ok, I see said the blind man. I willbet ur now good to go..
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ok, I see said the blind man. I willbet ur now good to go..
I think this might be beneficial enough that it might be a good stand alone sticky material. It will be easy to find based on the title for those who do the same thing.
If you feel it's better in GB's previous fix thread we can remove the sticky and add it there. For now I'll hang a sticky on it.
It's not always the Noobs that come up with inventive problems. I've tried to do the same thing, but didn't get a super jam. I realized I had left the slide lock in after testing magazines. I ALWAYS make sure the I get the slide lock pin through the hole in the barrel lug or the action link... on all types of pistols.
I'm glad that the Perfessor was able to help him and that there was no round in the barrel!:eek: It's great that he's gifted in video and photos as well. :):cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
I still think about that case where the guy was having problems and tried chambering a round!:eek::eek:
I stayed away from Kahr's just because of reports of them jamming up if not assembled correctly and, knowing me, I'd do it right off the bat!
Now I see that it's really not a problem.
my problem w/the 380 I have is that the cam paddle will not let the slide go back on the frame. the paddle that the "clip hook" is on in these pics is stopping the rear of the slide to go on the frame...any ideas?
You guys saved me from having to ship my gun back because of this thread.
Also the idiot Kahar CS guy was telling me to use a hammer & I new that would not work.:eek:
Thanks again!:)
what wyn stated is the way to istall all kahr slides to. TheP380 squeezes alot of stuff in a smaqll frame and once u learn the technique, u willbe good to go. Practice does not make perfect, but perfect practice does.
This new cw380 has gotten me realy exicted. Last time I got this excited was when I heard Monica was in town. Just sayin:D
I am new to the kahr line, having just acquired a pm9. I have read everything available ( including kahr talk) and watched every video, before I bought it. I followed all the break-in instructions (which were greatly appreciated). I have about 500 rounds down range (flawlessly) and have assembled and disassembled it perhaps 30 times; feeling rather comfortable with the process.
This week, after cleaning, I reassembled, racked it a few times, pulled the trigger, and no trigger pressure/click. I figured that the cam was in the wrong position and I would just start over with a disassembly. The slide is stuck. I can pull it back about 1/2inch. By playing with the trigger, I can pull the slide back all the way about 1 out of 10 times. It will only go forward about 1/4 inch.
I noticed that if I insert the magazine, I can rack it back, but nothing going forward.
I can replace the slide pin and then rack it normally, however, without any trigger action. The trigger travels the full distance smoothly, but it is disengaged.
I tried the paper clip trick hoping to move the cam, but with no positive result.
Should I send it back to Kahr? I'm not the handiest guy in town.
There are more than a few things that can cause the trigger bar to not reset.
If you don't feel comfortable working on it, please do contact Kahr customer service about repairing it.
If you would like to give it a go yourself:
I'd first verify whether or not the trigger bar is returning to full height as can be seen by the disconnector's position in this photo:
Obviously, this is best seen with the slide removed, but could also be verified with the side plate removed. Let's talk about the getting the slide off first.
The first thing I would try is to insert a tool into the magazine well to see if the trigger bar can be pushed into a position that resets it.
Run the slide forward and push the trigger as far forward as it will go. Now insert your tool of choice into that mag well and push up on the trigger bar:
Try the trigger (it maybe necessary to keep pressure on the trigger bar). If it will release the striker, then proceed with disassembly using this technique.
If it doesn't release the striker, the slide can still be removed using the paper clip method.
This is not an easy dance. The clip must be positioned behind the lobe that engages the striker. That lobe is then pulled rearward (this will also require some downward pressure on the paper clip). When doing this during disassembly, forward pressure must also be applied to the slide. The slide will pop off/move forward when the lobe is pulled down.
If you can't get this to work, lock the slide back, then remove the rear plate and striker components, https://www.google.com/search?q=kahr+slide+disassembly&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
It will be awkward with the slide on the pistol, but I believe it can be done.
Continued in next post.....