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Well I can't speak for you Bird, but my Mom's nickname amongst her brothers and sisters was Goofy. I'm told I didn't fall very far from the tree. Still, if my RIA shoots as well as the Tisas' I've had and shot, I'll be happy with it now that I've removed the "paint" from the flats, and replaced some of the small bits. For you I think it represents a brand new, blank canvas that you can turn into a beautiful object. Harder to do that with a coated gun. For me I have it as shiny as I would want it to be, for carry purposes. And for what my lack of patience will allow.
BTW I think all 1911 extractors are bent to some degree. It's how they are tensioned (ie adjusted). I could be wrong on some of the higher tiered guns, like customs. But if you think about it, if the hook does not protrude inward from the inside edge of the channel it would likely not extend inward past the edge of the case rim. And they do act as a spring of sorts when latching onto and letting go of the case, so my hunch is that they are all bent to some degree. And 9mm have to be bent more to grab the smaller diameter of the case rim. So when being removed they have to be pushed outward more in order to get the hook "inside" the channel as it's being pushed or pulled out of the slide. The Weigand tool allows you to increase or decrease that bend in order to arrive at the proper tension. A good gunsmith with lots of experience probably does it by feel. I am not a gunsmith by any stretch and cannot get it done right by feel. Proper tensioning for autos is between 25 and 28ozs. Anything above or below will probably result in erratic extraction/ejection and FTE's, according to the things I've read.