Anyone here ever had a chance to see/fondle an H&K SPF9CC?
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Anyone here ever had a chance to see/fondle an H&K SPF9CC?
Isn't that the new striker fired wonder nine that hasn't yet been introduced into the public market?
I think so. I wish they would have made it DA/SA and my search would be over……
I’d like to see one though.
Have spent quite a bit of time trying to find one for sale, Zero. I don't thing they have released it yet. On the YOUTUBE with James Reves, he said to the HK rep that the gun has been three years in development. The rep said, something to the tune, that they will wait longer until perfect. Maybe they do not want to release NOW as to get lost in the ocean of Micro 9mm now available. It is a unique gun for sure. Looking forward to handling one or at least SEE one.
I sure do like the looks of the Kimber EVO..............anyone own one????????? Too bad they're mucho denaro.
Yes indeed, a beautiful gun. And as you say a whole lot of cash. However I would prefer to have the K6 revolver. And YES, I would love to see Kahr forget about a new 9mm semi, and come out with a Revolver. One with the same great trigger, same Kahr quality. I think it would draw more attention to Kahr than any Semi which there is a Ocean full of. The Taurus 856 is getting a lot of attention, and Henry just came out with their first Revolver.
I have one. Bought it off gun broker new in box for about $450 I think. It’s the Evo SP Select version (the so called cheaper one). It’s a tack driver. Trigger is kinda like a Sig 365 trigger. Pulls a consistent 6 pounds. Has a Glock like trigger dongle on it but the trigger is metal and the trigger pull is good. Slide is about as hard to rack as my CM9. It has been 100% reliable over 500 rounds. It can be a little challenging to take the slide off. It will come with 7 round mags but takes Kimber micro 9 six round flush mags also. It’s a very nice pistol. The best and most accurate review I have seen is on “The Concealed Carry Channel” . Only thing I wish it had was a thumb safety, although in a good holster it would be fine.
By the way, I got an email from Kimber that they are discontinuing production of this pistol this summer. Guess there was not much demand.
video below.
I would say that you got a great quality firearm and a super deal. Never shot the gun, but you can see the quality. Appears to be yet another under rated pistol. It is interesting to see that they discontinued it. This might be a gun that if you keep searching, you will see a price drop which happens on most discontinued guns. And of course someone will get a great gun.
Since H & K doesn't like the public, and thinks that civilians should not own
their products, I'm with them! Won't buy any of their nazi crap!
Who told you they don't like the public? Or that they're nazis?
Although I don't share the nazi sentiment as the previous poster, I have to say that many people's experience with H&K has left a sour taste in their mouth. I own two and love them. However, I found it frustrating when needing something as simple as a recoil spring assembly, I was met with "it might be a couple months before we ship any parts to the US suppliers" from their mother ship. Luckily I was able to track down one of the last recoil spring assemblies in the US for my USP from an HK forum that was kind enough to search all of the US suppliers. After six months of waiting to get a second one, I gave up trying.
I've been waiting years for a Kahr sized HK. A small, thinner gun that works every time. Might replace the P2000sk as my favorite pistol.
Yes indeed yqtszhj. Thirteen in the mag, one in the pipe, and a 15rd spare. Carries well. And can even carry it in Condition One.
Yes, the new Hk gun has not been released to the public yet.
Not even in Pre-0rder.
Buzz is that it will be released to German LE first to wring out any last minute details.
So when is anybody's guess.
But it's likely to be available sometime in 2024.
Unlike Sig and others, Hk will not use the general public as beta testers.
I've currently got 13 Hk handguns.
And will definitely have one of these when available.
PSA has FDE VP9s with NS and free shipping on sale right now for $499.
Along with the year end HK rebate deal of $200.
You can add 4 additional OEM 17 round mags to the 2 that come with the gun.
NS are the new XS Big Dots.
It's one of the best deals on Hk guns I've ever seen.
Just got the package for my grandson for Xmas.
This year I'm Grandpa Clause LOL!
That picture is my exact setup you posted there, safety version and all.
Have you got one of the 15 round magazines specifically designed for the VP9/P30SK? If so how do you like it? I looked at those but they didn’t look as size efficient and I have lots of the P30 mags I could carry already.
Nothing will/could replace my P2SK as my favorite. I have compacts. I have full size. The P2SK fits right between.................
15rd mag adds about 3/8" to the grip length. The key to comfort though is to have X-Grip spacers for them.
Here's how the HK mags shake out in terms of interchangeability
I've had X-Grip spacers crumble and self destruct over time.
Recommend using OEM HK mags :cool:
I've got a P30SK with flush, 13 and 15 round mags.
Prefer the feel of the rounded 13 round mags.
They are not that expensive if you know where to look :D @ $19.99 @ $24.99
Mine with OEM 13 sans X-Grip
My 13rd'ers do not have X-Grip spacers on them, they're factory. Never had an X-Grip spacer crumble though.
I did not know that HK made a 15rd flush fit for a P30SK (or VP9SK). Too bad for me since I now live in a socialist utopia state. I can use my 10+rd mags because I bought them before the law went into effect and so they're grandfathered, but I would become a law breaker if I was to purchase additional ones. Makes perfect sense right?
Used to be able to walk into my LGS and with my CCW could purchase a gun and walk out with it. Now, I walk in with my CCW, carrying concealed, and I have to wait for an approval to come back within 10 business days before I can leave with a newly purchased gun. And after the first of the year I'll have a mandatory 10 day wait, as well as having to purchase a "permit" to buy for every purchase I make. That's our local state officials following the Constitution and "not infringing" on my 2A rights. I legally walk in armed, but have to wait 10 days to leave with a different gun. As I said, makes perfect sense, right? Sorry for the rant.
You and I will have a new $18 fee (as told to me by my LGS), payable to the State Patrol, for them to issue you a permit to purchase.
68th Legislature
2023 Regular Session
AN ACT Relating to enhancing requirements for the purchase or transfer of firearms by requiring a permit to purchase firearms, firearms safety training, and a 10-day waiting period, prohibiting firearms transfers prior to completion of a background check, and updating and creating consistency in firearms transfer and background check procedures; amending RCW 9.41.090, 9.41.047, 9.41.092, 69.41.094, 9.41.097, 9.41.0975, 9.41.110, and 9.41.1135; adding a new section to chapter 9.41 RCW; creating a new section; repealing 2019 c 8244 s 1; and providing an effective date.
Section 8
(2) A dealer shall charge a purchaser or transferee a background check fee in an amount determined by the Washington state patrol and remit the proceeds from the fee to the Washington state patrol on a monthly basis. The background check fee does not apply to any background check conducted in connection with a pawnbroker's receipt of a pawned firearm or the redemption of a pawned firearm.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 11. This act takes effect January 1, 2024.
Yep. And on a per-purchase basis. But it's more than money grabbing. It is also another impediment for law-abiding gun owners to have to work through. Also, there is a 5 minute online "training course" you have to take, but only one time.
I'm pretty sure that LGS' will now also have to purchase a once per year $150 "license" to sell. And it may be that there will be one required for pistols and a separate for long guns. Let's hope ferguson doesn't win next november. These last three bills were his doing. Because he just knows they will lessen crime, according to him.
Not to focus on local but most of the bad stuff in this state comes from Ferguson. As you say, we pray that someone else will take the helm and fix all this stupid stuff.