Mag Springs
Maybe it's just me getting older, 79 now. The springs in both the 6 and 7 shot mags seem to be growing stonger with age. My 1911 mags are easy to load and my sons Kimber in 9mm is a piece of cake to load.
So, my question, has anyone trimmed the springs in the PM9 mags to lessen the loading muscle needed?
IMHO, I don't think I would try it myself. A lot going on in those small guns. Those boolits need a good strong push out of that magazine. I started using a Maglula Uplula mag loader a long time ago. Saves on the fingers and leaves me more swear words for when they're really needed.
It's all about the timing of the action. How much time between when the slide is most rearward, and starts moving forward to strip off a new round. If the springs are weak, a new round may not be present to be picked up. This type of timing issue, is what caused a lot of earlier Officer 1911's to struggle with dependability. Weaker springs are usually not the answer.
Maglula Uplula mag loader, that's the answer, not shortened mag springs!
get a mag loader ; I bought a cheepo and it has worked great for years . damned if I can remember the name though; it is somewhat like the factory Glock mag loaders, and made just for 9mm single stack Kahr mags. maybe some less forgetful members know what I'm talking about.
The mag loader is a must. When was the last time you dismantled and cleaned and lubed your magazines. Now if you think Kahr’s are bad/ hard don’t buy a Sig 365.