I believe those are Box Elder Burl. (Stabilized) I got the wood already stabilized. Guy does good stuff. I'd like to get a bunch more of it when the piggy bank is full enough.
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I believe those are Box Elder Burl. (Stabilized) I got the wood already stabilized. Guy does good stuff. I'd like to get a bunch more of it when the piggy bank is full enough.
Nice people on this forum.
On another note,
Now, I are a cowboy.
Picked up this to mate with my Uberti 1873 lever gun. Both in .357
[img] https://i.postimg.cc/7P1JCv5r/Taylor-Co.jpg[/img]
Always wanted one of these
They are great little guns but with the short barrel comes a short ejection rod which requires special attention when pulling the base pin as well as ejecting spent cases.
The lower and wider Bisley hammer gives you a sight picture with the hammer down as well as faster follow-up shots because the hammer is much easier to grab.
I have been through a half dozen SA Rugers in a variety of calibers. All of them great shooters but with their tall sharp hammers a PIA to cock so I sold them and moved on.
Mine shown above is made for mounted shooters so it has the wider hammer and came with a short stroke kit installed so it fits my needs perfectly. Those Italians make really nice replicas and the tolerances on this gun are perfect. They have also figured a way to have the firing pin retract without a transfer back so loading six is a safe option. I would have gone with a Colt but my fear was passing on a gun that if loaded incorrectly was a time bomb for anyone not understanding the relationship between a firing pin and a chambered round. Hickock45 graphicly demonstrates that with wooden rod striking the hammer on a Colt or replica without Uberti's hammer safety feature.
Two of my favorites. Think I was born a thumb buster.
An Uberti 45 Colt similar to your desire, and a 45ACP Ruger. I like the feel and weight of the Uberti, like the old Colts, but the Ruger while a bit heavier is fun to shoot and I got way more ACP than 45 Colt.
When we talk revolvers this is my most accurate Wamma Jamma
But for a 3" 357?
Ejects and loads rounds like a boss... :cool:
Those are Jet Loaders BTW
Model 65?
65-5 3” here. Great gun.