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Best video angle of the regional plane crash in Toronto.
Forgive me if I take up an offense for my wife, a master teacher of 30+ years. If this is a part time job I will eat my hat! She averages over 12 hours per day, works weekends and holidays thanks to the additional work expectations, forms, calls that need to be done after hours. And I don't know any of us who would like a three month unpaid layoff each year. Yes, they take the 9 months of salary and divide it by 12 which makes people think this is a really cush job. Cannot tell you the times I had to control myself when some ignorant person insisted that teachers work from 8 to 3:30 and it is a cushy job. This is her last year, thank GOD, the situation is getting untenable in the schools, and we are in a great school district.
Rant over.
Well my neighbor is a history teacher and he brags about the fact he only works 40-45 hours a week and gets 2 weeks off at Christmas, 2 weeks off for spring break and many holidays. He also BRAGS about getting the summer off and takes big vacation with his family every summer; he said he then "writes a paper about it" and gets to deduct vacation off his taxes as a research for his school class work. He makes $68k a year. He also gets to collect Social Security and PERA when he retires. [PERA is public employees retirement association pension.] Between the 2 pensions he will gross about 5k per month when retired. Your wife may be the exception to most teachers. Some teachers care more about doing a good job than others. Just like many other jobs, you have good workers and slackers.
My daughter is in her third year of teaching, the last two in a private school. Money is tight for her, and she’s considering getting a masters so she can earn more. She seems to like it in spite of the students’ lack of motivation and skills.
My cousin was an ATC (air traffic controller) who retired early after 20 years of high stress on the job in Kansas City.
He went back to school, earning a teaching certificate and took a job at an inner city high school.
He lasted just one semester before bailing out. Lol
I wouldn’t last long as a teacher even if I was smart enough for the job because the first time some little smart ass punk spit on me they would get to study what the earth looks like from orbit and I’d be in jail……Back in the day teachers had respect and if not the principal had a boat paddle with holes in it to make sure you behaved in the future, today schools are a free for all war zone…….No thanks
Teaching today's youth with little support from parents would be real tuff. Many parents don't parent.
I attribute it a lot to working parents who have day care raise their children. My wife and I agreed beforehand that raising the kids was her job. I don't think we even left them with relatives before they were 2 or 3 and then only for an evening etc. As they reached school age and prior she did some work from home stuff. Best was working lures for Dick Nite, did that for like 25 years, and I did some also during that time.
We're watching my newest grandson on Mondays and Wednesdays while his mom has to work in the office, we're trying not to screw him up too much. I think he'll be ok.