View Full Version : The Old Days

01-21-2010, 06:32 AM
I might catch some flak for this thread but I tend to have a nostalgic streak in me.I miss the old days.The time when I didn`t have to multi-lock my house when I went away for a few hours or when I went to sleep at night.I miss the time when I could walk away from my car without locking it and when children could be safe just being children.I miss the days when you could have a comedian crack you up without using every foul word known to what`s left of the English language.And yes,I miss the old days when I didn`t feel like I had to carry a gun to be safe.Times change.I wish to hell that I could change them back.

01-21-2010, 08:00 AM
I do completely understand where you are coming from on this topic, I was raise in a rural setting but only 5 or so miles out of a small town in East Tennessee and the crime rate was almost zero. Most everyone I knew had a gun, and it was common to see people shooting in their back yards, Most all of the men and boys hunted but there was not even a thought of being robbed, or killed. Mom and Dad never locked the doors, even at night, Hell, I was not sure the doors could even be locked until after I was grown and married and had move away and was given a key in case the house might be locked when I came to visit. It was a different time indeed, I also remember my dad would almost always stop to give a ride to anyone hitchhiking on the highway putting them in the back of the old truck with us kids. Yes, we rode in the back of the pick up, no seat belt, no car seat and we all survived.

It's a same that there is so many bad people out there today that we must be on constant guard or we are putting our self and families in grave danger. I also long for the simpler and safer times

01-21-2010, 08:17 AM
I miss the good old days when we were not a database nation. When an individual could have a bit of anonymity. When everything we do, everything we buy, and everywhere we go wasn't monitored in some way. When there wasn't a video camera at every bank, public building, conveneince store, or intersection. When the government didn't watch us, track us, and listen to who we talk to.
Yeah, I miss the good old days too. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/images/smilies/tinfoil.gifhttp://www.tngunowners.com/forums/images/smilies/yeager.gifhttp://www.tngunowners.com/forums/images/smilies/tinfoil.gif

01-21-2010, 11:10 AM
Boy Dietrich do I ever hear you...I'm 52 years old and have lived in Atlanta my whole life...This was a good place to live years ago but not anymore...There isn't a day that goes by that there isn't one or more murders by street gangs that rule the city....Crime is everywhere, the government is corrupt and it is really a sad, sorry situation....Back in the 60's my father owned a pure service station and I worked summers there....We filled your tank, washed the windshield and checked under the hood. We didn't expect you to pay first then do it yourself...Lots of customers would come in and hang out and talk....Cokes in real glass bottles, crackers and peanuts were all 10 cents....Man do I ever miss those days....Technology has changed everything....I have to laugh when I see people walking down the street with an ipod in their ears looking at their i-phones texting ot twittering something...Its crazy.......Other things I miss, good tv shows, decent movies with a real plot....Most movies made today spend 10 million on computer special effects and 10 bucks on script....I miss being able to go to a football game without spending a fortune and the days when ball players didnt have 75 million dollar contracts and have hair down to their a%s....I could go on and on but the fact is we cant go back but it sure is tuff being an analog man in a digital world.........by the way check out Reminisce magazine...go to ww.reminisce.com..... good read and lots of fun....:)

01-21-2010, 01:53 PM
Double +1 getsome! I worked at a service station through High School at 1.65 an hour! Full service and gas was 28 cents for regular and 32 for premium and we were the highest price in town. People would drive off totally ticked we were sooo high priced.
Different world back then. Be nice to turn back the clock for more than a few reasons and have another chance.
Dejavu my friend.

01-21-2010, 04:32 PM
Now you're gonna miss the good old days even more (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/22/us/politics/22scotus.html?hp).

The election, brought to us by Exxon.

01-22-2010, 02:38 AM
Raoul, think about who and what was blocked. Think hard about it and think about who might be supporting you and watching out for your rights. Then tell me why you think it was good to block the NRA ads. You have to take the bad with the good and there is no way to legislate all the bad away without catching the good in the same net.

getsome, I'm 51 and lived north of Atlanta nearly all of my life. Parents might have bought gas at that PURE station back in the day. Might have been me at the coke machine...

01-22-2010, 05:06 AM
Raoul, think about who and what was blocked. Think hard about it and think about who might be supporting you and watching out for your rights. Then tell me why you think it was good to block the NRA ads. You have to take the bad with the good and there is no way to legislate all the bad away without catching the good in the same net.

getsome, I'm 51 and lived north of Atlanta nearly all of my life. Parents might have bought gas at that PURE station back in the day. Might have been me at the coke machine...

I'm always scared at the thought of someone watching out for my rights. I hear the arguments about full disclosure. But if money equals free speech, those with the most money have the most free speech. Corporations currently have the ability to fund politicians with limits and disclosure, and to exceed those limits by funding political PACS. Now there is the ability for unfettered dumping of funds to politicians.
What about multi-national corporations.? Most larger US corps are multinational and possibly run by folks that might not have our best interest at heart.
Who better for corporations to support than those politicians they can buy with campaign donations or in spending their money to produce media exposure.
It smells to me. I can't imagine any good outcome for the people from this ruling.

01-22-2010, 10:17 AM
The first amendment exsist so the government fears the people. When the Govt tells the people who can say what and when they can't say what they have to say I can see no good outcome from that.

I also see no positive outcome from the only corporations allowed to let their views be heard are those with Newspaper or radio and TV as their holdings. The views that limit free speach are view of tryants, views that allow it are those upholding liberty.

Do not fear what you dont know will happen, take action to speak for or against what you see and hear. The current congress is not ruling or governing with the best interst of the people at heart. See how many people do not want the health care bill to pass and how hard congress was trying to get it done in spite of what the people wanted
It is always best to hear more then one side of every story, then you can make a decision as opposed to being forced to know only one side. Discourse, is after all, the foundation of our democracy. How can no good come from discourse?

Just because someone or some company has money doesn't automatically make them bad or corrupt. Corporations have the right to defend themselves against the government, sorry but they do.


01-22-2010, 05:03 PM
Well my problem with this is that the legislative branch has been overturned by activist judges. The supreme court is making legislation through interpretation. This is wrong. We the people have no control over the judicial branch, At least with the legislature we can vote the b@$+@&#$ out of office. We cannot control the supreme court. You think the NRA can spend your way out of trouble with regards to 2A rights? The NRA is nothing compared to the ability of Multinational corporations to raise money. How much of the US debt does China own? If they decided an unarmed America was in their best interest what's to stop the flow of MONEY to politicians that will push for gun control?

Am I paranoid? Certainly. But this kind of crap is totally possible. When money becomes equal to free speech the individual is squashed.

Are you worried about democrats? They're the least of our worries. The damn Supreme court has allowed our government to to be up for sale to the highest bidder.