P380 inital impressions - shoots low and odd bullet debris in breech area
Hi Folks,
I’ve been thinking of getting a p380, but have been a little leery given the amount of issues I’ve seen while lurking on this forum. Anyway, the other day I saw a p380 at the local store that had been imported into California by someone who moved here so didn’t have the mag disconnect (yaaa) nor the LCI (double yaaa) and had a nice set of trijicon night sites. It was supposedly unfired, so I decided to take the plunge.
Today was my first time to get to the range with it. I took it apart, cleaned out the red grease stuff that was presumably from the factory, and oiled it up nicely. Anyway at the range I gave it 100 rounds of PMC bronze without a single malfunction. So considering what I’ve seen in these forums I should count myself lucky. However I do have a couple of questions for the experts.
Firstly, I noticed what looks like little gold specks in the breach area after I fire a mag. I assume that this material is bits of the copper jacket on the bullet, but what would be doing that? I chambered a round, then ejected it and didn’t see any scrapes on the bullet. Maybe it happens when the slide recoils and passes over the round in the mag. I guess it doesn’t matter, but I’m worried some part is going to break eventually.
Secondly, the p380 shoots about 6 inches low at 7 yards. It is incredibly precise; if I hold my aim at the same spot nearly all the holes are in about a 2 inch ring, but 6 inches below the point of aim. I also have a PM9 (which is awesome BTW) that shoots exactly where I point it if my grip is good. I have a glock 35, glock 27, and S&W 642 that all shoot exactly where I point them. I can even shoot an 8 to 10 inch group right on target with my 642 at 25 yards. So I don’t think it is my grip or trigger control although with such a small gun the grip is tricky, but I was very careful and smooth and still the thing shoots low. After figuring out that if I hold the bottom of the front sight dot aligned with the top of the back sight dots, then the thing shoots exactly where I point it. Maybe that’s no big deal but I don’t like having one pistol that requires a very different sight picture to all my others.
Do others have this issue with their p380s? Any advice other than to change the sights? I guess I should feel good that it shot without malfunction, but I’m greedy….
Thanks for your comments!