I miss the Hagg and Waylon, amazed Willie is still bending strings, his song “Roll me up and smoke me when I’m gone” says it all…..I was a country music fan until Nashville went woke……I didn’t leave country music, it left me……..
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I miss the Hagg and Waylon, amazed Willie is still bending strings, his song “Roll me up and smoke me when I’m gone” says it all…..I was a country music fan until Nashville went woke……I didn’t leave country music, it left me……..
Not really a Country Music guy.
SoCal in the 70s.
But the Man in Black is a Classic :cool:
Sorry about your loss bawanna. Lost my mom a little over 8 years ago. My dad is 92 and has been living alone but think those days are nearing an end. Lost 2 of his best friends this past year. All in their 90's as well. He"s taken it pretty hard. Seeing a significant decline since i last saw him in october. Hard to watch.
As for football I as a life long Falcons fan feel the pain, Watching the game and how it has evolved has been difficult with players making millions of dollars for sitting on the bench to do nothing…….if you want to read about what pro football was like back in the day buy a book from amazon called Fatso, Football when men were really men by Art Donovan jr……..Back in the day you played hurt because if you didn’t another guy would and you wouldn’t have a job no more…….Art was a man’s man and a real tough guy who played hard and left it all on the field
I sure miss Johnny too
I've read quite a few football books over the years but haven't come across that one. I remember one by John Matuszak in which he said sometimes he would hurt so bad on Monday mornings that he barely made it out of bed. By Tuesday he'd start to feel better, and on Wednesday he'd be almost good as new. When he was young that is. The Raiders in those days were a wild bunch. Another pretty good book was "Paper Tiger". I'll have to keep an eye out for "Fatso".
Your killin me Squints!
Speaking of clips, I think Kel Tec came out with a 5.7x28 loaded from stripper clips just so people who call them clips won't be wrong 100% of the time.
Bawanna, it is bitter sweet to say the least. Lost my mom to cancer in 92 and my dad years ago. Prayers on the way for you and yours. #4 shot works great on thinning out the vultures.