It’s ok for a good used one, but offer $250.
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It’s ok for a good used one, but offer $250.
Picked up my 2nd Sig P365X this morning. It’s the “Texas Rangers” edition which was $100 less than my first one.
Guess they are slow sellers because of the Ranger embellishment on top of the slide. Don’t care one way or another, it is the same nice gun in spite of that, and cheaper.
I like everything about them except for the trigger. They are nice feeling/looking handguns though. I wouldn't care about the logo either. You are in the same state after all. How is that logo put on? Is it just a polished/lasered area?
Hard to tell how the logo was applied, but it looks like laser engraved.
These Sig triggers are a little gritty - not as nice as Kahr’s.
Unfortunately, My Sig Ultra is misbehaving.
I seems to run fine with FMJs and Wilson Combat Mags.
But FTF badly on Federal HST and Winchester Ranger T JHPs :mad:
I've run 200 FMJs and 100 JHPs with no joy with the HPs :(
I'll run 200 more FMJs soon, followed by an assortment of various 185/200/230 with Hornady and Remington JHPs.
Let's see if the gun is ammo sensitive ...
Novak sights, 25 lpi front/backstrap and stock grips all feels great and shoots POA/POI :cool:
Just need to find JHPs this gun likes :)
Hmmmmm…….I’ve got a few hundred rounds of the Federal HST.
Hope it works in these new guns.
Sounds like you do have issues. The Rangers and the HST's are pretty much all I shoot. Never had an issue with either one in any firearm.
I have heard that this is common problem with almost all ULTRA size 1911's. That is why I have not owned one [yet]. I do miss my Para LDA, never had any issues with it.
Picked up my new P2000 today from paperwork jail. HK P2000 in 9mm.
I like the ergos of my P30's, but this one is in the sweet spot between the SK's and the full size models in terms of size.
Already had some grandfathered hi-cap mags so this one will be loaded for bear.
Did they send you the gun with no mags or with 10 rounders? Been wondering about that. Haven't been able to buy anything that takes hi cap mags YET.