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Mine is 45 Colt. I kind a wish it was 44mag. I just today got some jacketed bullets to load for the 45. Course I got a 1000 hard cast lead to load only to have all the ranges not allow lead any longer. I try to shoot em over on vacation at an outdoor range. I found I loaded a lot of them too light. Cases get all black and dirty. Folks said not enough load, blowback since the case doesn't seal up I guess. Should pull em and do over I guess.
^^^Turned a natural work of art. Into a tool. :D
Amazing turnaround, and a whole lot of work.
Agreed! Those things started out looking like magnet fishing finds, or maybe farmers tilling up battlefields. I would love to tackle such a thing one day. I wonder where he finds those to start with.
His video editing and camera work makes it interesting too. Just wish he’d shoot ‘em at the end. Only thing I’d do different would be to use a gel stain on the “furniture” after the epoxy work. Would come out looking like wood, or closer to the originals I do believe.
He's a lucky guy. Didn't twist off no screws, a little oil and everything comes loose. If I tried that it would probably be a horror story for sure.
Just received a couple more extra 7 round mags for the two S9s recently purchased. These give me a total of four extra mags besides the four that came with the two pistols. (8 altogether).
Also bought another extra 7 round mag for the CT380 I gifted to my son last year, which will give him a total of four magazines for that one.