View Full Version : Wanna see an ADMIN having a bad day?
12-14-2011, 01:55 AM
Go to the forum, and look at the DB9 Forum, at the threads Constant Jamming, Frame Shavings, and How Skilled is the DB Gunsmith. ADMIN, end up calling people trolls, and I thinkk one got booted, cause their guns didn't work and they complained too often or something. Wasn't anything worse than when the P380 was having so many problems. Sure makes me appreciate Bawanna and JohnH. They do good work, they shut down things that are getting out of hand, but never call people trolls cause their guns don't work. I ended up asking ADMIN what his problem was, so I figure I'm getting the boot real soon, oh well, fook em. Oh well, they produce a lousy product and I'm unloading mine as soon as someone will trade me ANYTHING that goes bang repeatedly for it.
12-14-2011, 02:15 AM
Go to the forum, and look at the DB9 Forum, at the threads Constant Jamming, Frame Shavings, and How Skilled is the DB Gunsmith. ADMIN, end up calling people trolls, and I thinkk one got booted, cause their guns didn't work and they complained too often or something. Wasn't anything worse than when the P380 was having so many problems. Sure makes me appreciate Bawanna and JohnH. They do good work, they shut down things that are getting out of hand, but never call people trolls cause their guns don't work. I ended up asking ADMIN what his problem was, so I figure I'm getting the boot real soon, oh well, fook em. Oh well, they produce a lousy product and I'm unloading mine as soon as someone will trade me ANYTHING that goes bang repeatedly for it.Tom, I visit several forums and the issue I have is that "banning" is inconsistent and often without warning. It seems that the newer a member you are, the less tolerance there is for dissent. Why throw out the baby with the bath water? Close a thread, delete a single post, send a warning PM but don't go nuclear immediately. What value is a forum if all thats left are fanboys?
12-14-2011, 05:58 AM
Sorry the dudes having a bad day. Some people do get carried away at times though and just like to stir the pot. However I can't blame anyone who has layed there hard earned money down on a gun that is not up to the quality as advertised voiceing there displeasure. Reguardless of who makes it. Sometimes the written word can be misundertstood and that line of what is exceptable and what is not always so well defined. Good admins don't lop heads just because they do not agree with the poster. Bawanna and John H do a very fine job here at KahrTalk that's why I keep coming back. There fair to the members,and the members are fair to them. It's a win,win for all.
12-14-2011, 06:20 AM
thats why for me, I am down to only one gun forum.
12-14-2011, 07:03 AM
Anyone who buys a DB deserves exactly what they get.
Longitude Zero
12-14-2011, 07:31 AM
Anyone who buys a DB deserves exactly what they get.
Again we are in complete agreement. I just got the boot last night frmm the ADMIN at that cesspool board. I really like the way things are handled here. Robust discussion of a QUALITY product.
At the cesspool DB board you would think that the ADMIN has a vested financial interest. My Brother-in-law, and I briefly owned one each of those crappy guns and we could not sell them fast enough. At my advice we sold them to a gunsmith who was well aware of how crappy they are.
I recently read that DB is the subsidiary of an airboat manufacturing company. What a bunch of loosers over there. It really makes me appreciate it here.
12-14-2011, 08:08 AM
thats why for me, I am down to only one gun forum.
Keeping jocko lets kahrtalk be the poster child for tolorance. :D
Seriously though, the only way to improve is though listening to critism and taking any facts from it and making improvements. I think Kahr does listen.
The place I work for hasn't figured that out yet. They're still drinking kool-aid and were rated the worst in customer service in their industry. That's OK, next year they will change the angle that they look at their self to make them feel better. Unfortunately that's probably all that will change. But I'll continue to do my part to try and make it better anyway.
12-14-2011, 08:23 AM
I saw him picking on you LZ, I hope you caught my reply to him. What an ass.
Longitude Zero
12-14-2011, 08:28 AM
No sir I didn't. Please PM me what he said, thanks. Based upon PM's I received from other people on that board it appears he bans folks for comments they make on other boards on the web. Now that is flat out scummy behavior.
If an ADMIN wants to ban you for what you said on their board so be it, but to ban a poster because of what was posted elsewhere is just immoral and so reprehensible.
MW surveyor
12-14-2011, 08:34 AM
LZ, now I've got to go to the DB forum just to see what this is all about.
So, which remark did you get banned for? BTW- reading that white on black makes my head hurt. :mad:
12-14-2011, 08:58 AM
I really can't say anything about that site as I never heard to much good about the gun to want to venture over there.Plus I already bought the single stack 9mm pistol I wanted that's been 100% reliable. So why settle for something less. Listening to you guys though it sounds like he's had a bad day coming or a while. Reminds me of a saying my Dad used to say. "Son if you plant corn you get corn don't be expecting watermellons."
If the DB mothership is an airboat company maybe they would have been better off making air pistols.:rolleyes:
12-14-2011, 11:04 AM
TheTman wrote:
Wow, ADMIN, did we get up on the wrong side of the bed today? The guy comes in probably after a range session, maybe he only goes once a month or whatever and blows off some steam and is most likely seeing if anyone can help his situation, and that makes him a troll?
I'm only able to get to the range about once a month, and when I do, I keep having the same old problems no matter what I try, or have been told to try, and nothing has worked so far.
What is this forum for if we can't seek help to the problems we are having or look for advice. I suppose I'm trolling now and will get the boot. Was nice meeting everyone, I sure wish my pistol ran better for me. ADMIN, I might as well go ahead and say if you keep kicking everyone out that has problems you're not going to have much of a forum very much longer. I'm looking to sell my pistol so I don't care if I get the boot or not, but I bet I am speaking for a whole lot of others that are keeping their mouths shut so they don't get booted.
Hope you feel better tomorrow.
People who actually contribute to this forum or need help are always welcome here.
He doesn't even have a DB firearm and does nothing but come in here and slam their products. He's not looking for advice, and he's not seeking help. That's obvious by reading his posts.
Yes, that's trolling.
My fault for making the whole thing public though. Carry on.
How can admin determine by his posts, what he's getting out of the content of the forum? I guess that's what's good about us have these geezers as admins, and not some 16 year old that loves guns haha. (Just playing admin, don't kick me!:behindsofa:)
12-14-2011, 11:39 AM
What I see here is a lot of tolerance and helpful suggestions. It takes several posts usually building in intensity to get to the action level. Most of the time the group has managed to diffuse things and occasionally a closed thread will allows tempers to cool. It's rare but when an irate poster visits other threads continuing his rant wherever he can something has to be done for the good of the forum.
It's that balance that is critical, kind of like a republic vs a democracy. In a pure democracy, everybody can rant and say anything they want in all threads, effectively shutting down communication. In a republic, there are moderators who allow open exchange of ideas as long as they are appropriate to the thread and civil. I prefer a republic.
Longitude Zero
12-14-2011, 12:07 PM
What is ironic is that I HAVE owned a DB pistol, and I could not dump it fast enough. The ADMIN over there knew it too because I had several PM's with him and others. I refused to deal with Jason as the so called DB rep since he had a financially vested interest and when problems started showing up he INSTANTLY BLAMED THE USER.
I took them to task over the OBVIOUS lack of BETA testing. When I asked the ADMIN how much BETA testing was done he said it was none of my concern.
When the feed ramp chipping issue showed up Jason said it was normal for pistols to do that. I PM'ed him and said I have owned many pistols of all sizes and that I had never seen it happen. He kept on rambling and I just called him out and he just ignored me.
It is funny when all was well and good until the problems started showing up. At first the ADMIN deleted thread after thread dealing with problems. When the DB started getting called out on many other webboards he had no chocie but to gut up and let it on his board. I wish him well and I hope nobody looses thier life or the life of a loved one when they are depending upon a DB pistol to function and it does not.
PS: MO Soldier thanks for posting his arrogant attitude in total. I never thought about it but now that it was mentioned he does act like a petulant/immature child in his actions.
MW surveyor
12-14-2011, 01:37 PM
LZ and MO, thanks for the input. I did read those posts and nowhere did I see that you were out of line or being a troll. (I guess that if you did have a financial interest, you would be p*ssed though.)
12-14-2011, 01:48 PM
Wow thats a dismal looking site from the git go with the black backround and all...I didn't stay long but saw enough to get the picture alright...
If I had any interest in buying a DB pistol, five minutes of reading there would drive me away pronto...The first six posts in the DB9 forum were, 1. Would you buy a DB9 again. 2. Frame shavings. 3. Constant jamming 4. Problems with DB9 5. FTF concerns with DB9....:eek:
Thats as far as I got before high tailing it outa that place....I can't remember a single thread locked or member booted here due to complaints with a Kahr pistol, only other members trying to help out another Kahr owner get his or her pistol corrected...
The only times things get a little hot over here is when we discuss politics or open carry and Bawanna does a great job of giving several warnings to settle down before locking one down...
After a while everyone cools off and we all belly up to the bar for another round which is as it should be...It would get kinda boring if everyone had the same opinion about everything we talk about....
Anyway I'm glad to be a happy Kahr owner and a member here at the best gun forum on the internet and not over at that Darth Vader looking site and am happy to call every one of y'all my friends, even you Jocko!!!....Bartender, how about a round for the house...:cool:
Longitude Zero
12-14-2011, 01:52 PM
Wow thats a dismal looking site from the git go with the black backround and all...I didn't stay long but saw enough to get the picture alright...
If I had any interest in buying a DB pistol, five minutes of reading there would drive me away pronto...The first six posts in the DB9 forum were, 1. Would you buy a DB9 again. 2. Frame shavings. 3. Constant jamming 4. Problems with DB9 5. FTF concerns with DB9....:eek:
Thats as far as I got before high tailing it outa that place....I can't remember a single thread locked or member booted here due to complaints with a Kahr pistol, only other members trying to help out another Kahr owner get his or her pistol corrected...
The only times things get a little hot over here is when we discuss politics or open carry and Bawanna does a great job of giving several warnings to settle down before locking one down...
After a while everyone cools off and we all belly up to the bar for another round which is as it should be...It would get kinda boring if everyone had the same opinion about everything we talk about....
Anyway I'm glad to be a happy Kahr owner and a member here at the best gun forum on the internet and not over at that Darth Vader looking site and am happy to call every one of y'all my friends, even you Jocko!!!....Bartender, how about a round for the house...:cool:
I could not agree more. Barkeep I'll take a double scotch...
12-14-2011, 01:53 PM
Wow thats a dismal looking site from the git go with the black backround and all...I didn't stay long but saw enough to get the picture alright...
If I had any interest in buying a DB pistol, five minutes of reading there would drive me away pronto...The first six posts in the DB9 forum were, 1. Would you buy a DB9 again. 2. Frame shavings. 3. Constant jamming 4. Problems with DB9 5. FTF concerns with DB9....:eek:
Thats as far as I got before high tailing it outa that place....I can't remember a single thread locked or member booted here due to complaints with a Kahr pistol, only other members trying to help out another Kahr owner get his or her pistol corrected...
The only times things get a little hot over here is when we discuss politics or open carry and Bawanna does a great job of giving several warnings to settle down before locking one down...
After a while everyone cools off and we all belly up to the bar for another round which is as it should be...It would get kinda boring if everyone had the same opinion about everything we talk about....
Anyway I'm glad to be a happy Kahr owner and a member here at the best gun forum on the internet and not over at that Darth Vader looking site and am happy to call every one of y'all my friends, even you Jocko!!!....Bartender, how about a round for the house...:cool:
Playing devil's abdicate:
I disagree with everything you said! :biggrin1:
However, I did get my to whom do I bill it? (BTW I recall someone correcting themselves on improper use of prepositions and complaining that schools don't teach it anymore, and thought I'd add that I'm 21 and was taught how to use them.)
12-14-2011, 01:54 PM
well thank you getsome, in as much as I don't drink anymore, how about just forwarding me a check for $8, as I don;t drink cheap stuff...Its fun to disagree b ut not fun when it gets to real name calling.. Bawanna just bought another case of "LOCKS for the year 2012.
He's a pretty good guy and seems to be able to for see when a thread is going south and then he does his magic.
Longitude Zero
12-14-2011, 01:56 PM
Once I get back from vacation I will hit the site from my work access. That way I use an IP blocking software that gets beyond the blockers and choose whatever IP I want so I can see what is being said about me. Now it is off to the beach.
12-14-2011, 02:32 PM
I just sent ADMIN a PM that I knew LZ from another board and that he has never been considered a trouble maker. I also am an ADMIN, on a health board, and I've seen other ADMIN's go on little power trips and delete anything they don't agree with and boot anyone that didn't agree with them. I think it's the "Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely" thing.
We are so blessed to have JohnH and Bawanna I can't really express it enough.
That's two other forums I've been threatened with expulsion from, and screw em. I don't need their help anyway. One Admin called me a druggie or something like that cause I used an herb to help with the chemotherapy side effects. (The sides were brutal, and I lost 50 pounds in 3 months 165-120, Doc had the nurse tell me to try that and see if I could eat) I responded who the hell did he think he was labeling people as participants in illegal activities, and demanded an apology. Instead the ADMIN said they'd do what the hell they want and I was not to talk to a moderator like that again or I'd be banned. I just quit going there, screw em. Been off Chemo and the herb in question for 5 or 6 years now, thank God. I still go post stupid **** just to let them know they didn't scare me off. I was nice enough to tell them I never hoped they had to do chemo.
12-14-2011, 02:46 PM
well not good to know but good for ol jocko to know that I a not the only one that other ADMS have said nasty things to. never been barred but so so close a few times tht I thought it was best I just resign befoe they push the GONE button. I would not want the job, trust me those that do it deserve alot of credit and those that can do it well like we have on this forum deserve A HELL OF ALOT OF CREDIT. But I also think alot of the credirt has to go to the members of this good forum. We tend to disagree at times but over all that is the nature of the beast, but name calling has been none existant. I think there are more adms on power trips than not, just my opinion YMMV.
Longitude Zero
12-14-2011, 03:08 PM
I just sent ADMIN a PM that I knew LZ from another board and that he has never been considered a trouble maker. I also am an ADMIN, on a health board, and I've seen other ADMIN's go on little power trips and delete anything they don't agree with and boot anyone that didn't agree with them. I think it's the "Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely" thing.
We are so blessed to have JohnH and Bawanna I can't really express it enough.
That's two other forums I've been threatened with expulsion from, and screw em. I don't need their help anyway. One Admin called me a druggie or something like that cause I used an herb to help with the chemotherapy side effects. (The sides were brutal, and I lost 50 pounds in 3 months 165-120, Doc had the nurse tell me to try that and see if I could eat) I responded who the hell did he think he was labeling people as participants in illegal activities, and demanded an apology. Instead the ADMIN said they'd do what the hell they want and I was not to talk to a moderator like that again or I'd be banned. I just quit going there, screw em. Been off Chemo and the herb in question for 5 or 6 years now, thank God. I still go post stupid **** just to let them know they didn't scare me off. I was nice enough to tell them I never hoped they had to do chemo.
Thanks I appreciate the good words. As to your medical situation (past) whatever works then go for it. Naysayers be hanged, it is YOUR health and you have to take care of Number 1. I moderate a couple of weapons boards and a couple of vacation/resort boards. I NEVER take criticism of what I am moderating personaly. It is what it is.
12-14-2011, 05:23 PM
I'm kind of in limbo today with the forum, not sure what my boggle is but looks like it's gonna let me make a post.
Whoever suggested that double scotch, I'm putting you in for sainthood.
Since this is being slow I'm hoping it works normal from home. In the mean time I'll try to figure out what a DB and a preposition is. That preposition ain't one of them things they stick in your backside is it. Why would ya use that on the end of a sentence for Pete's sake?
I was funning on the DB I know what it is and know I don't want one, life is too short to carry an ugly gun.
You guys all totally rock. 1 hr and 20 minutes plus travel time to Johnny Walker time!!!!
12-15-2011, 02:13 AM
I thought a preposition was when a lady offered you a good time..... oh no, that's something else (I know get the mind out of the gutter).
12-15-2011, 06:49 PM
I thought a preposition was when a lady offered you a good time..... oh no, that's something else (I know get the mind out of the gutter).
How bout I give you a little proposition to take your mind off things? hahahaaa
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