My CM9 failed today - updated...pistol on its way home!
Hi all -
My nearly new Kahr CM9 broke at the range today. I have yet to break it down to see what is going on inside, but the trigger stopped resetting while I was at the range today. I have put about 400 rounds through it and was testing out some JHPs to see what worked best and after 80 rounds or so, I put a new mag in, racked the slide and pulled the trigger...nothing, no bang! I thought maybe round didn't go into battery so I dropped the mag and racked the slide. Out popped the round. I tried it a couple more times to with no success. It won't even dry fire. What a bummer! Anyone have any insight to this? I assume I will need to send it back to Kahr, but I would love to know if this is common at all.