The gun itself appears relatively cared for other than the dyi slide release lever work which will be replaced. I was carrying my MK9 on that range visit and the cleaned 4 mags that came with it ran with no problems in my MK9. The “shelf” on the mag catch was the reason the for the click as the mag was dropping out. I’m on an email notification with Kahr when it becomes available again. Some time in the future I will disassembled the slide and clean the firing pin channel.
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Not new, just new to me. Looks like it was not shot much if at all though.
Before and after with stock grips and MSH, and then with the Sig MSH and a different pair of shoes.
Major improvement! That’s a sexy one there for sure! I like the underside of the grip being green like that. Goes with the rear sight dots! Drool!
Thanks Man. They make the KHX in Micro, Ultra, Pro, and Custom. Won't do the Custom but the others are very tempting. Especially the Ultra.
I feel you! I was on an officer kick for a while once. But I could not afford something like that at the time. I certainly would have gotten one if the funds were there!
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Not a new gun, but I was happy to find some .357 magnum at SGammo in Stillwater, Oklahoma for a not too outrageous price.
Seven boxes of 158 grain Federal American Eagle .357 semi-jacketed soft point in a steel ammo can. Two day service to my house. $275.35 including tax, free shipping.
Congrats Army! I’ve been having better luck finding deals on ammo than the guns I want lately. That’s cool it also came in the can, which can be repurposed. :cool:
I have been doing business with SG Ammo for many years. Never try to gouge you, like some others.