+1 as well! I too agree on the hogie grips. Utilitarian and menacing. I see they are putting the same trigger in there as what came in dao & mine’s RIA compacts. That’s a great value you got there and hope you get to go shoot it a bunch!
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+1 as well! I too agree on the hogie grips. Utilitarian and menacing. I see they are putting the same trigger in there as what came in dao & mine’s RIA compacts. That’s a great value you got there and hope you get to go shoot it a bunch!
New to me, but used, no excuses gun. It's just a bit larger than my P380, I can actually get a three-finger grip on it. And it's heavier also, though some of that is the laser grips I'm sure.
No mag: 14.11 vs. 9.97 of the P380
Empty mag: 15.66 vs. 12.00 of the P380
The Kimber Micro CDP is actually in the same ballpark weight-wise as the PM9. It should be relatively soft shooting.
My baby is back with the APEX Action Enhancement Kit installed.
Off the range tomorrow morning to see if it favors 124 or 147 gr ammo.
I'm so Stoked :cool:
Ran the spanking new gun (with APEX warmed over trigger) with:
50 HST 124 +P, 50 Winchester Ranger T-Series 147, 100 GECO 124 FMJ and 100 Speer Lawman 147 TMJ.
Gun ran flawlessly.
The Good:
The 6 lbs DA is the best Semi-Auto, hammer fired, DA I've ever shot :cool:
4 lbs SA is glassy without being too light (no unintended double taps).
The Bad:
The aluminum frame Shadow just doesn't feel as balanced or solid as the all-steel 75 Compact :(
It seems to have more felt recoil, isn't as smooth operating or as natural to point.
The Ugly:
I'm sure it's all me, but I'm not shooting the Shadow as well (low / left) :(
The head shots are 147 gr and the torso is 124.
I'm sure I need more range time, but this is a little disappointing.
You’ll get the feel for it and tighten that up.
Dude, that’s well within the ballpark of dead A-hole…….Always wanted a CZ but I’m a working man and maybe one day when the lotto comes around I can get me one of those bad boy CZ pistols………You shot well, light weight pistols shoot different but you’ll get it…..If I took that target home I’d be real proud…….
She's real purty Barth! And I'm with getsome on your paper punching. Not too shabby my friend!
Nice lil Kimber dao! You've been getting some real sharp one's added to your collection lately. I would be trying to keep up with you, but promised the wife no more until next year. Seems so far away!!!😔