View Full Version : Rear sight machined and painted off-center

01-21-2010, 11:30 AM
I am the proud owner of a P380. I've had it for 2 weeks. There have been no feeding or ejection problems and it is more accurate than I would have believed. I can even rack the slide by hand. :)

Last night I noticed that the white bar on the rear sight is slightly off-center. :ohmy: There is a recessed divot machined into the sight that is off, so it's not just the paint.

My really high opinion of this gun has slipped a tiny bit. I'm not concerned that this will cause me to miss the BG's center of mass by a half inch. It is a matter of principle. Frankly I'm surprised that with Kahr's reputation for precision, that this could happen. Aren't the parts made by CNC?

The way I see it I have two options:

To live with it, since it won't affect the guns intended purpose
Ask Kahr for a replacement sight, but I'd have to pay for someone to install it

What would you do?


01-21-2010, 11:42 AM
Send it back to Kahr, they will make it right, insist (diplomatically) that the pay for both way. Congrats in a hard to find(for now) firearm.:59:

01-21-2010, 12:05 PM
The way I see it I have two options:

To live with it, since it won't affect the guns intended purpose
Ask Kahr for a replacement sight, but I'd have to pay for someone to install it

What would you do?

Only you can decide...
You listed the options.

Maybe I'm just more into functionality, but if it were mine I'd go with option #1.

01-21-2010, 01:03 PM
It would not bother me much as it is not the paint nor the notch I use to align my shots. It does have that "bummer Dude" factor to it but then again I am sure if the slot itself was off it would not have made it through quality control. If the Peg it good and the notch is cut even and crisp then I would say not to worry about it unless you are just the type that wants a perfect finish(not that this is a bad thing, some are and some are not) They will fix it I am sure of that. The choice is ultimately yours. Good Luck

P.S. if you have to send it back you might as well have the Bog Dots put in while it is there. f3

01-21-2010, 02:13 PM
P.S. if you have to send it back you might as well have the Bog Dots put in while it is there. f3

Good idea!. That should be option 3.

01-21-2010, 02:40 PM
Send it back...you paid top dollar for top quality...Kahr will fix it right... I am a perfectionist and little things like that bother me while someone else might not even notice it...

01-21-2010, 04:22 PM
It would not bother me much as it is not the paint nor the notch I use to align my shots. It does have that "bummer Dude" factor to it but then again I am sure if the slot itself was off it would not have made it through quality control. If the Peg it good and the notch is cut even and crisp then I would say not to worry about it unless you are just the type that wants a perfect finish(not that this is a bad thing, some are and some are not) They will fix it I am sure of that. The choice is ultimately yours. Good Luck

P.S. if you have to send it back you might as well have the Bog Dots put in while it is there. f3

That is what I was thinking when I was reading the OP. Could be a win-win if Kahr will cover some portion of the cost of new sights or even shipping. Unless you don't want night sites.

01-22-2010, 02:06 AM
I just checked mine and I noticed that they are the same as yours. Actually the rear sight's notch which they paint white has been manufactured incorrectly and to the right a bit. I would bet that most of the sights out there are off if one would look at them through magnification. I also had quite a few problems with the slide locking pre-maturely after approx 60% of FMJ rounds. The fix was replacing the slide stop, in my case a couple of times and they needed some additional grinding/filing to allow the next round that was to be fed from the magazine to avoid hitting the slide stop. If you broke your P380 in with JHP's you probably had no failures at all due to the narrow shape of the hollow points allowing them to clear the slide stop. After I took care of that problem, I then had a problem with every magazine dropping either the 4th or 5th round. This was not user's error. Kahr sent me a new magazine catch body and I will be try it out tomorrow. Kahr's service dept. has provided me with excellent customer service allowing me the opportunity to clear the failures myself or have the P380 sent in. Sorry to go off with my troubles, but let us know what you decide. I too am a perfectionist, and this s**t bothers me.

01-22-2010, 05:18 AM
How does it shoot? How much of an effect does it have on your aim?

01-22-2010, 06:31 AM
I just checked mine and I noticed that they are the same as yours. Actually the rear sight's notch which they paint white has been manufactured incorrectly and to the right a bit. I would bet that most of the sights out there are off if one would look at them through magnification. I also had quite a few problems with the slide locking pre-maturely after approx 60% of FMJ rounds. The fix was replacing the slide stop, in my case a couple of times and they needed some additional grinding/filing to allow the next round that was to be fed from the magazine to avoid hitting the slide stop. If you broke your P380 in with JHP's you probably had no failures at all due to the narrow shape of the hollow points allowing them to clear the slide stop. After I took care of that problem, I then had a problem with every magazine dropping either the 4th or 5th round. This was not user's error. Kahr sent me a new magazine catch body and I will be try it out tomorrow. Kahr's service dept. has provided me with excellent customer service allowing me the opportunity to clear the failures myself or have the P380 sent in. Sorry to go off with my troubles, but let us know what you decide. I too am a perfectionist, and this s**t bothers me.

You are probably right that most sights are off like mine. After all they must make hundreds or thousands in a batch (why didn't Kahr notice?).

I have had no premature slide lock problems, and I haven't used hollow points yet. I am at round 175 in the break in. my serial is in the mid 37 hundreds. Maybe the slide lock has been redesigned?

How does it shoot? How much of an effect does it have on your aim?

It shoots a little low, but the groupings are tight. I think shooting low is because of me rather than the gun. The off center bar has no affect on my aim because I'm going for equal slivers of daylight in the rear sight.

01-22-2010, 07:58 AM
2 possible reasons:

1. every dimensions should have a spec, which include +/- tolerance, it may be within their acceptable "tolerance"


2. miss or the lack of quality assurance

You are probably right that most sights are off like mine. After all they must make hundreds or thousands in a batch (why didn't Kahr notice?).

01-22-2010, 09:48 PM
I just checked mine and I noticed that they are the same as yours. Actually the rear sight's notch which they paint white has been manufactured incorrectly and to the right a bit. I would bet that most of the sights out there are off if one would look at them through magnification. I also had quite a few problems with the slide locking pre-maturely after approx 60% of FMJ rounds. The fix was replacing the slide stop, in my case a couple of times and they needed some additional grinding/filing to allow the next round that was to be fed from the magazine to avoid hitting the slide stop. If you broke your P380 in with JHP's you probably had no failures at all due to the narrow shape of the hollow points allowing them to clear the slide stop. After I took care of that problem, I then had a problem with every magazine dropping either the 4th or 5th round. This was not user's error. Kahr sent me a new magazine catch body and I will be try it out tomorrow. Kahr's service dept. has provided me with excellent customer service allowing me the opportunity to clear the failures myself or have the P380 sent in. Sorry to go off with my troubles, but let us know what you decide. I too am a perfectionist, and this s**t bothers me.

Well, I just came back from the range and I'm not a happy camper right now. For the first 100 rounds I used Remington UMC-FMJ and Winchester USA-FMJ the new magazine catch body did the trick, no more dropping mags. The bad news is that the premature slide locking started up again and got increasing worse as the round count got higher. Also a new failure cropped up, multiple FTC's that never happened before. After 100 rounds, I let it rest and I shot a few other's that I had brought with me. Back to the P380, everything picked up where I left off and after another 25 rounds or so the magazine began dropping @ no specific round 1-6. I was so pissed that I had the range master watch to make sure I didn't hit the mag release. When I asked him to watch, he just laughed and said "you're not hitting the release, you're too damned disciplined but if you want me to humor you, I will". He watched and said "I told you so" send that piece of s**t back. He said you probably spent more money on ammo trying to get this to work than it cost you. I said not yet, so far $430 in ammo. Well come Monday morning a call to Kahr is in order. I have 6 Kahrs and the only good ones out of the box were my K9 and my K9 Elite 03, all of the polymers had some issues, but nothing like this. I will never be able to use this as a BUG, this was the last straw.
By the way racuda the serial # of mine is just below #RA3200. :smash::smash::smash:

01-22-2010, 10:00 PM
Well, I just came back from the range and I'm not a happy camper right now. For the first 100 rounds I used Remington UMC-FMJ and Winchester USA-FMJ the new magazine catch body did the trick, no more dropping mags. The bad news is that the premature slide locking started up again and got increasing worse as the round count got higher. Also a new failure cropped up, multiple FTC's that never happened before. After 100 rounds, I let it rest and I shot a few other's that I had brought with me. Back to the P380, everything picked up where I left off and after another 25 rounds or so the magazine began dropping @ no specific round 1-6. I was so pissed that I had the range master watch to make sure I didn't hit the mag release. When I asked him to watch, he just laughed and said "you're not hitting the release, you're too damned disciplined but if you want me to humor you, I will". He watched and said "I told you so" send that piece of s**t back. He said you probably spent more money on ammo trying to get this to work than it cost you. I said not yet, so far $430 in ammo. Well come Monday morning a call to Kahr is in order. I have 6 Kahrs and the only good ones out of the box were my K9 and my K9 Elite 03, all of the polymers had some issues, but nothing like this. I will never be able to use this as a BUG, this was the last straw.
By the way racuda the serial # of mine is just below #RA3200. :smash::smash::smash:

I just wanted to mention, that the round count is now 871

01-23-2010, 07:36 AM
I just wanted to mention, that the round count is now 871

Man GOOFA I really feel your pain. That gun has to go back. I think you are beating a dead horse if things aren't getting better at 800 rounds.

I had the usual hangs until that 200 round mark and have had no problems since and am nearing 1000 rounds through my P380 (SN RA18XX). Several more senior forum members encouraged me to keep going with the gun and it's proven to be a great little piece but I am afraid something is really wrong here.

I assume you have been cleaning the gun every few hundred rounds? That made a real difference in my case and it has to be done properly - see the sticky on this forum Kahr Lube Diagram - Glock Talk (http://glocktalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=398500).

In fact, you might want to try that before parting with that piece - clean it and lube it just as instructed and pay attention to the striker channel - use dry lube. Otherwise send it back but don't give up on the model. I have 4 of the most popular concealed carry mouses and the P380 is by far the best IMO.

Good luck and let us know how things work out.

01-23-2010, 09:54 AM
Well, I just came back from the range and I'm not a happy camper right now. For the first 100 rounds I used Remington UMC-FMJ and Winchester USA-FMJ the new magazine catch body did the trick, no more dropping mags. The bad news is that the premature slide locking started up again and got increasing worse as the round count got higher. Also a new failure cropped up, multiple FTC's that never happened before. After 100 rounds, I let it rest and I shot a few other's that I had brought with me. Back to the P380, everything picked up where I left off and after another 25 rounds or so the magazine began dropping @ no specific round 1-6. I was so pissed that I had the range master watch to make sure I didn't hit the mag release. When I asked him to watch, he just laughed and said "you're not hitting the release, you're too damned disciplined but if you want me to humor you, I will". He watched and said "I told you so" send that piece of s**t back. He said you probably spent more money on ammo trying to get this to work than it cost you. I said not yet, so far $430 in ammo. Well come Monday morning a call to Kahr is in order. I have 6 Kahrs and the only good ones out of the box were my K9 and my K9 Elite 03, all of the polymers had some issues, but nothing like this. I will never be able to use this as a BUG, this was the last straw.
By the way racuda the serial # of mine is just below #RA3200. :smash::smash::smash:

Wow, my complaint seems really trivial compared to your problems. Hope you get it worked out so you can trust it.

01-24-2010, 12:06 AM
Just for the record, all my firearms are cleaned every time they're fired, whether its 1 round or 200. Thanks for the info, as I am already pretty familiar with Kahr's, I have five others. I would really like to avoid sending the P380 back and forth to Kahr because 1) time consuming 2) Have already spent $430 in ammo, $120 in range fees and a lot of my time on the phone, range and working on the gun. After all this BS, I could never use this as a BUG.