View Full Version : To Strip or not to strip?

12-19-2011, 10:10 AM
I noticed that there is some disagreement about whether or not we should completely strip the slide of a PM9 (or other similar models).

I would like to hear some opinions on why it's a good idea or why it's not. I'm focused on things like the extractor or the striker assembly. Don't these get fouled up after 500 rounds or so? Are they designed is some way to be "self-cleaning"?

I appreciate any opinions, especially from those who have used Kahrs long enough to see the actual effects of use.

Many thanks in advance.

12-19-2011, 10:15 AM
With the little clean out hole on the bottom of the slide you can flush things out pretty well without taking it apart.

That being said I take mine apart (rarely) just to check things out. The first time just to see if anything was left inside from the manufacturing process and to see what it all looked like.

Mine was pristine inside and didn't need anything but I'm a tiny bit smarter for having done so.

I guess the answer is you don't need to take it apart unless there's a problem but it's easy to do if you want to do so. There's good tutorial in the tech section. The Ripley Retention Coat hanger devise is worth making. Trust me on that one.

12-19-2011, 10:22 AM
That would depend on your comfort level and temperment.

If you have holes in the drywall in your garage from throwing tools, then I'd say no, don't take the slide apart:madgrin:.


12-19-2011, 10:53 AM
No need to fix what ain't broke. If you like to tinker, tinker away. It's a little tricky, but not impossible.

12-19-2011, 10:58 AM
I noticed that there is some disagreement about whether or not we should completely strip the slide of a PM9 (or other similar models).

I would like to hear some opinions on why it's a good idea or why it's not. I'm focused on things like the extractor or the striker assembly. Don't these get fouled up after 500 rounds or so? Are they designed is some way to be "self-cleaning"?

I appreciate any opinions, especially from those who have used Kahrs long enough to see the actual effects of use.

Many thanks in advance.

can pick ur nose and wife ur ass at the same time, then no doubt u can take that slide apart with ease. over on the kahr tech site there is a nice tutorial on taking it apart and some very helpful hints. I have had my PM9 slide downone in over 32Kroundsin oover 5years and that was jus tto install the 5# strier. I use thatlittle cleanout hole every time I clean my kahr. Works forme.YMMV.

12-19-2011, 11:07 AM
I just took my K9 apart to try to help on another thread, and I was stunned by the amount of brass in bottom of the the striker channel. It does appear that the parts are made to be self cleaning, but gunk can and does accumulate down there. Taking the slide apart is actually pretty easy provided you have the tools that make it easy.

* A set of jewlers screwdrivers is very helpful, especially when depressing the pin behind the rear cover plate.
* IMHO, the Ripley Retractor makes a huge difference, just a coat hanger bent to a shape to compress and hold the striker spring in place while you remove the rear cover plate.
* Eye protection is advised, better safe than blind.

The sticky has the details. Knowing how to do it and having done it a few times, it takes about a minute to remove the parts. The first time, going slow may take several minutes. Cleaning the hole take a bunch of Q-Tips though.

Is it a step that is absolutely necessary to care for your Kahr? I don't know. I suspect you could go many thousands of rounds without. But, that said, once you do it, it isn't all that difficult... provided you have the tools at the ready.

12-19-2011, 11:12 AM
"calf cheeks"?? It's nice to see what's in the slide and taking it apart the first time using the instructions and pictures isn't hard. You do have to watch for some of the the springs and bits taking off, but there can be debris from manufacturing or shooting in there that won't blow out with the brake cleaner or whatever... it's educational... just read the discussions and look at the pictures before and as you're doing that... if you decide to strip the slide.

I also use the firing pin hole to blow the channel clean while holding the striker to the rear


12-19-2011, 01:03 PM
Sometimes a bit of factory debris is left in the channel and can cause striker issues and the blow out stuff won't necessarily get it all. Once cleaned the blow out hole seems to get it all. So I recommend taking it down once carefully, knowing there are springs there that will launch on you.

12-20-2011, 08:15 AM
Many thanks to all for your opinions. I decided to take it apart completely.

It might help in cleaning and long-term care. But that doesn't seem to be as important as I used to think. My main reason is just to learn how it works. This is the first gun I've owned that has a striker, not a hammer (OK: I'm an "older" guy!). Sure I can look at multi-colored diagrams showing how they work, but there's nothing like handling the parts and seeing how they all fit together (at least, I sure hope they will!).

Finally, I just like the look of fine craftsmanship, and the PM9 seems to be such an example.

12-20-2011, 10:27 AM
Watch this animation:



12-20-2011, 01:53 PM
Thanks, Tilos. Very nice.

12-20-2011, 02:40 PM
I got everything apart. The hardest -part was sliding the "Slide Back" down. One thing that made it easier was using the "Striker Spring Suppression Tool".

I did notice a lot of what seem to be brass flakes (??) down in the striker channel.

Now to put it back together.

Thanks to all!!

12-20-2011, 02:55 PM
once u get that striker channel spiffy clean, just use that little clean out hole on the bottom of the slide and u should not have to visit that arera again. I might be lucky but I have never had my PM9 slide down but one time in 32K rounds nor my K9 in 5-6K rounds other than to just install the 5# striker spring and even then I did not clean out the channel area. I have always used that clean out hole and sprayed the dog piss out of it every time I clean my gun. It is part of my normal cleanig procedure. I seriously doubt if u will ever get any build up once cleaned and then using that clean out hole but YMMV.

12-20-2011, 03:43 PM
Thanks, Jocko. I saw where that blow out hole goes. Seems ideally placed to avoid excursions into the striker channel.

Got it all back together now.
The most difficult part of getting it back together was holding the Striker Spring and Guide down with "the Tool" while slipping the Slide Back on over the Back Extractor Pin. I took someone's advice and put the entire slide into a large plastic baggie, a good idea since the springs sprung more than once!

12-20-2011, 04:23 PM
My glock has it also, must be a good reason why that hole is there and IMO I think it is to keep one from messing with comnplete slide take down.

03-03-2012, 10:42 PM
I always strip my guns down completely. I took about 15 minutes to look at a K9 exploded view, refer to the sticky threads and watch a quick YouTube video and have it figured out.
I do the same thing with my XD, detail strip it after every trip to the range.
I realize not everyone likes to tinker with things but I do.

03-04-2012, 06:45 AM
After the discussion about the p380 broken striker I decided to take my pm40 all the way down just for piece of mind and educational purposes. With the excellent sticky guide I had no problems (particularly the hints about fabricating a striker spring compressor and removing the striker spring cover with the slide inside of a ziplock bag. ironically named, it would definately have locked in any zipping parts!) After having done so and running another 100 rounds through the pistol, I have to say it has increased my already high confidence in the design and engineering that went into the pistol.

U.S. Patriot
03-04-2012, 08:27 AM
Unless you are having issues with said firearm. I see not point in doing it unless you are at a high round count. I look at it this way, if something malfunctions when said firearm has a low round count. There is a bigger issue or the gun is not worth a damn.

03-04-2012, 08:55 AM
Strip!! Strip!!

or at least.... TOGA TOGA TOGA TOGA!!!

Wait... I better read this thread.

Be back in a bit....:D

03-04-2012, 09:01 AM
I'll stand by the "strip" statements!

(totally disavow any knowledge of Toga parties)

Ya know... a little of basic cleaning, and the occasional tear it down, based on your shooting, your ammo, the conditions that you carry (sandy, dusty, wet, etc).

I don't think there is a total right or wrong answer here.

You just have to evaluate things, see how it all works out. For instance - me - I carry in my pocket. I know all sorts of crap falls into my pocket. Not loose change and keys, but sand and grit and grime. I have to be careful to clean my pistols often, even if not fired. I tend to run them fairly dry for carry, but pre-clean and run them wetter (not much though) at the range. If you feel your striker channel, extractor cut, etc, are getting really filthy... clean them. If you feel a spray down is good enough for most cleaning, thats fine - it has to suit how you are using the pistol.

Hate to say - whatever works for you, but thats what it comes down to.

03-04-2012, 10:47 AM
Part of my decision to take a look was baised on my pistol being a used firearm. It increased my confidence to know there weren't any hidden problems. I do have the 5# Striker spring coming, and now i think i could have it installed in 5 minutes or so....

03-04-2012, 11:19 AM
allpoijnts are good, u do what works best for u, I do think once u take the striker channel totally dow and cleanit,m that little clean out hole on the bottom of the slide will keep it clean forever. use tha thole every timeu clean and IMO no further disassembly is needed. I can say in over 32K rounds I have had my striker back plate off one time and thatwas to to install the 5# striker spring. These spray cleaners today will get to place u never dreamed of. common sense goes a long way. These guns today and IMO kahrs especall once cleaned ad lubed can take alot of sh-t through them before they act up. Just sayin.

03-04-2012, 12:29 PM
These spray cleaners today will get to place u never dreamed of

maybe I need to keep some on the nightstand....:rolleyes:

03-04-2012, 02:27 PM
After thinking about it, reading the threads and finally working up the courage, I detail stripped my slide today.

I was floored by the amount of debris down in there. Flakes of brass and carbon. The coathanger tool and the jewelers screwdrivers make it pretty easy. The ziplock bag is essential. Having the teardown diagrams and photos right at hand are essential as well.

I doubt it will need to be done again for a long time but I am now a whole lot smarter and more confident having done it.

I am just over 1000 rounds through this, so I'm gonna plan on doing it again in another 1000.

03-16-2012, 01:08 PM
I just detail stripped my K9's slide today as well. The YouTube video's are awesome. I had no problems at all. Instead of a baggie, I just put a micro fiber towel over my hands during the springing sprung steps. Actually didnt even have stuff fly around. Just keep your thumb over it when sliding off the back plate. I THOUGHT my K9 was clean till I detail stripped it. Well worth the 15-30 minutes it'll take you. After you do it once, it'll be a 2 minute procedure to take down again.

03-16-2012, 01:57 PM
Well I just stripped down the slide on my perfectly functional T9 because I finally got around to acquiring some Q-Tips to clean the firing pin channels on all my guns. I now have enough stainless steel shavings to build another slide. I loaded about 10 Qtips with shavings from that striker channel, they just kept coming and coming. I wet one side with alcohol then dried with the other. I dont even know how that striker pin moved in that channel with all of those shavings in it, there were a LOT.

03-16-2012, 02:12 PM
Many thanks to all for your opinions. I decided to take it apart completely.

It might help in cleaning and long-term care. But that doesn't seem to be as important as I used to think. My main reason is just to learn how it works. This is the first gun I've owned that has a striker, not a hammer (OK: I'm an "older" guy!). Sure I can look at multi-colored diagrams showing how they work, but there's nothing like handling the parts and seeing how they all fit together (at least, I sure hope they will!).

Finally, I just like the look of fine craftsmanship, and the PM9 seems to be such an example.

If you can put it back together again just put the parts in a mailer and send them to Bawanna.