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Man I feel the pain…..In January 2021 our fridge started to have problems with the freezer staying cold enough and since it was pretty old the wife started looking on the interweb for reviews and the Samsung looked pretty good so we paid 22 hundred for a new bottom freezer stainless refrigerator…..They delivered it and everything seemed fine except that it didn’t make any ice so they sent a repair guy out and he replaced the entire ice maker with a new one which worked ok for 6 months and then it quit again so they sent the same guy out who replaced everything again on warranty and it was good for 6-8 months and you guessed it, no ice……Well long story short, we are out of warranty now and on the 5th ice maker and it’s starting to act up again……..There is no excuse for making a product so complicated that it doesn’t work…..Samsung makes great TV’s but appliances, not so good……..