View Full Version : Free Mag

12-13-2011, 06:57 PM
Just got my free mag in. I emailed the request on Nov 8, so it took just over a month. I read on the forum that Kahr might trade out this 7 rd for a 6 rd. Does anyone know for sure? If not I'll just use the 7 rd on the range. 250 rounds of various 115 gr through the CM9 and no malfunctions. Loving it. :)

12-13-2011, 07:09 PM
I'll trade you a six rounder for the 7 rounder if you're interested...PM me :)

12-13-2011, 08:00 PM
Worked for me... just send it to their sales department with a note saying you'd like to exchange it.

Got mine in about 4 days.

I have another 7 rounder that I thought about doing this with as well, but decided to keep it as a spare magazine to carry - I figure if I actually need a spare magazine the extra round will be welcomed and I won't care about the extra length for carry.

12-14-2011, 04:11 AM
I just got mine...My Thanks to the Kahr company. After running some rounds through it to verify reliability in my CM9, I'll be carrying it in a pocket or mag pouch rather than in the gun. My daily carry and range time will continue to be with the 6 rd. mag that came with the gun.
This offer came as a total suprise, but sure was welcome.