View Full Version : Total fix for feeding issue with my CM9!

12-16-2011, 08:03 AM
This ain't a joke. I will post pics ASAP when I get my wife's camera-she's has it in her purse at work! Here's the skinny: the followers I sanded down flat and at an appropriate angle similar to other pistol mags. It's easy to do just takes time and some 400 grit paper and a flat surface. This is the biggest help. However, I also polished everything inside the gun a cartridge contacts- from the feed ramp to the breech face and extractor (outside only the inside claw was left untouched), and the chamber walls of the slide too. Now wherever the cartridge hits it's glass smooth.

The result is amazing. I can literally walk the slide home into battery when charging a round. It's so smooth! I know many of you are skeptical and rightfully so! In fact this may only work on mine-but I truly don't think so. Sunday is range day and another 150rds will go thru the pistol and and update with pics will follow. I'm hoping the polishing will greatly assist clean up. Well see.

What started off as an annoying g gun due to a broke. Cam spring and feeding issues in the 1st round, has since tired into the. Nicest little damned pistol I've ever used! With every round discharged the pistol just gets better n better! So, DON'T GIVE UP all of u with problems! It's worth it! I now have 450 rds thru it and I've not had one FTF or FTE. Now I hope to have fixed the feeding probs on the. 1st rd when slingshotting it home.

Side note: life is short guys. My wife just lost a friend due to an asthma attack of all things. She left behind two children. It was an allergic reaction and she was dead b4 she made it the 5 miles to hospital. Take care of your ailments especially life threatening ones guys! Take care!

12-16-2011, 10:53 AM
Jeffe, Thanks for the tip. I have done likewise and mine has been trouble free for over a year. I know and understand those who say you shouldn't have to do this but it's up to the individual. You can grouse about your imperfect gun, or you can spend an afternoon polishing it and make it the perfect gun you wanted.

Bill K
12-16-2011, 11:01 AM
I'll sometimes do a little polishing on a gun of mine but isn't it mostly just speeding up a process that would happen just from shooting?

12-16-2011, 11:19 AM
I spent a fair amount of time with mine and feel the same way. Actually now enjoy doing the little things. Fine little shooters once you get past a glitch or two.... and plenty that are ready to go from the box.

I just finished slightly rounding the edges on ejection port, sharp as chisel from the factory and tearing the leather in my holster. Now slick to draw.

Sorry to hear of your wife's friend passing. My 11 year old daughter, asthma and severe food allergy, carries an Epipen and inhaler for just such things. I worry every day.

12-16-2011, 11:27 AM
You can grouse about your imperfect gun, or you can spend an afternoon polishing it and make it the perfect gun you wanted.

This is so true... I wish it could be emblazoned at the top of every gun forum... It'd cut down on a lot of unnecessary and tedious threads.

12-17-2011, 08:23 AM
This is so true... I wish it could be emblazoned at the top of every gun forum... It'd cut down on a lot of unnecessary and tedious threads.

Sorry, but I don't agree. When I buy a new car I don't expect to have to re-torque the lug nuts, realign the front end and adjust the brakes before I can safely and reliably drive it. Not every shooter is a gunsmith, nor should they have to be, particularly when they have purchased what is supposed to be the Cadillac of concealed carry handguns. Kahr has had some quality control and design problems. Kahr needs to correct them and restore their fine reputation.

12-17-2011, 09:23 AM
Sorry, but I don't agree. When I buy a new car I don't expect to have to re-torque the lug nuts, realign the front end and adjust the brakes before I can safely and reliably drive it. Not every shooter is a gunsmith, nor should they have to be, particularly when they have purchased what is supposed to be the Cadillac of concealed carry handguns. Kahr has had some quality control and design problems. Kahr needs to correct them and restore their fine reputation.


12-17-2011, 10:17 AM
Sorry, but I don't agree. When I buy a new car I don't expect to have to re-torque the lug nuts, realign the front end and adjust the brakes before I can safely and reliably drive it. Not every shooter is a gunsmith, nor should they have to be, particularly when they have purchased what is supposed to be the Cadillac of concealed carry handguns. Kahr has had some quality control and design problems. Kahr needs to correct them and restore their fine reputation.

most ALL kahrs need nothing done to them other than taking out of the box, loading the magazine and shooting it like u stole it. there are a few that do need some TLC. Some of these mods u read here are "iffy" at best and probalby not needed. Myt pm9 HAS OVER 32k rounds through it in 2 different magazines and I have never done a follower mod to it. My theory has been if it ain't broke, don't fix it, works most of the time. IMO doing the follower mod, IF UR HAVING FTF issues is not rocket science and at the worst u ruin a follower and at the best you took care of UR ISSUE. Doesn't mean every kahr needs that mod. Every gun can have some kind of quirk in it that the other same gun does not. What works for me may not work for you. If in doubt box the fokker up and send it bacvk and wait 2-3 weeks for maybe something that u could have fixed yourself. It is always ur option to do either. If one thinks kahrs quality control or CS is poor, then there are just alot of other guns out there to choose from. GO FOR IT:popcorn:

12-17-2011, 02:49 PM
Yep. Mine was FTF'n on the first shot like every time. This is only a potential fix for those who have this issue-and that's if it's an issue for them. It worked great and I've been pleased. Pleased enuff to share with this community.

12-17-2011, 02:52 PM
Muggsy- don't buy a BMW then. Or any euro car for that matter! They all require periodic maintenance and adjustments.

12-18-2011, 10:02 AM
Muggsy- don't buy a BMW then. Or any euro car for that matter! They all require periodic maintenance and adjustments.
NOT!!! My Mercedes is perfect;)

12-18-2011, 10:05 AM
According toOldLincoln, my PM9 is also perfect;);) LOL

12-18-2011, 10:57 AM
NOT!!! My Mercedes is perfect;)

How long have you had it? How do you like the $1500 tuneups?

12-18-2011, 11:12 AM
NOT!!! My Mercedes is perfect;)

So is my Porsche so far, but I only have 8000 miles on it and I don't expect that to last forever. I'm still thinking about trading it on that "last" Corvette. On the other hand, the Prius has 70,000 miles with never a hitch, but I guess that's expected from a Toyota.

Back to Kahrs, I've had five and all have been 100% with just a little prep that I give to every new pistol. However, if some minor glitch had shown up on any of them, I wouldn't have minded doing a little TLC to make it perfect.

12-18-2011, 12:10 PM
How long have you had it? How do you like the $1500 tuneups?

back to a Mercedes dealer or BMW or Porsche dealer bring a jar of vaseline for they will ram it up ur ass. That being said there are many many small foreighn car mechanics around that can do the same work as far as tune ups goes etc and they are for the most part fair and balanced.

Porsche charges $195 for oil change and filter, I do my own on my Mercedes, Porsche and Audi and 2 Harleys. I grew up in that ****. But my foreign car guy locally will do my Porsche *(8 quartes Mobil One and filter) for $99. Very fair and balanced.

Look at kahrs shop rate, no smitty that is around my area charges half that much. Not to sure about what a $1500 tune up is either. Timing Belts, plugs, emmission control ****, air filter, oil filter, cabin filters u might be damn close then but tune ups today on cars is not like every 20K either. Plugs will go a 100K with ease, air filters (which can be very expensive ) depends where u live also. Oil today 10K is the norm for most cars. Run good synthectic and IMO anything under 10K is a waste of good synthetic oil money.

When I bought my Porsche in 06 the manual stated oil change and filter 20K, unbelievable, I being of old school and doing that kind of service all my life to, I went 10K. Today Porsche has dropped that high mileage change mostley due to the dealers raising a ton of hell to Porsche about their never seeing customers coming back for this type of service. I know People who change oil i their Porsche and Mercedes (also 8 quarts) every 3500 miles. What a waste of good money IMO.. Some people clean their guns after every range trip to. Each to his own.

12-18-2011, 12:20 PM
I just posted a link to kahrtalk on another forum where a CM9 owner had posted a problem.
The reason I sent him here was for the prep thread and lube diagram that has helped so many.
All the posters there were just ankle biters, whining about the break in, and the old "should work out of the box" bovine skat.

Who would NOT shoot 2-300 rds thru a gun before carry it:eek:.

The gunsmith annalogy doesn't fly with me, as any owner will eventually have to clean and lube ANY gun sooner or later....what's wrong with sooner.

And most everyone puts their "favorite oil" in a new car, at the 1st oil change.
Do not car dealers do prep work....and CHARGE $$$ for it??

At least there's not as many ankle biters here and more good Kahr info.


12-18-2011, 12:24 PM
good post and ur right aobut the Oil thing. I dropped my oil out of my Two Harleyt in the first 50 miles and put in Mobil V-Twin.. No doubt the factory oil was OK.

12-18-2011, 01:20 PM
Well, I haven't owned a Mercedes or Porsche, but I heard that Mercedes requires an expensive service every 10,000 miles on at least some of their cars. Service on all new cars, including economy cars like my '06 Hyundai Elantra Limited, has become very expensive. The standard 30,000 mile service on my car cost me $485. :mad:

12-18-2011, 11:58 PM
Oil changes on new(2010>) are included, every 10k miles, they use Mobil1. After 48k Warrantee(bumper to bumper) I get a new one. Dont have tune ups etc.

12-19-2011, 06:59 AM
Got 44,000 in my 2010 Merdedes GLK, never been back for thier inhouse over priced service. I do all my own oil and filter changes and any emission **** I let my foregin car guy handle it. So far never had one issue with any engine stuff. replaced 3 left side low beam bulbs. They cannot force an owner to come backtothem for service nor void their warranty if you keep good records.

Lately some of the foreign car makers have broght back their oil changte service freee for the first 48K. theyu dropped that a fewyearsw back but BMW keep it going and the other makers got alot of compaints about it . Now I think most all do, not sure about Porsche

wait until your TIRE PRESSURE SENSORS GO OUT after about 4-5 years. Porsche wanted 1235.0 to replace all four of them. Got it done locally by a foreighn car specialist for $600. America carsd he says are around $600 with labor and all. Most owner don't even know that the4se sensor finally die. Probably gonna be alot of 4-6 year old cars running around with a peace of black tape over the dash warning light. People are gonna get very pissed over this, dealershave already told me that to.

I don';t think our stupid government thought aobut this replacement crap when they mandated the car akers tomake it standard on all cars starting in 08.

12-19-2011, 07:04 AM
Wow this thread got jacked in a hurry! :) now what's for breakfast? Oh yeah-nothing! I'm on a diet and I ate my allotment during the nite when I sleep walked! Oh well.....

12-19-2011, 07:44 AM
Well, I am not physically able to change the oil and stuff, but I found a very good local mechanic who does any kind of needed service at great prices. Plus, my 5 year bumper to bumper warranty is over, just leaving me now 4.5 more years drivetrain warranty. My mileage just bumped over 32,000, but they told me at the last service that at the 5 year anniversary (last June 6) my engine would not be covered if I didn't pay them $400 to replace the timing belt. For $15, I had my mechanic inspect it, and he said it looks fine (looked fine to me, too) and we could think about replacing it (at a much lower price) at about 40,000 miles which, for me, will be more than a year down the road.

12-19-2011, 07:46 AM
Wow this thread got jacked in a hurry! :) now what's for breakfast? Oh yeah-nothing! I'm on a diet and I ate my allotment during the nite when I sleep walked! Oh well.....

THISTHREAD GOTJACKED??All threads here get jacked:D but in time maybe 8 or 10 pages later the thread comes back home.Like a damn homing pigeon:86:

12-19-2011, 07:52 AM
Well, I am not physically able to change the oil and stuff, but I found a very good local mechanic who does any kind of needed service at great prices. Plus, my 5 year bumper to bumper warranty is over, just leaving me now 4.5 more years drivetrain warranty. My mileage just bumped over 32,000, but they told me at the last service that at the 5 year anniversary (last June 6) my engine would not be covered if I didn't pay them $400 to replace the timing belt. For $15, I had my mechanic inspect it, and he said it looks fine (looked fine to me, too) and we could think about replacing it (at a much lower price) at about 40,000 miles which, for me, will be more than a year down the road.

all american made car engines have timing belts most all are now fabric type belts like on all foreign cars. No more timing chains like the ol days) How many people do u know replace their timing belts at 40K or for that matter 100K. It just doesn't happen. My brothe rin law just traded in his gmc pickup with over 200K on the engine, still the original plugs and when I aks him about his timing belt,he said whatcha talking about.

12-19-2011, 07:52 AM
Muggsy- don't buy a BMW then. Or any euro car for that matter! They all require periodic maintenance and adjustments.

I give my CM9 periodic maintenance and adjustment, but I've never purchased a car that didn't start on the day that I took delivery. Everyone of them shifted smoothly and the brakes didn't fail at the first stop light. The in most cases dealer does all of the prep work not the customer. It would appear that your opinion differs from mine. Your entitled to your opinion. I'll leave it at that.

12-19-2011, 07:54 AM
all american made car engines have timing belts most all are now fabric type belts like on all foreign cars. No more timing chains like the ol days) How many people do u know replace their timing belts at 40K or for that matter 100K. It just doesn't happen. My brothe rin law just traded in his gmc pickup with over 200K on the engine, still the original plugs and when I aks him about his timing belt,he said whatcha talking about.

Yeah, but it is bent valves and a very expensive repair job if it breaks! :eek:

12-19-2011, 07:58 AM
These guns as u know are not recision rolex or Patek watchs...

After Jocko told me this it changed my whole perspective on these guns. They're not high precision items. So I don't mind doing whatever's necessary to make mine as perfect as I can. There is a learning curve here and for me it's a big one. I think somebody said they made theirs "their project gun". That works for me...

12-19-2011, 08:08 AM
Muggsy- don't buy a BMW then. Or any euro car for that matter! They all require periodic maintenance and adjustments.

The last five cars that I owned were all Mercury Grand Marquis. I bought a new one every five years and kept everyone of them for ten years. My wife drove them for the first five years to wear the new off. I drove the for the next five years until they hit 100,000 miles. Every one of them pulled a 20' fiberglass boat.
None of the ever had anything but routine maintenance. Ford, in it's infinite wisdom, stopped making them this year. If my Kahr was as reliable as my cars I wouldn't be complaining. :)

12-19-2011, 08:45 AM
Yeah, but it is bent valves and a very expensive repair job if it breaks! :eek:

u got that right..

12-19-2011, 09:31 AM
all american made car engines have timing belts most all are now fabric type belts like on all foreign cars. No more timing chains like the ol days) How many people do u know replace their timing belts at 40K or for that matter 100K. It just doesn't happen. My brothe rin law just traded in his gmc pickup with over 200K on the engine, still the original plugs and when I aks him about his timing belt,he said whatcha talking about.
Not a true statement at all. All american made trucks as well as the big engine cars still have timing chains. The exception would only be foreign made engines in small vehicles. Ask Ford, GMC and Dodge, all have chains in their big er trucks. Most American made 6 cy and 8 cy engines still have timing chains like my v6 Buick. Are you confusing the alternator belt to be a timing belt? Your brother-in-law's truck had a timing "chain" by the way.

12-19-2011, 09:56 AM
no was not confusinfg that alternator belt, just was wrong in my assumption. thanks for making it clear to.....

12-19-2011, 10:47 AM
Jocko wrong, oh hell no. That just never happens. Yes folks we jack a thread in a hurry over here.

12-19-2011, 11:16 AM
Ihave found hydraulic jacks are easier to jack a thread than the screw type. takes to long.

12-19-2011, 12:28 PM
The last five cars that I owned were all Mercury Grand Marquis. I bought a new one every five years and kept everyone of them for ten years. My wife drove them for the first five years to wear the new off. I drove the for the next five years until they hit 100,000 miles. Every one of them pulled a 20' fiberglass boat.
None of the ever had anything but routine maintenance. Ford, in it's infinite wisdom, stopped making them this year. If my Kahr was as reliable as my cars I wouldn't be complaining. :)

Ford is losing or has lost it's police car business to Dodge, and that business was the only thing keeping the platform in production. ie no more Crown Vics, Mercury GM's or Lincoln Town Cars.

BTW, my five Kahrs were/are as reliable as your Grand Marquis's. Even if they hadn't been, I still would not have minded a little tuning. Maybe you should try a Diamond Back, if your not happy with the Kahr. :rolleyes:

12-19-2011, 01:29 PM
Ouch, O'Dell, friends don't let friends shoot Diamond Back or Kel-Tec, very ouch. I don't even know that I would wish one of those on an enemy, oh wait yes I would.

12-19-2011, 02:15 PM
Ouch, O'Dell, friends don't let friends shoot Diamond Back or Kel-Tec, very ouch. I don't even know that I would wish one of those on an enemy, oh wait yes I would.

I think you got the point. :D I did have a KT once, and even three Tauruses years ago. One out of four worked and it wasn't the KT.

12-19-2011, 04:39 PM
Ford is losing or has lost it's police car business to Dodge, and that business was the only thing keeping the platform in production. ie no more Crown Vics, Mercury GM's or Lincoln Town Cars.

BTW, my five Kahrs were/are as reliable as your Grand Marquis's. Even if they hadn't been, I still would not have minded a little tuning. Maybe you should try a Diamond Back, if your not happy with the Kahr. :rolleyes:

Did I say that I didn't like my Kahr? I love my Kahr. I would have loved it even more if it didn't require three trips to the range, several e-mails and phone calls to Kahr, a new recoil spring, and modifications to both of the magazines to get it to run the way it should have run right out of the box. If you had to drive 120 miles and run 350 rounds through yours before they started shooting properly you might be just a little miffed yourself. For the first three months that I owned it it wasn't my EDC. It was a very expensive paperweight. BTW, Kahr isn't the only gun manufacturer in the world, but they are one of the best. Are you happy now?

12-19-2011, 09:09 PM
Did I say that I didn't like my Kahr? I love my Kahr. I would have loved it even more if it didn't require three trips to the range, several e-mails and phone calls to Kahr, a new recoil spring, and modifications to both of the magazines to get it to run the way it should have run right out of the box. If you had to drive 120 miles and run 350 rounds through yours before they started shooting properly you might be just a little miffed yourself. For the first three months that I owned it it wasn't my EDC. It was a very expensive paperweight. BTW, Kahr isn't the only gun manufacturer in the world, but they are one of the best. Are you happy now?

I'm always happy, but fortunately, I don't depend on other people for the feeling.

Since you seem to enjoy complaining, I just thought I'd point you in a direction where you would receive a great deal of enjoyment. Sorry, if I misread it.