I’m with Bawanna. I had a 30s one time and it shoots good, but it didn’t quite fit my hand and was traded for a CZ.
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I once had a G36 and a Ruger P345. The G36 was only a tiny bit smaller, but held one less round. I came to my senses and sold the Glock.
Well.....it followed me home! :amflag:
6 rounds opposed to 5....nicer feeling trigger. Loaded weights and they can use same holsters.
I snuck off to the indoor range with my new SP101. Damn, I love it. Shooting .32 S&W Long makes the coolest noise, just a "blam!" with zero recoil, makes me giggle like a schoolgirl. And .327 Federal Magnum is an authoritative "BANG!" with just enough recoil to feel like a serious caliber. The trigger feel was perfect, i.e. I didn't even notice it.
Well I'm gonna bit the punches, just ordered a spring kit from MCarbo. Watched a video. If yall hear some inappropriate language in a few days when it arrives, just cover your ears, I'll be fine. I might go out right now and try to take the thing apart. That'll give me time to hunt for lost parts and be ready to put em back with the new springs.
I bet! I never got to shoot a .32 S&W Long I once had. At the time, ammo was scarce and expensive. I have watched videos of folks shooting them. Really what gun stores should be talking little old ladies into, instead of 357’s. Hope to try one one day. Glad you are enjoying it! : )
Large zip locks are your friend! ;) I separated, to some degree, the little sections of the internals (this spring with the lever it pushed, that spring with the rod and pin that held it back, etc.) I have multiple little zip lock bags for that 1 gun. If I pass before I finish it, my wife is screwed. Some cat is gonna get lucky, seeing everything is there, but saying “oh wow, I have no way of knowing if it’s all there. It’ll take forever to put back together”, etc.
Parts only launch when you don’t disassemble in a ziploc bag.