We broke the record hi temp today, record was 78, set back in 1961, we hit 80. I almost turned my AC back on. Weird winter so far, down in the 20's next Sunday night.
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We broke the record hi temp today, record was 78, set back in 1961, we hit 80. I almost turned my AC back on. Weird winter so far, down in the 20's next Sunday night.
24 degrees? Hay Zeuss!!! Sounds like you and I are alike. I can’t get much done outdoors until cooler weather sets in. I know I drone on about the skeeters here, but I’m over the itching, that and no telling what they are carrying in them these days. Sounds like you’ve cozied up the shop real nice. I can just picture it. I wouldn’t mind having one of those stoves, or even a traditional wood burner, just in case. Got your shop wired? No more extension cords? Yep, I’m probably 10 years behind you. Extensions run everything I ever do out there. I’ve got a few years to go until retirement, but wiring, cooling and heating are on my list for out there. Sounds like you are livin the life now man. Congratulations on your upgrades!
You aint that far up above me. Always amazes me how much just a few hours of driving can make for a difference in temps. My car dash today said 85. I went for a walk after work and it felt like the 90’s for the first bit. Then some breezes and some sprinkles came and it got nice. Record temps? Must be that global warming. We all better start eatin z bugs or we are gonna fry!!!
Funny thing, I have an Electrician across the street, but could never get him to get around to wiring me up. I stumbled onto an Electrician (brother in law to my old construction partner) who I haven't seen or heard from in at least we figured 27 years. He had just retired. Wife was tired of waiting for the neighbor so she called and got a quote, even though all the wire was run and boxes etc in by another electrician a few months back. They wanted 7000 bucks!!! I thought a few more years of extension cords. Then I contacted my old sparky from days gone by and didn't want to bother him since he'd only recently retired but he said he'd do it if I couldn't find nobody. Long story short, he did the whole thing in about a long day for 1500 bucks parts and labor. I was pretty dang happy.
It’s good to know people like that, for sure. When I wanted a metal roof put on, I went to the guy I once sold metal roofing for. He had his son do all the flat runs as a side job, then my old boss and his best trim guy did all of the trim & details, also wrapping my fascia. Cost me $12k. About a month later, my neighbor, with a similar sized, but less complex roof, shopped around and ended up paying $14k for a new shingle roof. Since the metal roof went on, everyone around me has had to buy a new shingle roof, some twice. Man did I save some dough on that deal. Been through a few bad hurricanes and more than a few tropical storms since and she’s still doing great. You know the old saying, it’s not what you know but who you know! Glad you got a good deal. Leaves money for those shiny things mentioned earlier :cool:
57 today....67 tomorrow....72 Thurs.................crazy in these parts in November. I'll take it. Which reminds me. Get the snowblower working.
My son just returned from a trip to visit a Marine Corp buddy who was proposing to his girl. It was like a weekend camping trip. I told him long johns, and dress like nanook of the north. Turns out it was in the high 60's. Did rain for a bit. Called that one wrong I guess.
We had an exceptionally long dry hot spell in these parts but flipped a switch and late fall is upon us. Wet and cold. Just don't care for the cold these days.
My new pellet stove is working great out in the shop this morning. Not summer time warm but certainly knocking the edge off so a derelict can work without freezing. Works for me.
That 67-72 stuff… I LOVE IT! My dunlop makes anything above that have me headed for an air conditioned space. Funny, when I was a kid, I’d walk on pavement, barefoot, in 95 degree weather. Can’t wait for Florida to have a real winter. It’s been a while. Seems like the “palmetto bugs” and skeeters have proliferated due to no freezes.
Your son got to join in? Sounds like a kinky relationship. Not sure that one will last!
I know what you mean about the cold. Hands don’t like bumping into stuff when it’s like that. But cold down here aint cold like up there. Ya’ll got some real cold. Add the wet you mentioned and I just shut down. Time for heating, liquor and some boob tube at that point.
Just pick this up at the FFL :cool: