, 06:28 PM
one more.....


12-12-2011, 07:18 PM
Dang! That's impressive! How much did you get that junkyard dog for, before you turned it into a jewel?!

12-13-2011, 06:38 PM
Excellent pics, I really love my K40! The thing is flawless. Good luck with it.

Bug Splat
12-13-2011, 11:47 PM
Thanks guys. I paid 6 bills after transfer, shipping and DROS fees which is probably more than it was worth but I really wanted the early year models. Its very hard finding one of the older K40s. People just don't want to give them up and we all understand why. After it was all cleaned up it was obvious that it had very few rounds through it. Rails were very rough with no wear marks. I think I made out well and that means I paid the right price. Love that free market :D .

I'm just amazed at the design. Had a lot of time to study each part and its function. It is just beautiful how well its put together. The detail is awesome. I made the mistake of selling a Kahr once, it will never happen again.

Bongo Boy
01-04-2012, 08:29 PM
New here. Thanks for posting the pics and the story. I have the natural stainless K40 (used) on its way to me, and this is an encouraging and exciting thread for me. Beautiful cleanup work--especially since it looks like you did just enough and not too much. Perfect!

Congrats on getting back an old love--I can't hardly describe how much I look forward to getting mine and learning to shoot it. It will be quite an experience for me, not having more than a boxfull of experience with little guns.

ScotchBrite is an amazing product--when I got to your bit about polishing the slide to a mirror finish I felt a certain sadness. The rest of the story put a big smile on my face--I even have a few watches I've finished the ScotchBrite Way, and if 600 grit doesn't do it, The Pad gets it just right for my taste.

Good job!!

Bug Splat
01-05-2012, 05:09 PM
Thanks Bongo. I hope yours comes as a diamond covered in mud too. Little clean up and my "used" Kahr is worth more than a NIB Kahr (to me anyway). It only took a few seconds into the mirror finish polishing to remember I hated it. I only had one side of the slide done too. As you probably know, once you start the polish process on one side there is no going back. What you do to one side you must do to the others or it will not match. Polished everything to the same mirror shine then worked backwards to rough it back up. Timely mistake. I have used Scotch pads for years when I go too long on the buffing wheel. Oops.

Bug Splat
01-05-2012, 05:34 PM
oh, one more thing I did a few weeks ago.... The hood of the slide was scratching my beautiful polished barrel at the top of the chamber. I worked hard for that shine damn it :(. I ended up polishing the inside roof of the slide and slightly rounding the edge lip that was causing the damage. No more scratches anymore :D

01-05-2012, 05:47 PM
Well done!

Bongo Boy
01-05-2012, 08:43 PM
That seems like a good idea--cleaning up the slide where it rides on the barrel. I don't mind signs of normal wear at all, but naturally where one sees evidence of damaging or unnecessary metal-on-metal, galling and so on, well, we need to just handle that!

Congrats again on a fine job and on taking on the challenge in the first place. I always appreciate folks who are able to see the potential in something that's less than perfect. It's a shame to see folks throw away and buy new stuff because that's all they can see to do.

01-26-2012, 08:36 PM
Nice lookin' K40!

01-30-2012, 02:47 PM
@Bug, I am inspired by your work. I too found a used K40 before the holidays and it is similarly, in pretty rough shape but was cheap enough that I ran the serial numbers to see if it was hot... I had seen your post and pics of JFootin's polished piece and wild ideas of polishing were mixing in my brain but thought I should do any corrective action before the asthetics. Holidays, vacation and work being what they are, it was last weekend before it went to the range. Field stripped, wiped down and generously lubed, I wasn't expecting much; even had my notebook and pencil ready to note the malfunctions. --- it didn't miss a beat. Not a hiccup or burb; ran like a swiss watch through 250 rnds of FMJ and JHP.

Now that I have that out of the way so easily, I am again looking to see how I want to pimp this thing out. Mind if I follow your lead?

@JFootin, you posted a note about some .40 cal mags you found in Bud's classifieds http://kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=9516 a while back. Well, they were still available and I bought them along with a nice kydex twin pouch. They worked very well and I thank you for attention.

01-30-2012, 03:59 PM
Nowq the only thing left to do is PORT THAT FOKKER.

Bug Splat
02-24-2012, 03:26 PM
Now that I have that out of the way so easily, I am again looking to see how I want to pimp this thing out. Mind if I follow your lead?

Thanks for the kind words. Of course I do not mind and am quite honored that you would ask. Please feel free to use anything I have done and feel free to PM me if you have any questions. :)

Jocko, I'm not sure I'll be porting her after all. The recoil was not bad at all and I could control her just fine. My only desire to port now is the insanely awesome looks of it. It just looks so damn sexy with those cuts in the slide! I may cave and send the slide off in the next few months.