View Full Version : Tapping on a strangers shoulder, from behind, during target practice?

12-17-2011, 12:44 PM
So I’m on vacation at the range on a weekday at 10AM.
And the range is mostly empty.
Purposefully, go near the end so the few in the range are several open lanes away from me.
And start firing multiple pre-loaded mags of 357 sig.

Suddenly there’s a tapping on my shoulder from behind!
I’m thinking it’s the Range Officer.
And there’s some problem requiring a cease fire.

Some random guy is standing there smiling.
And says what kind of had cannon is that?
I asked why he tapped on my shoulder?
And he said he wanted to get my attention!?!?!

I asked that he please not interrupt me while I’m shooting.

About a month ago a teenage boy had enough sense to wait
until I finished shooting before approaching me to taking about my weapon.

Has anyone ever bothered you during target practice?
And would you feel about that?

12-17-2011, 01:25 PM
So I’m on vacation at the range on a weekday at 10AM.
And the range is mostly empty.
Purposefully, go near the end so the few in the range are several open lanes away from me.
And start firing multiple pre-loaded mags of 357 sig.

Suddenly there’s a tapping on my shoulder from behind!
I’m thinking it’s the Range Officer.
And there’s some problem requiring a cease fire.

Some random guy is standing there smiling.
And says what kind of had cannon is that?
I asked why he tapped on my shoulder?
And he said he wanted to get my attention!?!?!

I asked that he please not interrupt me while I’m shooting.

About a month ago a teenage boy had enough sense to wait
until I finished shooting before approaching me to taking about my weapon.

Has anyone ever bothered you during target practice?
And would you feel about that?

That sounds like a nominee for a Darwin Award. If he taps on the wrong person, say a new shooter learning to aim and not shake, he may get shot right in the face.

12-17-2011, 01:37 PM
Agree his actions were pretty darned ignorant. Even a young teen age boy knew better than to interupt someone when there shooting.

12-17-2011, 03:12 PM
Has anyone ever bothered you during target practice?
Yes, several times

And would you feel about that?
I don't mind and would not be miffed. I like talking to people about my guns... and theirs too. A good opportunity to learn, teach or show and share.

12-17-2011, 03:16 PM
never while shooting, and it is a dumbest idea one can have. I love talking to people, but not while they are shooting or holding a loaded gun.

12-17-2011, 03:31 PM
never while shooting, and it is a dumbest idea one can have. I love talking to people, but not while they are shooting or holding a loaded gun.

Kind of my thoughts right there. Then again, I don't mind talking to them about mine or theirs, just not when I'm in the middle of something. As to what I would feel, dunno.

Hey cougar8000, I was kind of curious about something that maybe you could help me with. Is the cougar series the storm series with an alloy frame? I would think that since they are the same size, and have the same kind of operation that it could be so, any data to confirm or deny that?

12-17-2011, 03:34 PM
I never approach someone from behind with a firearm in there hand. Great way to cause a problem. Genius of the year award winner!

MW surveyor
12-17-2011, 04:04 PM
The only time I tap someone on the shoulder at the range is when they are looking down the barrel of their gun with their finger on the trigger!

Don't want to get any gray matter splatter on me :(

12-18-2011, 06:45 AM
Sure don't mind talking guns, but good heavens not while I'm pointing my gun down range. If a peron wants to talk while I'm loading mags or just checking targets that's no problem, but at least have enough respect to wait till I'm done shooting if you want to chit chat.. Think I'd have to say something to him about what I thought about his actions.

12-18-2011, 06:59 AM
I walked off Markham Park's trap range one night when the range officer would not control the idiot next to me, taking "second shots" at my birds, generally horsing around, and yelling to his buddies at the back area.

Its all situational... like any other social encounter we as humans deal with. Intent plays a big part, no?

12-18-2011, 07:08 AM
I walked off Markham Park's trap range one night when the range officer would not control the idiot next to me, taking "second shots" at my birds, generally horsing around, and yelling to his buddies at the back area.

Its all situational... like any other social encounter we as humans deal with. Intent plays a big part, no?

I'm sure the gentleman had no ill intent.

Still, in the zone, running through mags of high powered SD ammo
at close range silhouette targets is no time to surprise someone from behind

Shooting handguns is serious business that should ALWAYS be taken seriously.
At least that's my way of thinking...

12-18-2011, 07:15 AM
Sounds like the fella is pretty rude too me. Didn't care what you were doing. All about what he wanted.

12-18-2011, 07:25 AM
It seems that common courtesy (at least what most of us were taught growing up) isn't so common anymore. So it's up to us to educate and guide others who weren't so fortunate to learn.
I think I would politely ask the shoulder tapper to kindly wait until I was finished and then discuss all he wanted about my firearm.

Lotta new folks getting into guns and shooting in general. It's up to us to be the keepers of common knowledge and pass it along to others. No one's born with this knowledge, it's gotta be taught.

12-18-2011, 07:37 AM
I'm surprised at the responses. Being unsafe is one thing. Being curious is another. I guess I don't take my practice time as seriously as most. C'est la Vie.

12-18-2011, 07:39 AM
Kinda like tapping a person on the shoulder while they're using a chain saw. :confused: Wait!

12-18-2011, 01:40 PM
Hey cougar8000, I was kind of curious about something that maybe you could help me with. Is the cougar series the storm series with an alloy frame? I would think that since they are the same size, and have the same kind of operation that it could be so, any data to confirm or deny that?

As far as I know it is steel frame. My Cougar is an original still made by Beretta unlike current models.

12-18-2011, 02:03 PM
I would have to ask that same man if he would ever tap another man on the shoulder while he's taking care of business at a public urinal. Things could get messy there, too!

12-18-2011, 02:26 PM
I would think it would be common sense to wait until a guy was reloading to try and interact with him. Some people have no common sense and no manners.

12-18-2011, 02:33 PM
Thanks cougar. I was kind of trying to see if the two were interchangeable especially with regard to magazines, and retention holsters. I've been lusting after one of those, have the storm, but the cougar in 40 with 11 rounds, no thanks. If the parts and such interchange, then I might pick one up for giggles, and see if I like it better than the PX4, and just use the storm magazines.

12-18-2011, 02:34 PM
I'm the range @$$hole when our unit goes to the range for qualifications. lol
I'm an E4...but I have no problem using my drill sergeant voice to any upper enlisted or officer who is unsafely operating their weapon.
An authoritative voice tends to leave no questions as to who's saying it, and even a bit of fear. If they can't foresee and fear the consequences of a negligent discharge, maybe they'll fear me!