E9, K9 and a K40. Favorite? I'll say the E9 as it was my first Kahr.
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E9, K9 and a K40. Favorite? I'll say the E9 as it was my first Kahr.
Picked this up last month, made in 1996, nickel finish Lady K
That extra weight and Hogue grips make it a very soft shooter
Early enough it still had the soft rubber grips. Don't know why they ever quit hanging those on their guns. They are really nice.
I was told the were made by Hogue grips and then Hogue bought out the Trojan condom company and they needed all the ruber they could get so they dropped the rubber grips on the kahrs. Might just be rummor but the Trojan ribbed model sure looks and feels like the Kahr grips. Again, just what I hear, might again be just rumor.
Dang new guy come in and spreads smut and gutter talk.
Probably a greasy biker too, I'm pretty good at profiling.
Technically not a Kahr, but it's an Auto Ordnance I just traded for!
Nice! They do weigh a ton though don't they.
Very cool trio.