Didn’t someone here have a CZ P-10C? They always looked boring to me, but I’m learning that they are actually awesome.
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Didn’t someone here have a CZ P-10C? They always looked boring to me, but I’m learning that they are actually awesome.
Low $300 range;
M model even cheaper.
The P-10SC is the one that gets my britches a bit stretched.
The CZ is probably a bit better quality. It's nice having better sights. The fact that the CZ has a heavier trigger, long reset, and no slide stop would be a killer for me. I paid under $250 for my Beretta APX Compact and am very happy with it for the $$$$. I don't pocket carry it. IMHO, when firearms get over the 15 oz. weight range, they become too heavy in the pocket.
My NIB CZ Shadow 2 Compact arrives tomorrow - I'm Stoked :cool:
You get an inheritance? They don't give those away. Hankered for one myself for a long time.
My new moto this year is - "You Only Live Once" - LOL!
I found one @ $1,239.99 with no tax + $20 shipping :cool:
Looked like that was slightly below MSRP.
And these guns have been selling well above that ...
Didn't many of us have some New Years Resolution about "No More Guns This Year"? LMFAO
BTW my Dad's turning 94 in a few days, and shows no signs of slowing down :D
Well happy dance for you. I love your motto and it seems very appropriate to me also.
So many toys, so little time, and small bank accounts.
My dad's 91 so I figure I have about as long. I hope I don't run out of ammo before I run out of money.