they are not actualy designed to rotate freely, some do, That pin is held in that lever by a very small set pin that if u look closely u might see where it is pressed in on the bottom of the slide lever even. Most cannot even see it, or even knew it was there.. that is where if any friction would be to prevent free play of the pin. Like the colonel stated, It absolutely makes zero difference in functionality. I have two PMJ9's and one moves freely but agan it has 32K rounds thorugh it and has been apart many times, the utter I bought used and it does not move freely and works just as good as the one that does, so IMO, it makes zero difference.The basic difference of the two slide stops, one being the MIM part which is on every cw and cm kahr and the other is a forged PIN only and not the lever part. It is made out of very highg priuority steel. I have yet to see a broken pin on any kahr, although I know of one that has happened on anutter forum.
I would not spend the money to buy the two peace slide stop lever if ur kahr comes with the one peace, IMO ur wasting good money, but again that is ur call to make. MIM parts in certain areas are a must for cost purposes and today good MIM parts are high quality.
I woul think if u hav ethe two peace version and u want to try to free it up some, then chuck it up (the pin ) in a drill and put the lever in a vixe and put some oil there and give it a spin with the drill , a variable drill at low speed will give the best results. It will work on some and on some not:Amflag2:
I ordered a new one a few months ago and got a one piece . My PM40 came stock with a 2 piece . the new one piece was out of spec a little and was catching on the rounds in the magazine and causing the slide stop to lock the slide prematurely, with rounds still in the magazine. It took me some time to figure out what was going on. it looked exactly like the other one but when I put a micrometer on it i found it to be a little long, I carefully filed a little off and presto all my problems went away.
Can someone post pics of this mod? Most of the old pics have been deleted by the pic host.
One thing that I've always liked about Kahr pistols is their outlandishly over sized slide release. In a gun fight when the adrenaline is pumping and my fine motor skills leave me, I don't have to fumble around looking for it. John M. Browning was of the same mind. :)