I just joined and was wondering, what do I have to do to add an avatar? There is no place under avatars to up load one. I added a profile picture, but can't add an avatar. What did I miss?
Sgt Saunders
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I just joined and was wondering, what do I have to do to add an avatar? There is no place under avatars to up load one. I added a profile picture, but can't add an avatar. What did I miss?
Sgt Saunders
I do believe this is now fixed, but let me know if you still have issues.
Thank you!
All set, it works like a charm.
Thanks :D
Just wondering why the upload of my avatar failed.
So, can anyone give me spacific instructions on adding an Avatar. I am new here and cannot figure it out and see not instructions on this thread. Thanks
I believe you have to have a certain number of post, 25 I think before you can do the avatar thing. I thought that was the issue on the earlier posters as well but I could be wrong too. It happened once before, I think it was 1968, felt kind of foolish, it was a yes or no question and I picked wrong. Dumb.
Sorry Tin but now there are other options. :)
:typing: SoQuote:
I believe you have to have a certain number of post, 25 I think before you can do the avatar thing
if I
at least
twenty five
posts. I get to add an advatar. Sweeeeet!
Off to try to add my advatar.....
[QUOTE=haven;170381]I'm no much of a soer but I do knit from time to time. Do you think that's girly man?Quote:
[/I believe you have to have a certain number of post, 25 I think before you can do the avatar thing.QUOTE]
Apparently the avatar thing worked for Sgt Saunders with 14 post so my information must not be correct.
Do you need help my new friend?
You are a sneaky one there haven. Best of luck with your avatar. Can't wait to see it.
Darn it... Now I have to find something for my advatar....
The internet is your clam shell or oyster, well somebodies shell.
There's pictures of everything, mind boggling.
An avatar is worth 56 words, some say a 1000 but I think that's urban legend, choose wisely.
Still won't let me add one....
Sounds like a job for our technical dept. Jocko? Are you about.
I'm not too strong in some of this computer stuff but there's some real smart folks around here.
If we can't figure it out I'll take it upstairs to the top, actually the elevator would be handier for me 84th floor an all, to JohnH, our fearless leader, he's wicked smart on this stuff.
I just played around with changing my avatar using larger than allowed images and then going back to the one I sized correctly. Every time I changed the avatar and saved the change, the upload "failed" but the change was made... no problems!
You have to select using an avatar and then browse for one on your computer or input a URL to one for use. I would advise saving a copy to your computer and then cropping the COPY -- NOT the original -- to the size/ratio that you want and then saving that to be your avatar. I also correctly size mine as well, but whatever you select will be re-sized to fit into 80 by 80 pixels, though cropping can help get the effect that you want beforehand.
I use MS Paint to convert image types... GIFs to JPG, etc. Then I use the MS Fax and Photo viewer to edit the JPG... crop and re-size, etc. Again, I would advise making a copy to EDIT so that you won't lose the original image.
Update: I now use Microsoft office 2010 to edit my photos... easy to crop and resize.
How about this?
OMG.... I love it!!
I don't even see the option to allow me an avatar. When i click on "edit avatar" in my control panel. It comes up with with something that says "currevt avatar" and box is clicked that says "do not use an avatar" It won't let me unclick it though.
Try logging out and back in.
If you want that one resized, let me know
I just tried to add it for you apparently without success, it said it was successful, Boss, I hope I didn't break anything.
It added it but it's huge.
Needs to be resized
I had my neice come see if she could get it to work. She clicks on edit and the one you tried putting in for me was there. But, she clicked something and then it disapeared.
I'm a gosh darned bull in a china closet. I deleted it. I was so proud of myself only to crash and burn in disappointment.
Sorry I let ya down.
Try downloading this version
I went back to where it says to edit avatar. But, I can't figure out how to add it. It won't let me unclick the box that says "do not use avatar.....GRRRRR
Did you log out of Kahrtalk and log back in?
yes, I did. I'll try that again though...
I'm the smartest man alive!!!!!!!!:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
I did it, I did it, with a little help from Tinman, well actually Tinman did everything, or at least all the hard stuff.
you are da man!!
Thanks Guys!!!
I was going to use a picture of my first handgun. But, this one rocks!
oh...and my niece informed me that just closing down this page isn't "logging out"
Since we are on a roll......How do I change my user ID? It's driving me crazy that I didn't capitalize the "h"